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FMV (vote plz) CG or something else ?

Posted: 14 Aug 2007, 23:22
by Terminator
So What conclusions about FMV ? Some days ago I decided to work a little with 3Dmax in making FMV or somethig like that, but I still dont know Will My work claimed (needed). I just dont want to wast time on nothing.

Well :

1) Slides method with voice acting;
2) Real FMV  > CG movies;
3) Ingame cutscenes
4) something other ?

P.s. : wanted to make a vote Topic but I dont know how to do that. ::)

Re: CG or something else ?

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 13:53
by themousemaster
Last I heard, the idea was to do in-game "cutscenes".  Basically, you (the designer) takes forced control of the camera, and moves it to various locations on the map to show what's happening.  During this, a narrator can voice-over the scene to say what is actually going on.

E.G. For the final beta stage mission, the camera would pan to the bottom left, then top left, then middle right of the map while the narrator says "The collective are launching airstrikes from these locations", followed by a panning to the top left and bottom right with the voice-over "and massive ground assaults from here" (of course, the actual narration would be much cooler, since we are all creative geniuses here ;p)

Re: FMV (vote plz) CG or something else ?

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 22:43
by Serman
CG for the win.

Re: FMV (vote plz) CG or something else ?

Posted: 03 Sep 2007, 02:29
by sicanjal
Cutscenes. Sorry, as much as bringing back the FMV would be good, it would simply take too much time for a group doing this in their free time.

On screen images (such as logos) could be used however to tie along with speech/threats/messages and fullscreen static for effect.

Re: FMV (vote plz) CG or something else ?

Posted: 03 Sep 2007, 16:48
by Kayiaxo
Cutscenes are good to start with and CG if possible.