Outstanding general issues

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Outstanding general issues

Post by Bethrezen »

Ok so since this got burred and since I've been requested to move this to its own thread here it is, what follows is a list of general issues that have been encountered during testing, which to the best of my knowledge still require fixing, with regards to making tickets -Philosopher- is going to handle this since I find the forum easier to use than trac.

General Issues

1.) The game crashes when I alt tab to the desktop, with the following error.

Error: Exception handler failed with error 1400: invalid window handler.

Here’s the log

Code: Select all

--- Starting log [C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\Warzone 2100 master\logs\WZlog-0819_214007.txt]---
error   |09:40:14: [khr_callback:139] GL::API(Performance:Medium) : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.
error   |09:40:14: [TopLevelExceptionFilter:1320] Exception handler failed to create file!
Here is the Warzone2100.RPT

Code: Select all


Error occured on Saturday, August 19, 2017 at 21:40:14.

Program: C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe(warzone2100)
Command line: "C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe" 
Version: Version: master e90d507, Built:Aug 18 2017
Distributor: buildbot
Compiled on: Aug 18 2017 19:02:38
Compiled by: GCC 4.9.3
Compiled mode: Release build
Executed on: Sat Aug 19 21:40:07 2017

Pointers: 32bit

Compiled against PhysicsFS version: 2.0.3
Running with PhysicsFS version: 2.0.3

Misc Data:
[21:40:07]Video Mode 800 x 600 (fullscreen)
[21:40:07]OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
[21:40:07]OpenGL Renderer: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
[21:40:07]OpenGL Version: 3.3.0
[21:40:07]GLEW Version: 1.12.0
[21:40:07]OpenGL GLSL Version : 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
[21:40:08]OpenAL Device Name: OpenAL Soft
[21:40:08]OpenAL Vendor: OpenAL Community
[21:40:08]OpenAL Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[21:40:08]OpenAL Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[21:40:08]OpenAL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[21:40:08]Using Backend: SDL
[21:40:08]Using language: System locale

C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe caused an Access Violation at location 00020092 Writing to location 00000000.

Log message: error   |09:40:14: [khr_callback:139] GL::API(Performance:Medium) : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.

eax=00000000 ebx=00008250 ecx=00000000 edx=00000001 esi=00000648 edi=00008246
eip=00020092 esp=11ebb05c ebp=6a9cca98 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010202

Call stack:
2.) When you have the research window open there are occasions when it won’t let you select units if you try the computer automatically deselects the selected units.

To trigger this open the research window then close the side bar but not the bottom bar so the screen looks like this.
screen_shot_1.png (943.32 KiB) Viewed 9290 times
Then try to select a group of units the first time it should select the group of units as expected but if you then try to select a different group or reselect the same group of units it won’t let you and you will be unable to select any units until you close the research window fully. This doesn't seem to happen on every level and sometimes it does this with the unit build screen open in the same configuration as in the screen shot of the research window.

To make things a bit clearer here is a vid showing the issue https://youtu.be/DjjSI-21spo

3.) There are some GUI issues where things incorrectly overlap as seen in this screen shots.
screen_shot.png (80.64 KiB) Viewed 9285 times
The attempt at fixing this has only been partly successful as it resulted in a new GUI issue where once again you are incorrectly getting one UI element covering another, as you can see in this screen shot, so for the time being until this is fully resolved I'll leave this here.

screen_shot_2.png (8.93 KiB) Viewed 9290 times
4.) Fixed.

5.) Mobile repair units are no longer able to repair them selves, in previous versions of the game when mobile repair units where set to hold position they could repair them selves if they got damaged but since the hold position command was removed, they are no longer able to fix them selves, while this addition was added sometime after v1.10 and was not part of the original game it was a good addition and it like to see it restored.

Since the hold command is sort of working now this seems to be resolved for the moment, however I'll leave this here for now since the hold command still needs work as its not currently functioning as it did originally, and therefore this could be reintroduced if the hold command gets broken again.

6.) When assigning units to a group if different units have different fire orders like for example some have fire at will and others have hold fire all units that get add to the group will have there fire orders changed which is incorrect behaviour adding units to a group shouldn’t change there currently set fire order.

7.) This is an irritation that has plagued the game from the very beginning, when you have units assigned to a group for fast selection if you then attach that group to a commander the group assignment gets removed which is incredibly irritating, while I can add the group assignment back after attaching to a commander with relative ease really I shouldn't have to because the group assignment shouldn't be getting removed in the first place, it doesn't when I attach units to a scanner and it shouldn't when I attach units to a commander either.

8.) [edit]
The vanishing units bug is now fixed so if you build units on an away mission save on the away map and then reload that save when you return to base units will now correctly appear at there rally points.

However i haven't removed this completely is because units that are added to the reinforcements list on an away mission, and then subsequently remove from the list are still being moved to the players command centre, strictly speaking this isn't a bug as that is how the game worked even in v1.10, however I would argue that this is still incorrect behaviour, units added to and removed from the reinforcements list during an away mission should not be getting moved to the players command centre they should be returned to there original coordinates.

9.) When targeting feature objects like houses cars etc with a scanner the cross hair seems to be way off and doesn't appear over the object that is being targeted here is a screen shot.
screen_shot_3.png (957.54 KiB) Viewed 9290 times
Apparently issue 9 has been fixed, however since I'm unable to test that right now, I'll leave this here temporally till the compatibility issue that is preventing me running the latest master is resolved and I'm able to test and confirm this.

10.) When a scanner auto targets something the cross hair to indicate what the scanner is targeting doesn't appear at all, which is odd because it did in older versions of the game.

Apparently issue 10 has been fixed, however since I'm unable to test that right now, I'll leave this here temporally till the compatibility issue that is preventing me running the latest master is resolved and I'm able to test and confirm this.

11.) Targeting difficulties still seem to be present, on occasion the hover zone for an object and the object its self appear to become misaligned such that you have to hover off to the side or above or below the target before the curser will change to the one portent to the action you are trying to perform.

You can see the effect in this screen shot
screen_shot_7.png (730.78 KiB) Viewed 9289 times
Even though the curser is directly over the turret it hasn’t changed to the attack icon to allow me to order my units to fire, this seems to be a regression that was introduced in later versions of the game because this doesn't seem to happen on v1.10

12.) In a similar vain hitting targets that are in elevated locations, seem to be a lot more difficult on master I will typically have a tough time hitting these bunkers from below on master.
screen_shot.png (833.97 KiB) Viewed 9287 times
However on v1.10 I don’t have any issues hitting them at all so looks like another regression has been introduced in the code somewhere, it's almost like the vertical tilt of your weapons is less on master then it is on v1.10 not sure what the issue is or what has changed but something isn’t working quite as well as it did on v1.10.

13.) The movement code still needs work because on the master units tend to get stuck a lot when things are in the way like for example other units.

The most common examples of this are when units are damaged and are trying to retreat for repairs on v1.10 undamaged units will attempt to move out the way to let the damage units get past but on master undamaged units don’t.

Around repair bays is another when you have damage units coming in for repair and repaired units trying to move to the rally point often the opposing flows of traffic can cause snarl-ups which the player has to deal with manually since the computer is to stupid to go around obstacles.

When having more than one builder working on a buildings construction is another area where snarl-ups can happen because again builders are too stupid to move over a bit so all the builders that have been assigned to the job can get in range

Mobile repair units also have issues because again undamaged units won’t move over to let the mobile repair unit/units get past.

There are also levels where the computers units can become stuck due to issues with the movement code one example being the scav units on Alpha 06
screen_shot_4.png (1.04 MiB) Viewed 9287 times
All of this seems to be as a consequence of a regression introduced into master since v1.10 because this stuff generally doesn't occur or occurs far less frequently on v1.10.

14.) The hold position/pursue states need to be restored, as they where in v1.10 while the current implementation of the hold command works after a fashion, it doesn't function as it did originally and is in my opinion inferior to the original implementation and therefore still requires work.

Unfortunately there seems to be some reluctance to actually fix the hold command, and reintroduce the pursue command as can be seen here.


15.) The fire control code for commanders could also do with some improvement because on v1.10 attached units don’t seem to exhibit the auto fire bug they do on master where the commander will be targeting something but the attach units don’t react and I have to manually target the vehicle before the attach units will shoot it, that definitely shouldn't be happening. This doesn't seem to be level specific because I've seen this happen on various levels it's just taken me a little while to actually get a save of it so I can demonstrate the problem.

You can see the effect in the attached save.
Commander Bug.7z
(87.12 KiB) Downloaded 234 times
I fixed the save so it should actually load now, needed to update some of the labels in the complist.json file as well as remove the scriptstate.es file which broke compatibility and just in case you have issues getting this to load here is a short video clip demonstrating the problem.

Commander Bug video clip.7z
(378.89 KiB) Downloaded 227 times
16.) The code governing movement of units attached to a commander could also use some improvement because when I tell a group of units attach to a commander to move, due to them being in what can only be described as follow mode they don’t move until the commander gets a certain distance way which can be a real problem in confined spaces when I'm trying to move the undamaged units out the way so that the damage ones can retreat for repair.

In my opinion what is needed for units attached to a commander is 2 different movement modes.

a.) The traditional follow mode which should be used with artillery or other long range units
b.) For direct fire units they should continue to move as they do when they are unattached.

I also don't like the way units that are attached to commanders go charging into a hail of enemy fire, while I understand they need to move forward a bit if they are not in range to shoot they shouldn't go charging ahead of the commander like that, again this is something that generally doesn't happen on v1.10, on v1.10 attached units will only more as far forward as they need to get in range to shoot at what ever is being targeted, so again this appears to be another regression.

17.) On v1.10 repair trucks will generally stay at the back of the group they are supporting, however on master they keep ending up at the front of the group and as a consequence they keep getting targeted and destroyed, part of the issue seems to be that the formation speed limiting was removed, but it also appear that the behaviour of repair trucks has been altered since v1.10 and as a consequence repair trucks no longer return to there starting position when there are no more units to repair so I'd like to see this fixed, in addition when you have both repair trucks and combat units selected and you tell the combat units to attack something the repair trucks should stay still and not try and attack the target.

18.) Units and structures are being incorrectly repaired on reload, this is most notable on beta 01 as everything starts damaged.

If you want to see the effect make a save on Beta 01 and then reload and you will see that everything is back at 100% hp instead of 50% or less which is how units normally start on beta 01.

19.) After you build 5 power modules, research modules and factory modules the modules for all 3 incorrectly remain on the build list instead of being hidden.

20.) On v1.10 I'm given the option to save on the level complete screen but on master I'm not.

21.) You can incorrectly resume a failed mission even though the timer is at zero when in debug mode.

When the timer runs out you get this screen
screen_shot_5.png (845.75 KiB) Viewed 9287 times
At this point if you are in debug mode you can hit escape to close this screen and continue playing and complete the level even though the timer has run out as you can see in these screen shots.
screen_shot_6.png (966.81 KiB) Viewed 9287 times
screen_shot_8.png (584.61 KiB) Viewed 9287 times
22.) This one isn't really a bug so much as it is poor design / limitation left over from its v1.10 days but it should probably be fixed never the less.

The Intelligence screen only appears to have 4 pages so that should probably be increased.

The Intelligence screen doesn't display research topics that are marked as mk2 or mk3 so that should probably be fixed as well

When you click on a research topic it vanishes from the list, personally I find this kind of annoying.

My solution to this is to include an in game encyclopaedia that will recorded everything you have researched up until that point, the best way to do this I think is to add a new encyclopaedia button on the intelligence screen just like the buttons that allow you to reply the mission briefing pressing the encyclopaedia button will then present you with a list of all the research topics you have successfully completed up to that point in the game and then pressing on one of those will give you the details, you could also perhaps add a section for the videos so that again players can replay any of the videos from the previous levels.

The are numerous examples of this sort of a thing in multiple games so it shouldn't be difficult to find one that would work for Warzone

23.) Units that are trying to retreat when damaged continue to get stuck as there comrades wont move over to let them past, this is annoying and frequently results in unnecessary losses of experienced units, therefore this needs to be addressed, my proposition is to turn off collisions for damaged units that are triggered to retreat, as this would allow them to pass through your other units, there by elevating this problem.

I know this is a really dirty way to go about dealing with this issue but realistically the only other way I see of dealing with this is by fixing the movement code, which is not a simple thing to do or it would of been fixed already.

24.) When you build units on an away mission and then fly them in the retreat state will be set to do or die and the fire state will be set to file at will regardless of what the player sets the factory to.

This is incorrect behaviour regardless of whether the player builds units on the home map or an away map the retreat and fire states should always be set the same as the factory the unit was produced from.

25.) You can incorrectly build oil derricks on burning oil wells, by telling your builder to build an oil derrick on a burning well, then saving and reloading and the builder will then incorrectly commence construction even though the oil well is still burning, as you can see in this screen shot.
screen_shot_9.png (744.35 KiB) Viewed 9285 times
This doesn't seem to be level dependent you can do this on any level.

26.) When you have more then 1 commander selected and you for example tell them to hold fire the hold fire state will not be applied to all the selected commanders and you will have to do each one individually, the same holds true when you for example have 3 commanders selected and you click to recycle only 1 will go, the same thing happens when you for example have say 3 commanders selected and then change the retreat state it will not be applied to all 3 commanders and you will have to click each individually.

This is incorrect behaviour when you have more then one commander selected what ever command you give should be applied to all the selected commanders you shouldn’t need to issue the same order to each commander individually so this is something that needs looking at because its kind of irritating and makes working with multiple commanders more difficult then it should be.

27.) When you target say a wall and order your units to fire your units will only fire the number of shots required to destroy the target, however when removing feature objects to avoid pathing issues this is not the case and all your units will fire at the target instead of just the 1 or 2 which are actually needed to destroy it, so again this is something else that should be looked at, because this is something that wastes a lot of time.


28.) Although this is something I have suggested before I still think it would be worth while, and that is giving the player the ability to control what units will auto fire at via 3 new buttons in the interface.

Thoughts 3 buttons being

Attack structures & units (default state)
Attack structures only
Attack units only

This way when using speciality weapons like bunker busters they won't auto fire at targets they can't damage which will make them infinitely more useful.

29.) I'd also like to see some of the other weapons systems get rebalance because I'm of the opinion that most of them are completely useless and not worth using because they're to weak.
Last edited by Bethrezen on 04 Dec 2017, 02:16, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by Bethrezen »

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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by -Philosopher- »

As @Bethrezen says, these are issues discovered while testing the campaign (cf. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=12714), but not specific to it.

This post and the one above it will be kept up to date so they are the full list. Remainder of the thread is for discussion on the individual issues.

This is a list of the tickets (already existing and newly raised) that correspond to the items described above:
  1. #4651, #4229 - research window open prevents selection of units
  2. #4652, #4606 - overlapping GUI elements
  3. #4653 - obscured rank insignia - selecting units for transport on away-missions
  4. #4655 - behaviour of mobile repair units
  5. #3907 - vanishing units
  6. #4636 - targeting cross-hair misaligned
  7. #4656 - reinstate auto-targeting cross-hairs
  8. #4303 - pursue/guard/hold. See also https://youtu.be/Fz_vvwFovIo
  9. probably needs its own ticket, but #4471 could be related - fire control issues with commander
Other issues raised during testing:
  1. #4644 - lock up on reloading saved games
  2. #4654 - inconsistent keyboard shortcuts for game menu. See also #4636
  3. #4657 - restore mobile CB-radar unit behaviour
  4. #4472 - commander doesn't work as sensor
  5. #4658, #2269 - newly repaired commander incorrectly overrides return for repair status of attached units
  6. #4659 - unit menu doesn't update correctly when you use keyboard shortcuts
I consider 2, 14, b and c (and regressions in the campaign between 3.1.5 and 3.2.x - currently being worked on at viewtopic.php?f=1&t=12714) to be high priority (issues of sufficient seriousness for me not to update to a new public release if still present). Let me have your views on this and if we reach a consensus I'll change this statement to reflect our combined position.
Last edited by -Philosopher- on 14 Oct 2017, 13:31, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by -Philosopher- »

@Bethrezen, re
1.) The game crashes when I alt tab to the desktop, with the following error.
I can't recreate this. alt-tab works fine for me. Does it occur consistently for you, or just every now and then again? While appreciating your aversion to trac, I think you're, unfortunately, the only person in a position to raise this one as I suspect it's specific to your set up. If you do raise it let me know the ref though and I'll add to the list.
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by -Philosopher- »

Does anyone know if #4472 is still an issue in 3.2.3? If so, it should probably be on our list as well.
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by -Philosopher- »

6.) When assigning units to a group if different units have different fire orders like for example some have fire at will and others have hold fire all units that get add to the group will have there fire orders changed which is incorrect behaviour adding units to a group shouldn’t change there currently set fire order.
This is a change request rather than a bug, IMO. It has always been the behaviour of groups that units assigned to an existing group acquire the group's status settings (retreat threshold, fire orders, etc.) - since 1.10 inclusive, so it seems to be intended. Although I, personally, don't find it helpful, others may also consider it desirable - we should get more opinions. What do others think?
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by alfred007 »

-Philosopher- wrote:Does anyone know if #4472 is still an issue in 3.2.3? If so, it should probably be on our list as well.
Yes it is.
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by cybersphinx »

1.) The game crashes when I alt tab to the desktop, with the following error.
That sounds more like a graphics driver problem or something, I don't think Warzone handles alt-tab itself.
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by Bethrezen »

-Philosopher- wrote:I can't recreate this. alt-tab works fine for me. Does it occur consistently for you, or just every now and then again? While appreciating your aversion to trac, I think you're, unfortunately, the only person in a position to raise this one as I suspect it's specific to your set up. If you do raise it let me know the ref though and I'll add to the list.
cybersphinx wrote:
1.) The game crashes when I alt tab to the desktop, with the following error.
That sounds more like a graphics driver problem or something, I don't think Warzone handles alt-tab itself.
Yes every time I alt tab to the desktop the game crashes, while it doesn't stop me actually playing the game it is kind of irritating when testing because I have keep shutting the game down and restarting it which makes screen shoting things particularly irritating.

This may well be an XP specific issue, or as cybersphinx points out it could be something to do with my graphics card or the drivers for it because the GForce 9500gt graphics card is a very old card now first released in 2008 according to Wikipedia and the drivers for it haven't been updated in years either the last driver update for it was in 2014

Although it’s the strangest thing because I never used to have this problem.

Ok just tried loading up an old version of the game 3.1.2 and the crash doesn't happen when i alt tab to the desktop so whet ever was changed happened some time after this point, because
3.1.3 / 3.1.5 / 3.2.0 / 3.2.1 wont load for me at all and I just get the following error.


While 3.2.2 / 3.2.3 do work both exhibit the crash when i alt tab to the desktop.

so it definitely appears as though someone changed something after 3.1.2 that resulted in the problem of the game crashing when i alt tab to the desk top.
This is a change request rather than a bug, IMO. It has always been the behaviour of groups that units assigned to an existing group acquire the group's status settings (retreat threshold, fire orders, etc.) - since 1.10 inclusive, so it seems to be intended. Although I, personally, don't find it helpful, others may also consider it desirable - we should get more opinions. What do others think?
I guess this is one of those minor details which are more of an annoyance then anything because it's not how I would expect things to behave.
Last edited by Bethrezen on 11 Oct 2017, 19:38, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by cybersphinx »

Bethrezen wrote:Yes every time I alt tab to the desktop the game crashes
If you play in fullscreen, maybe windowed mode would be a workaround.
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by Berserk Cyborg »

Anyone want to confirm if this is the right fix for issue 20 (mission end backdrop not displaying)?
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by Per »

Berserk Cyborg wrote:Anyone want to confirm if this is the right fix for issue 20 (mission end backdrop not displaying)?
Don't really know this part of the code, but it looks good to me.
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by Bethrezen »

Ok can one of the mods re-enable the edit facility for this thread please so that i can update this as issues get fixed, because it wont let me right now
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by vexed »

Bethrezen wrote:Ok can one of the mods re-enable the edit facility for this thread please so that i can update this as issues get fixed, because it wont let me right now
Erm, there is no "re-enable" possible, it is a phpBB limitation AFAIK.

You just got to make another post, and then "report" your post so a mod can copy & paste it to the top post.

Sorry about that, but, that is about the best we can do at this time with this software.
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Re: Outstanding general issues

Post by Forgon »

Could this thread be updated so that issues 9.) and 10.) are removed and missing images reuploaded?
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