Campaign Feedback: Too Short Retreat Time

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Campaign Feedback: Too Short Retreat Time

Post by AzinFiro »


In single player campaign mode, fairly far in, but who knows exactly how far since you don't number, name, or make mission available once they're completed/failed, you are sent off to a remote location to gather artifacts before some other faction gets hold of them. Once that's taken care of, you have 2 mins and 30 secs to return to LZ, but the slower units won't have time to go from the final objective to the LZ, and it's completely unrealistic that you will take on the forces in this particular mission with only lightly armored vehicles.

This means that even if you essentially complete the mission, which is necessary before you get the "return to LZ" objective with a 2.5 min retreat time, you still fail the campaign because your armored units can't make it halfway across the map in time.

Therefore I plead that you consider removing retreat time altogether as it's sort of strange to have in the first place in my opinion. However, if there is a good reason for it, which I admit, I may have overlooked, then at least consider increasing the it to at least 4.5 mins on this particular mission.

Thank you.

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Re: Campaign Feedback: Too Short Retreat Time

Post by vexed »

It shows you the level name here...
level_name.PNG (34.3 KiB) Viewed 5635 times
As far as 2 1/2 mins to get back to the LZ?
I don't recall anything like that...

Oh, and I hope you are playing with the videos installed, it helps with the story & info on what is going on.
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Re: Campaign Feedback: Too Short Retreat Time

Post by Bethrezen »

Are you talking about alpha 11 where you have to intercept the new paradigm and stop the units escaping with the heavy cannon tech ?

if so that mission is actually pretty easy.

1.) load up 8 heavy machine gun python haft tracks an experience commander, and a truck then take off.

2.) upon landing build a repair bay attach your heavy machine gun python haft tracks to your commander and immediately move down in to the valley ignore the scavs for now and while they move in to position call in some more heavy machine gun python haft tracks

3.) upon entering the valley you should get a message about new paradigm scout team making off with the artefact that's fine they wont get past your heavy machine gun python haft tracks

4.) with the artefact recoverd retreat back to your repair bay get fixed and meet up with your reinforcements, research the tech and take down the 2 southern scav bases, mean while call in a scanner and some mortars

5.) when the mortars arrive move them up the ramp to the new paradigm base, while you wait for them to move in to position take your heavy machine gun python haft tracks round the back of the new paradigm base and take out the scavs in the top right hand corner of the map

6.) with that done wait for your mortars and scanner to arrive on the plato where the new paradigm base is eliminate all remaining enemy units with the mortars you should get the return to LZ message so return back to the LZ you should have between 5 and 10 mins left at this point which is plenty of tine to get everyone back before the time runs out in fact it should be more then enough time to wipe only not only there units but all there structures to and still have enough time to fall back to the LZ

you do have to move quick on that mission though because unlike most missions where you are given way more time then you need that mission only gives you barely enough time so no dawdling you need to take off within 60 seconds of the mission starting because you need every minute if you dawdle then you will fail the mission
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Re: Campaign Feedback: Too Short Retreat Time

Post by NoQ »

I've never noticed any missions in which retreat time is capped separately from the mission time.
Maybe you can look up this level in my old walkthrough (see signature link).
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