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DyDo skirmish AI: ver 2.1.1 (21 Apr 2010)

Posted: 06 Nov 2009, 17:53
by DylanDog
Last Version: 21 April 2010 - DyDo-AI_2.1.1.wz download.

DyDo-AI v2.1.1 is already included in Warzone2100 2.3RC1a but without the challenges which are included in the DyDo package you can download from the DyDo website.

DyDo is a not-cheating AI with multiple personalities and can be used for skirmish, challenges and multi-player games, it cannot be used in campaigns.

DyDo-AI can be downloaded from the DyDo website or from warzone svn.

More info about this mod can be found on the DyDo homepage.

Dydo-AI features
To-Do List
Report bugs
See on which maps DyDo is playing well
Learn more about the DyDo-AI personalities
See this simple guide on how to change the templates built by DyDo.

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 06 Nov 2009, 19:28
by Zarel
Hmm. Do you still crash on debug builds? If you can get your AI not to crash on debug builds, I think we're going to need to replace Aivolution on official builds.

I still wonder about that name, though... It'd be nice if it could sound more like an AI and less like some random gibberish. :/

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 07 Nov 2009, 01:10
by guciomir
could you explain how difficulty slider works in your mod?
in the middle = no cheating?

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 07 Nov 2009, 20:17
by stiv
I still wonder about that name
The name is less of a problem than the fact that it throws numerous scripting errors under linux.

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 07 Nov 2009, 21:26
by DylanDog
Zarel wrote:Hmm. Do you still crash on debug builds? If you can get your AI not to crash on debug builds, I think we're going to need to replace Aivolution on official builds.
stiv wrote:numerous scripting errors under linux.
I have not tested DyDo on debug builds but on on wz 2.2.4, please send me a link to the debug builds and I will give it a try. I am going to stop to develop DyDo next week (still a lot to do...) and to stop any rebalance and to work on bug fix only. I would only need a little help, looking at the error messages on stderr.txt, some events are mentioned with an ID number (see below #19), how can I find the event related to that number?

Code: Select all

error   |02:28:48: [scrBaseObjGet] scrBaseObjGet: was passed an invalid pointer
error   |02:28:48: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: could not do var func
error   |02:28:48: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: *** ERROR EXIT *** (CurEvent=73)
error   |02:28:48: [interpRunScript] Original event ID: 19 (of 97)
error   |02:28:48: [interpRunScript] Current event ID: 73 (of 97)
error   |02:28:48: [interpRunScript] Call depth : 1
error   |02:28:48: [scrOutputCallTrace]  *** Script call trace: ***
error   |02:28:48: [scrOutputCallTrace] 1: N/A (current event)
error   |02:28:48: [scrOutputCallTrace] 0: N/A (return address: 06A0AE08)
error   |02:28:48: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: error while executing a script
error   |02:28:48: [interpRunScript] Assert in Warzone: interpreter.c:946 (!”error while executing a script”), last script event: ‘N/A’
error   |02:28:48: [eventFireCallbackTrigger] eventFireCallbackTrigger: event N/A: code failed
error   |02:28:48: [eventFireCallbackTrigger] Assert in Warzone: event.c:1049 (0), last script event: ‘N/A’
Zarel wrote:I still wonder about that name, though... It'd be nice if it could sound more like an AI and less like some random gibberish. :/
To be honest I do not care about the name, feel free to suggest one ! what about "mutAItion" (...because of the multiple personalities)?
guciomir wrote:could you explain how difficulty slider works in your mod?
in the middle = no cheating?
yes, it is the same as for all AIs.

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 07 Nov 2009, 21:32
by DylanDog
stiv wrote:
I still wonder about that name
The name is less of a problem than the fact that it throws numerous scripting errors under linux.
Could you please post the error message on this DyDo webpage? this would help a lot. Thanks!

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 08 Nov 2009, 16:12
by Arreon
I have something to say. It isn't a bug or error, but I feel it's impacting Dydo-ai's effectiveness.

Once the AI players get to T3, all they ever build are Cannon Fortresses. I know that having 20-30 of them seems like a good idea, but like I said, he builds nothing else. One of my sensors could wipe out the lot.

I've found that I can easily take all of them out with artillery unopposed and then he's defenseless. Aside from the Fortresses, once the AI researches Scourge, he uses that much much more than any other weapon, apart from Rail-Gunners.

What I've discovered is that battles between two of these AIs are boring because all they ever use are Scourges and Rails. They don't gain any ground or territory and it's up to me to break the ice.

It would benefit the AI if more variety was used in weaponry. Make it use things like Archangels, Seraphs, Pulse Lasers, and Gauss Cannons. For extra points, you could program the AI to use mobile sensors. If this is hard, look at the one from the New Paradigm and start there.

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 08 Nov 2009, 21:24
by DylanDog
Arreon wrote:I have something to say. It isn't a bug or error, but I feel it's impacting Dydo-ai's effectiveness.
Once the AI players get to T3, all they ever build are Cannon Fortresses...It would benefit the AI if more variety was used in weaponry. Make it use things like Archangels, Seraphs, Pulse Lasers, and Gauss Cannons.

DyDo has been balanced for T1 only yet. This because :
- I am pretty new to wz, never played a T3 game yet.
- DyDo is a young AI. I started working on it only at the end of August, and AI development (and balancing) takes a lot of time.

You can be sure I will take into account all of your suggestions and I will add the templates you suggested. As I am not an experienced player on T2&T3 games, I am open to any suggestion concerning the templates to use on T2 and T3 for:
- defence
- tanks
I am almost 100% satisfied with the T1 tmplates I have chosen.
Arreon wrote:For extra points, you could program the AI to use mobile sensors. If this is hard, look at the one from the New Paradigm and start there.
Before working on Sensors I need to fix the bugs, balance the AI for T2 and T3 games, enhance some feature on the AI personalities to get more different beheavious.

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 08 Nov 2009, 23:01
by guciomir
On windows it is ok.

On linux (slackware 13) it is impossible to play.
A) funny thing, sk-rush 4 players advanced bases:
Bug number 1: at the beginning of the fight screen flashes, for a half of the second I can see enemy base inside my base, my towers start firing, just 1 machinegun salvo. And then everything is normal
Bug number 2: there are error messages about "recreating event 7, please report to DyDo"
Bug number 3: the worst one, game just crashes to desktop. Usually after 1-2 minutes of play. I am not sure I if it connected to previous errors because there is a time distance between them.

I do not know where I can find error messages in linux, (like crashdump). Could someone tell me that?

Maybe you could install any easy-to-use Linux distribution and test the mod there?

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 08 Nov 2009, 23:28
by Zarel
Warzone is balanced so that nearly any weapon is viable.

In particular, some of the more generalist weapons for T2:

Lancer, Heavy Cannon, Hyper Velocity Cannon, Tank Killer, Assault Gun, Inferno-on-Hover, Plasmite borg, Lancer borg, HEAP bombs


Scourge, Seraph, Rail, Gauss, Pulse Laser, Plasma Cannon, Plasmite-on-Hover, Scourge borg, Super Scourge borg, Super Pulse borg, Super Rail borg.

There are a few "T3 variations of earlygame weapons" like TAG and TAC and Incendiary Howie, but since you'll run out of upgrades earlier than the above, they're not very long-term viable. If you intend on beating everyone else with a single push, or if you don't have very much power to divert to research, however, these things will give you the best chance.

Lasers, by the way, are very good for if you've been neglecting weapon tech. There are only three weapons that do not require you to research other weapons before them. They are the MG, the MRP, and the Flashlight.

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 00:49
by Berg
I have been shown errors ingame i took a screenshot
If this is the wrong place to post please delete this or move thank you
warzone2100.2.2.4 this is the latest version i think
running on XP service pack 2

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 15:42
by DylanDog
Berg wrote:I have been shown errors ingame i took a screenshot
If this is the wrong place to post please delete this or move thank you
warzone2100.2.2.4 this is the latest version i think
running on XP service pack 2
This is fine, you can post the bugs on this post or here
just a question, have you been able to play the game or you stopped it?

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 15:55
by guciomir
the screenshot shows the same error i have been experiencing

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 16:39
by DylanDog
This is a debug message I have added to the AI script to help identify issues.

This message shows issues on the event "buildRepFacSuppAttack" which is responsible to "try" to build, under certain conditions, a Repair Facilities in the middle of the map. This event is probably blocked/not executed.

Thanks for reporting, I will have a look.

Re: DyDo skirmish AI: New release 0.93

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 23:10
by Berg
I have been able to play a full single player skirmish game
It does funny things in the beginning of the game
Scenor towers flash all over the screen area I can see

I have a question about building limits, If I limit the AI to one factory etc. does it affect how the AI plays?

I like the idea of multi personalities but so far I cant tell the difference.