10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

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10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

Post by meeso »

Hello everyone, i really hope you will like it. Please tell me what you think; i wished the user guide was wikish; so you can change this if you like it. I tried my best to emphasize through the tone that in the end, it's the player who makes his own research strategy. Thank you.

Research strategy tips
(10 tips for beginners, until they develop their own personal expert preferences!)

Researching military technologies is a very essential element of playing the game and, ultimately, winning a battle. The research process is almost like an ongoing independent strategy game that accompanies the main strategies and tactics of the battle field. Research strategy can sometimes be the decisive way through which a player can overcome the opponent's defences or repel an eminent attack, and rebalance or advance his forces and power supply against those of his opponents.

The general principle in research strategy is that it is constantly subject to the fluctuations of the situation in the field and of the conditions of the opponents. Thus, sometimes it becomes necessary or beneficial to research defensive technologies in order to confront a new weapon acquired by an opponent (such as anti aircraft) or to better defend a newly structured repair facility or Oil Derrick in the middle of the field. In other times, researching a special type of weapon or vehicles' bodies enables the unites to break through special types of defences; and so on. There will quickly be unlocked a big number of technologies to research and it will not be possible to research them all at once. Prioritizing one technology over another, or researching for one type of unite rather than another (such as turrets, cyborgs, structures, vtol), is what makes up your research strategy.

Technologies may be categorized under 3 categories:
1) Weapons (used by turrets, cyborgs or Aircraft for either attack or defence).
2) Defensive and protective structures.
3) Base and infrastructural technologies (such as power modules to enhance power supply, repair facilities to fix damaged forces, stronger bodies for forces and trucks, upgrades of these, etc.)

tip 1: in order for the research of any of these categories to unfold, researching *ENGINEERING* is a must. This research will also Upgrade construction speed to 110% and unlock the Combat Engineer cyborg.

tip 2: Following researching engineering, researching *Fuel Injection Engine* (which upgrades vehicle engine output to 105%) opens the way to researching two important weapons, the Flamer and Mini-Rocket Pod. The flamer can be repeatedly upgraded, leading to a very powerful weapon against turrets, cyborgs and bunkers. Upgrading the Mini-Rocket Pod unfolds to stronger automatic upgrades of the same weapon, and also to another powerful weapon: the *Mini-Rocket Array* which is considered by some to be very good to manufacture early on in the game.

tip 3: Fuel Injection Engine also unlocks the *Power Module*, which upgrades power production to 125%. Order your trucks to upgrade your power generators by clicking the trucks then the generators. Later if you want to build new generators, this research enables you to build them with the power module without having to order your trucks to upgrade manually.

At this point you have done five researches: engineering, Fuel Injection Engine, Mini-Rocket Pod, Mini-Rocket Array and Power Module. You might have decided to also research *Twin Machinegun* and *Heavy Machinegun* to expand your weapons variety. However, now you have more power supply and at least three new types of weapons (Flamer, Mini-Rocket Pod, and Mini-Rocket Array). It's time to seek a more powerful factory production.

tip 4: Engineering will also unlock the *Cyborg Factory*, which is good to begin manufacturing cyborgs. Researching the Cyborg Factory and the Power Module will in turn unfold the *Factory Module* which enhances the factories production and allows you later to manufacture weapons such as medium and heavy cannons and mortars, and unites with heavier bodies to reduce damage. Upgrading the factories works in exactly the same way as upgrading the power generator, though you will have to upgrade them manually with your trucks twice rather than once.

With time and practice, all these previous steps can be done fairly quickly; it's important to go quick in warzone2100, and you might have decided to set out in search for power resources now. Good choice! You have successfully ordered your truck to build an oil derrick farther from the base, but wait now; your opponent has been doing just the same thing, and you have come in contact with his forces for the first time. They're actually firing at your oil derrick and at your truck. Excitement begins, what a game! But don't lose the focus now; maybe it's time to begin thinking of how to defend yourself in terms of research.

tip 5: There are too many defensive and protective structures that could freer your mobile units from their guarding duties. *Hardcrete* comes right after researching engineering, and it unlocks many of these structures. There are towers and bunkers and hardpoints, and it's up to your power supply, strategic experience, and knowledge of your opponent's might, to choose which is best for you. (see defenses). Anti Aircraft (AA) is particularly necessary to fend against vtol raids, which if not repelled, could strike all your base down (Remember that you can order your vtols to defend against vtol raids, see Basics » Ordering Units).

tip 6: Speaking of your opponent's might, this might be exactly the time when you should begin researching the *Sensor Turret*, which unlocks the *Sensor Tower*. Sensors enable you to see the movement of your opponent's forces in their range, and you can assign your mortar (artillery) units to them, to strike with precision and from a location far from the back-fire range of the opponent's forces. (see how sensors work). The sensor tower research will unlock the *Command Relay Post*, which after building it, enables your factories to manufacture *commanders*, which work in a similar way to the *sensor turret* but you can assign any forces to it, and not just mortars. There has been some debate about the worth of commanders, but you must try it and make your own valuation! (see how commanders work).

tip 7: Yet even if you don't find commanders useful, There is a big importance to researching the Command Relay Post; it unlocks the *Research Module*, which enhances the work of your research facilities themselves, thus making research goes faster and unlocks various technologies in the tech tree. There are series of research facilities upgrades, first time is manual, then automatic as you just research the new upgrades.

At this point, the situation in the field is probably wild! You have managed to acquire some new power resources and built oil derricks, your opponent did the same, each one of you know their borders and is trying to breach beyond them. It is here that the strategic and tactical experience will be most needed, and what are you going to research now is just a very important part of that experience. But remember, what's happening in the fairly chaotic field should be your first guide.

Up till now you have researched some defensive structures, power, factory, and research modules, cyborg factory, sensor turret and tower. But what about WEAPONS?! There is for the time being only the MG, flamer, Mini-Rocket Pod, and maybe also Mini-Rocket Array; is it not time to go wholly prepared for the big battle?

You might have favoured researching weapons over other technologies for the sake of maintaining weaponry mastery in the field (such as postponing the sensors or the defensive structures). And you might have decided to build more research facilities to be able to research more than one technology at the same time (note that this will consume from your power supply!). These "strategic" decisions make up the game itself and the enjoyment of playing it. But before talking about weapon development, maybe it's important to speak of the repair turret and repair facility.

tip 8: Engineering allows you to research the *Mobile Repair Turret*, which after manufacturing, you can order it to repair damaged unites if it does not repair them automatically (it does so only if it is close enough to them, thus placing it can make a difference in the middle of the battle). This research (along with the factory module) will in turn unlock the *Repair Facility* technology; it is a structure that you can build, and instruct your unites to retreat to for repair when they reach a certain threshold of damage (you do this through the "Unit orders menu"; see Basics » Ordering Units). Repair is essential to maintaining the number of unites and sustaining their health; the earlier you build a repair facility the better.

tip 9: Preferences in researching weapons are wildly varied, but one principle remains: "upgrades" play a very important role in developing a strong, and sometimes VERY strong weapon. Sometimes developing such a weapon before your opponent could simply mean that winning the battle becomes only a matter of time. The *Heavy Cannon*, *Inferno flamer*, *Pepperpot mortar*, *Ripple Rockets*, *Tank Killer*, and *VTOL Heavy Laser*, are good examples of such very strong weapons that you acquire only after a long series of upgrades, and which also cyborgs and defensive structures can use (see Turrets > Weapons). Another principle is to think in terms of "what is it" that you want to attack and plan your research accordingly. A dozen Aircraft fighters can take ages to rid you of a little bunker, where few Inferno flamers can finish the job in a blink of an eye. It is through experience and observation, and sometimes through chatting with other players, that you will develop the knowledge of such combinations and matches.

tip 10: Connected to the power of attack is also how strong and enduring are the bodies of the attacking unites. In the middle of the battle and somewhere while researching all these different technologies, it will make a big difference when to research a heavier body for your unites or for a specific type of your unites. Sometimes such research will be necessitated by defence duties or to avoid unites loss. A heavy cannon *Mantis* turret, and let alone *Tiger* or *Vengeance* or *Dragon*, will take all the fire and penetrate through all the defensive towers, bunkers and hardpoints, destroying them one by one, and striking down any mobile unite that comes in its way, and finally get back to its repair facility without being destroyed yet. Researching such heavy and enduring bodies is unlocked by upgrading the research facility itself, and by researching a series of *engines* and *Composite Alloys* upgrades. (see Bodies and Propulsions).
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Re: 10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

Post by lav_coyote25 »

we do have a wiki - you are welcome to place your strategies for those new to the game in there... and welcome to the forums.
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Re: 10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

Post by Zarel »

Although the forum is a better place for it, so we can review it before placing it on the Guide.

As for this specific guide, it has a few minor errors (for instance, you always need to build a generator before you can build a power module, and they give 150% bonus, not 125%). More importantly, it's not coherent enough - people aren't going to have a very good idea of what to research once they finish reading this.
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Re: 10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

Post by meeso »

lav_coyote25 wrote:we do have a wiki - you are welcome to place your strategies for those new to the game in there... and welcome to the forums.
Hi lav_coyote25, thanks for the welcome!
Where is the wiki ??!?!?!
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Re: 10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

Post by meeso »

Zarel wrote:Although the forum is a better place for it, so we can review it before placing it on the Guide.

As for this specific guide, it has a few minor errors (for instance, you always need to build a generator before you can build a power module, and they give 150% bonus, not 125%). More importantly, it's not coherent enough - people aren't going to have a very good idea of what to research once they finish reading this.
Hi Zarel and thank you for you reply. i really tried to make it particularly as much coherent as possible; it's really complicated you know, and u don't really get to the hang of research until after you begin playing the game. I assume that those who will benefit from these tips are just like me when i was at the very beginning; quite lost in the game, and i kept getting back again and again to the user guide. I think the user guide is also not yet coherent regarding research, and regarding the representation of information in general. Some friends of mine got so lost in it that they couldn't continue playing (and now i play alone, with that either very easy or very cheaty AI!) :)

The most common complaint i heard is that it's very difficult to know "what is the next step" after doing something. Beginners get lost in what they should do, and they panic when they see the first attack of the opponent. (u know real time strategy means great spontaneousness and adrenaline!) that's why i was very interested in a chronological narrative for the tips. Also, another common complaint from beginners, is that they don't really know the potential of things, and sometimes how they work. This is of course the problem of the beginners, since what they're looking for would probably be mentioned here or there in the user guide. But now i understand the user guide fully because i understand the game and have experienced it quite well. The beginner tend to be really lost, especially in a game like this; probably the most complex game ever, right?

I adore this game and i'm really publicizing it everywhere, and that's why i'm interested in the experience of the beginner and how it could be assisted. And i like to present them with something like: how to think in terms of consequential or related "objectives", how to build your military strength, how research is done, categories of weapons and technologies and unites, which is all already in the user guide, but i'd like to add something especially for the lost beginner! so that when they see something happening in the game, or face a certain situation, they can remember something from what they read, or can easily get back to it and know where to find it. etc.

i know you'll say that the beginners i know are all retarded!! :-)

thanks a lot,
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Re: 10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

Post by Zarel »

The wiki is more of a developer wiki - it's not meant for general users. It's available at developer.wz2100.net

I understand that there's a need of a research strategy guide. I'll write one, eventually.
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Re: 10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

Post by meeso »

Zarel wrote:I understand that there's a need of a research strategy guide. I'll write one, eventually.
HA! MINE, is already written! lol! ;-)

Good luck then,
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Re: 10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

Post by Zarel »

It's true, but as mentioned, your guide is incorrect in several areas, and I don't think gives a newcomer a very good overview of what to do in different situations.

I've stubbed two articles:

I'll finish them later.
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Re: 10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

Post by meeso »

Zarel wrote:It's true, but as mentioned, your guide is incorrect in several areas,
Mine is a research strategy tips, and not really a guide, it's written in a way to give a quick idea about research options and logic. It assumes that the players already know that they have to build power generators first, before upgrading them with the power module. And it says here: http://guide.wz2100.net/r/powermodule that the power module "Upgrades power production to 125%". Actually i just copy-pasted the information.

I'd be very thankful if you could tell me what other incorrect information in other areas you have found.

Good luck,
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Re: 10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

Post by Zarel »

meeso wrote:Mine is a research strategy tips, and not really a guide, it's written in a way to give a quick idea about research options and logic. It assumes that the players already know that they have to build power generators first, before upgrading them with the power module. And it says here: http://guide.wz2100.net/r/powermodule that the power module "Upgrades power production to 125%". Actually i just copy-pasted the information.
Researching the module upgrades power production to 125%. Everything on a research page tells about what researching does. That's in addition to the 150% boost provided from actually building the module.
meeso wrote:I'd be very thankful if you could tell me what other incorrect information in other areas you have found.
Well, a lot of it's just describing the existence of some things in the research tree.

You do mention bodies, but keep in mind that propulsions are sometimes quite a bit more important. A Scorpion Tracks is a bit stronger than a Mantis Half-Tracks.

There was the stuff about power module being buildable without generator, but that part was mainly just unclear.
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Re: 10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

Post by meeso »

I also missed to say something about the machine gun in the first tip:

tip1: in order for the research of any of these categories to unfold, researching *ENGINEERING* [and the *machine gun*] is a must. Engineering will also Upgrade construction speed to 110% and unlock the Combat Engineer cyborg. There is the option of researching the upgrades of the machine gun, in order to get an increased weaponry strength early on in the game. (some players research only machine gun upgrades such as twin machine gun and heavy machine gun and mass-produce unites with these weapons in order to over run their opponents early on in the game).

And it's also important to mention in tip 5 that *hardcrete* allows you to build defensive structure only from the list of weapons that you have already researched (for example, in order to research a mortar pit, you need to have researched not only hardcrete, but also mortars, etc.)

And also i should mention the upgrades of the "Fuel Injection Engine" and propulsions.
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Re: 10 Research strategy tips for beginners!

Post by Zarel »

No longer necessary. I have an early-game article up.


It covers most of what you said.
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