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How do CB and RD work?

Posted: 08 Sep 2012, 19:51
by Stratadrake
Counter-battery and Radar Detector: How do they work?

I mean specifically, the gritty actual details. CB is a pretty straightforward matter: Indirect projectile lands within X tiles of sensor and sensor identifies/targets the shooter.

But what about the Radar Detector, which is supposed to identify/target enemy sensors? How does that work? Does it work by indirect projectile landing within X tiles of itself? (There may or may not actually be an enemy sensor in the area, due primarily to omniscient artillery bug) Or does it work by identifying/targetting any sensor within x tiles of itself? The former is basically a more dangerous version of CB, the latter is no better than mobile units (given the detector's short range of 8 squares).

I'm also curious why the sight range on CB turrets is 16 squares. Omniscient artillery bug means fixed artillery pits can and will shoot anything within their 16-square range, effectively making them do double duty as normal scout/artillery sensors (read: exploitable balance issue). 16 squares is twice the sight range of most units.

Re: How do CB and RD work?

Posted: 08 Sep 2012, 21:42
by Iluvalar
If I remember correclty, RD sensor have a direct line of sight (like normal sensor), detect only sensors and have double the range of the detected sensor. This mean that the radar detection function vary in range with the kind of radar detected.

If they didn't changed that in 3.1, this mean the RD can detect the CB tower up to 32 tiles away.

Re: How do CB and RD work?

Posted: 08 Sep 2012, 23:13
by Per
Radar detector: It will display enemy radars within (sensor range * 10) range as radar blips. This means it cannot be used for targetting enemy sensor (any longer). But it is still useful to see where you should strike to reduce enemy vision. They will also see enemy jammers (not that the default rules have jammers yet).

Radar detector does not use line of sight.

Re: How do CB and RD work?

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 06:35
by Stratadrake
Next question: Is the RD an actual sensor? As in, can you assign artillery or VTOLs to a RD unit? Can a RD issue attack orders like a standard sensor (in which case it would mostly be just a standard sensor) ?