Release 3.2.3 is out

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Berserk Cyborg
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Berserk Cyborg »

I believe I fixed that specific issue. Basically just had to check if the unit is a droid first. Anyway I think I might have fixed the reinforcement transporters bugging out on loading a save. From what I would tell, campaign library events were not being caught anymore after load so all I did was move isReceivingAllEvents = true outside of eventStartLevel() and into the global scope. Hopefully shouldn't cause any problems.
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Bethrezen »

Alpha 02 is also give me scripting errors, i think its the same error as in alpha 01 but just in case here is the log.
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Berserk Cyborg
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Berserk Cyborg »

Probably fixed with the latest commit in here.
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Bethrezen »

Probably fixed with the latest commit in here
has the master already been updated to include the latest fixes or is the latest still the one from 17-Jul-2017 ?
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Bethrezen »

Ok so just played through Alpha 06 with the new build and everything seems to be back to normal again, the computer is actually making an effort to try to stop me, the factories are once again producing units, the drop ships are operating as expected and the drop zones seem to close down correctly, well assuming you play through that is.

I did however get 1 error when i destroyed the factory where you get the tank tracks artefact, here is the log.

Code: Select all

--- Starting log [C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\Warzone 2100 master\logs\WZlog-0719_202907.txt]---
info    |08:29:07: [realmain:938] Using C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\Warzone 2100 master\logs\WZlog-0719_202907.txt debug file
info    |08:35:52: [triggerEventSeen:1287] Scripts not initialized yet
info    |08:35:52: [triggerEventSeen:1287] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:1287 (scriptsReady), last script event: '<none>'
info    |08:35:52: [triggerEventSeen:1287] Scripts not initialized yet
info    |08:35:52: [triggerEventSeen:1287] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:1287 (scriptsReady), last script event: '<none>'
info    |09:00:05: [triggerEventSeen:1287] Scripts not initialized yet
info    |09:00:05: [triggerEventSeen:1287] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:1287 (scriptsReady), last script event: '<none>'
info    |09:00:05: [triggerEventSeen:1287] Scripts not initialized yet
info    |09:00:05: [triggerEventSeen:1287] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:1287 (scriptsReady), last script event: '<none>'
info    |09:38:14: [loadLabels:980] Unit 545 belonging to player 1 not found from label group_1
info    |09:38:14: [loadLabels:980] Assert in Warzone: qtscriptfuncs.cpp:980 (psObj), last script event: '<none>'
info    |09:38:14: [loadLabels:980] Unit 546 belonging to player 1 not found from label group_1
info    |09:38:14: [loadLabels:980] Assert in Warzone: qtscriptfuncs.cpp:980 (psObj), last script event: '<none>'
info    |09:38:14: [loadLabels:980] Unit 547 belonging to player 1 not found from label group_1
info    |09:38:14: [loadLabels:980] Assert in Warzone: qtscriptfuncs.cpp:980 (psObj), last script event: '<none>'
info    |09:38:14: [loadLabels:980] Unit 551 belonging to player 1 not found from label group_1
info    |09:38:14: [loadLabels:980] Assert in Warzone: qtscriptfuncs.cpp:980 (psObj), last script event: '<none>'
info    |09:39:50: [loadLabels:980] Unit 545 belonging to player 1 not found from label group_1
info    |09:39:50: [loadLabels:980] Assert in Warzone: qtscriptfuncs.cpp:980 (psObj), last script event: '<none>'
info    |09:39:50: [loadLabels:980] Unit 546 belonging to player 1 not found from label group_1
info    |09:39:50: [loadLabels:980] Assert in Warzone: qtscriptfuncs.cpp:980 (psObj), last script event: '<none>'
info    |09:39:50: [loadLabels:980] Unit 547 belonging to player 1 not found from label group_1
info    |09:39:50: [loadLabels:980] Assert in Warzone: qtscriptfuncs.cpp:980 (psObj), last script event: '<none>'
info    |09:39:50: [loadLabels:980] Unit 551 belonging to player 1 not found from label group_1
info    |09:39:50: [loadLabels:980] Assert in Warzone: qtscriptfuncs.cpp:980 (psObj), last script event: '<none>'
error   |10:24:33: [recvStructureInfo:349] Could not find structure 2135 to change production for
When loading this level from a save then the level is still broken and i get additional errors, so it seems like there are some scripts that are not being triggered from a save.

Code: Select all

--- Starting log [C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\Warzone 2100 master\logs\WZlog-0720_021958.txt]---
info    |02:19:58: [realmain:938] Using C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\Warzone 2100 master\logs\WZlog-0720_021958.txt debug file
error   |02:20:15: [js_structureIdle:2330] No such structure id 0 belonging to player 0
error   |02:20:15: [callFunction:209] 0 : __camContinueProduction() at script/campaign/libcampaign.js:1911
error   |02:20:15: [callFunction:209] 1 : <global>() at -1
info    |02:20:15: [callFunction:212] Uncaught exception calling function "__camContinueProduction" at line 1911: ReferenceError: psStruct failed in js_structureIdle at line 2330
info    |02:20:15: [callFunction:212] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:212 (false), last script event: '<none>'
error   |02:20:15: [js_structureIdle:2330] No such structure id 0 belonging to player 0
error   |02:20:15: [callFunction:209] 0 : __camContinueProduction() at script/campaign/libcampaign.js:1911
error   |02:20:15: [callFunction:209] 1 : <global>() at -1
info    |02:20:15: [callFunction:212] Uncaught exception calling function "__camContinueProduction" at line 1911: ReferenceError: psStruct failed in js_structureIdle at line 2330
info    |02:20:15: [callFunction:212] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:212 (false), last script event: '<none>'
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Bethrezen »

Ok so while i remember here is a current list of general issues that are still present in the current master.

1.) The game still crashes when I alt tab to the desktop, with the following error.

Error: Exception handler failed with error 1400: invalid window handler.

Here’s the log

Code: Select all

 --- Starting log [C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\Warzone 2100 master\logs\WZlog-0719_165523.txt]---
info    |04:55:23: [realmain:938] Using C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\Warzone 2100 master\logs\WZlog-0719_165523.txt debug file
error   |05:00:10: [khr_callback:139] GL::API(Performance:Medium) : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.
error   |05:00:16: [TopLevelExceptionFilter:1320] Exception handler failed to create file! 
Here is the Warzone2100.RPT

Code: Select all


Error occured on Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 17:00:10.

Program: C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe(warzone2100)
Command line: "C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe" 
Version: Version: master a856dea, Built:Jul 18 2017
Distributor: buildbot
Compiled on: Jul 18 2017 00:05:57
Compiled by: GCC 4.9.3
Compiled mode: Release build
Executed on: Wed Jul 19 16:55:23 2017

Pointers: 32bit

Compiled against PhysicsFS version: 2.0.3
Running with PhysicsFS version: 2.0.3

Misc Data:
[16:55:23]Video Mode 800 x 600 (fullscreen)
[16:55:23]OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
[16:55:23]OpenGL Renderer: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
[16:55:23]OpenGL Version: 3.3.0
[16:55:23]GLEW Version: 1.12.0
[16:55:23]OpenGL GLSL Version : 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
[16:55:23]OpenAL Device Name: OpenAL Soft
[16:55:23]OpenAL Vendor: OpenAL Community
[16:55:23]OpenAL Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[16:55:23]OpenAL Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[16:55:23]OpenAL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[16:55:23]Using Backend: SDL
[16:55:23]Using language: System locale
[16:55:33]Current Level/map is CAM_1A

C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe caused an Access Violation at location 00020092 Writing to location 00000000.

Log message: info    |04:55:23: [realmain:938] Using C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\Warzone 2100 master\logs\WZlog-0719_165523.txt debug file
Log message: error   |05:00:10: [khr_callback:139] GL::API(Performance:Medium) : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.

eax=00000000 ebx=00008250 ecx=00000000 edx=00000021 esi=00000648 edi=00008246
eip=00020092 esp=0022a86c ebp=6a9cca98 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010206

Call stack:
2.) I’ve noticed that when you have the research window open there are occasions when it won’t let you select units if you try the computer automatically deselects the selected units.

To trigger this open the research window then close the side bar but not the bottom bar so the screen looks like this.


Then try to select a group of units the first time it should select the group of units as expected but if you then try to select a different group or reselect the same group of units it won’t let you and you will be unable to select any units until you close the research window fully. This doesn't seem to happen on every level and sometimes it does this with the unit build screen open in the same configuration as in the screen shot of the research window.

3.) The previously mentioned issue of things incorrectly overlapping as seen in these screen shots is still present


4.) Mobile repair units are no longer able to repair them selves, in previous versions of the game when mobile repair units where set to hold position they could repair them selves if they got damaged but since the hold position command was removed, they are no longer able to fix them selves so this is something that needs fixing. Ideally the hold position command should be restored because this is something that i tend to use a lot in campaign mode.

5.) When assigning units to a group if different units have different fire orders like for example some have fire at will and others have hold fire all units that get add to the group will have there fire orders changed which is incorrect behaviour adding units to a group shouldn’t change there currently set fire order.

6.) This is an irritation that has plagued the game from the very beginning, when you have units assigned to a group for fast selection if you then attach that group to a commander the group assignment gets removed which is incredibly irritating, while I can add the group assignment back after attaching to a commander with relative ease really I shouldn't have to because the group assignment shouldn't be getting removed in the first place.

7.) Vanishing units, this is an old bug that has been reported before but is still present, to the best of my knowledge this can occur for 2 reasons.

a.) If on an away mission you build units but don’t fly them in and then save on the away map and then reload the away map save the units that you build wont be at there rally point when you return to your base.

I’m not sure what causes this but if I had to hazard a guess then my suspicion would be that the coordinates for units built while on away missions are not being written from memory to the save file so consequently when you reload the away map save the coordinates for units built while on the away mission are lost so the computer moves them to the corner of the map, don’t know if that is the reason but it would seem to fit.

b.) If you are on an away map and you are calling in reinforcements and you select a unit or units to be flown to the away map but then change your mind and remove the units from the reinforcements list then when you return to base the unit or units wont be where they where, instead they will be in one of the corners of the map.

Again I’m not sure what causes this but I suspect that the computer simply isn’t recording the original coordinates of the unit or units so if you change your mind and remove them from the reinforcements list instead of being placed back at there original coordinates they get moved else where again I don’t know for sure that this is the reason but it would seem to fit.

8.) When targeting feature objects like houses cars etc with either a commander or scanner the cross hair seems to be way off and doesn't appear over the object that is being targeted here is a screen shot


9.) When a scanner or commander auto targets something the cross hair to indicate what the scanner or commander is targeting doesn't appear at all, which is odd because it did in older versions of the game.

10.) The targeting difficulties I described earlier still seem to be present, on occasion the hover zone for an object and the object its self appear to become misaligned such that you have to hover off to the side or above or below the target before the curser will change to the one portent to the action you are trying to perform

You can see the effect in this screen shot


Even though the curser is directly over the turret it hasn’t changed to the spanner icon to allow me to order the truck to repair it, while this screen shot is of Beta 01 and was taken on the release version and not the master it makes no odds because it happens just the same on both release and master and can occur on any level while this is a minor issue and hardly game braking it can be annoying.

11.) As previous described the movement code still needs work because even on the master units tend to get stuck a lot when things are in the way like for example other units

The most common examples of this are when units are damage and are trying to retreat for repairs and the other undamaged units won’t move out the way to let the damage unit get past.

Around repair bays is another when you have damage units coming in for repair and repaired units trying to move to the rally point and often the opposing flows of traffic can cause snarl-ups which the player has to deal with manually since the computer is to stupid to go around obstacles.

When having more than one builder working on a buildings construction is another area where snarl-ups can happen because again builders are too stupid to move over a bit so all the builders that have been assigned to the job can get in range

Mobile repair units also have issues because again undamaged units won’t move over to let the mobile repair unit/units get past.
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Bethrezen »

Ok so just updated to the latest master ... e921a9.exe

here are the results for Alpha 01 to Alpha 04

Alpha 01 - This level is still producing errors but the errors only seems to happen after resuming from a save game.

Alpha 02 - This level also gave me errors but again the errors only seems to occur after resuming from a save game.

Alpha 03 - Although I don’t get any errors for this level I’m getting a notification about the map tile X value being too big as well as a notification about an event trying to trigger before the script is loaded.

Alpha 04 - Again no errors for this one but I am getting a notification about an event that is trying to trigger before the script is loaded.

attached are the logs for Alpha 01 to Alpha 04 and the saves for Alpha 01 & Alpha 02
saves and logs.7z
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Bethrezen »

Alpha 05 - this level seems fine no errors or notifications.

Alpha 06 – This level is fine as long as you play though from the previous mission if however you save on this level and then try to resume from that save it still gives errors, and just as before, the factories don’t produce units, the drop zones don’t work and you only get the first drop ship, and the units that do fly in don’t do anything they just sit at there landing site until they see you, and there units don’t come to attack you either unless they see you so yeah this mission is still broken when resuming from a save.

Seems like this particular bug is proving to be rather difficult to squash, which is annoying to say the least as it’s effectively rendering the save system useless, because if you load from a save the majority of levels will brake.

Attached is the log and save for Alpha 06
Alpah 06.7z
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Berserk Cyborg
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Berserk Cyborg »

As far as I know, the only thing left to fix is the factory production after loading a save. Do note that I was linking only to my git repo branch showing the fixes discussed earlier and I want to fix something else before pushing the updates officially.
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Bethrezen »

Do note that I was linking only to my git repo branch showing the fixes discussed earlier and I want to fix something else before pushing the updates officially.
Ahh i thought you'd already incorporated the fixes explains why things are still broken, in that case I'll hold off for a bit till ya finished.

also is it just the fixes for alpha 6 ya holding off on or are there others as well?
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Bennywen »

When are we going to have a new mac release???? i don't understand why you guys stopped making dmg releases for warzone. you cannot forget about the large amount of people with mac.
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Bethrezen »

When are we going to have a new mac release???? i don't understand why you guys stopped making dmg releases for warzone. you cannot forget about the large amount of people with mac.
Please keep in mind we are all volunteers here working on this in are spare time, so if you don’t see anything happening for a while it doesn't necessarily mean that stuff isn’t happening it just means that progress is slow because there are only a few of us working on this.

Now while I can't confirm this I believe that there is at least 1 person working on stuff for Mac although I have no knowledge of the Mac side of things so they would need to confirm or deny this them selves.

What I would say to you though is if you want to see more progress on the Mac side of things why not help out your self you don’t necessarily have to be a programmer I'm not but that’s ok because there are other ways to help.

As for what help is currently need on the Mac side of things, I have no idea you would need to try and find out who is currently working on that and ask them what help they need.
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Re: Release 3.2.3 is out

Post by Berg »

please see this link on how to build mac
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13256&p=137798&hili ... ld#p137798
No one forgets about mac users its important to warzone.
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