previous truck issue

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previous truck issue

Post by AustinDave »

I read a bug report someone had submitted about trucks not being available for build in the version 3.x beta unless you build a command center.

I tested that and it was in fact the problem I was having.

I am brand new to version 3.x only having used 2.x previously.

I tried to understand the conversation but it seemed like something was missing.

Is there something I can do so that I do not have to build the HQ before a factory as this drastically slows down the beginning?
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Re: previous truck issue

Post by JDW »

There is nothing much you can do. However you could start the game with bases or Advanced bases if you find changing your build order temporarily is too hard a task to do. Having said that, it's just a minor bug that should be fixed by the project team in the next beta release. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about this too much :)

But if you really want to help out, then there are a whole lot of other things that you could help test. Having the truck design template at start without building a Command Center is just one teeny weeny detail of the entire game of warzone2100.
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Re: previous truck issue

Post by Staff »

You could try one of the nightly builds for 3.1 if you want...the bug has been fixed.
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