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2... game confusions?

Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 15:39
by themousemaster
I don't know if these belong in the development forum, and since I don't know if they are bugs either, I will use GD for this post (feel free to move this thread if it will be better positioned elsewhere).

1)  In WZ 1.XX, there was a feature that, if I held down the shift key while building, after placing the structure my build menu would automatically re-open to the page of the structure I just placed, making my ability to create long walls or rows of bunkers easier.  In 2.XX, this only works for the "demolish" command.  I've taken a look in the options menu for key bindings, but didn't see anything that I could use to emulate this functionality.

2)  I make regular use of a combination of Commanders and the "retreat at heavy/medium damage" option (and having trucks follow a large battlegroup to build a repair station right behind the staging area ;p).  The orders themselves work great... until I research auto-repair.  Then what happens is this:  When a unit drops into yellow health, it will retreat to the repair bay, get repaired, and return.  HOWEVER, if there is another unit already being repaired, then the 2nd unit to hit yellow damage will come to a complete stop to wait for the bay to free up.  With auto-repair, however, once it hits a compelte stop, it will begin self-repairing, and WILL NOT MOVE again until it self-repairs to full, even if the repair bay frees up in the meantime (and self repair is far slower than a repair bay).  This has been around since 1.XX, so I assume it's not a bug per-se, but still something that I find irksome ;p.

Re: 2... game confusions?

Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 22:04
by Cmdr
themousemaster wrote:1)  In WZ 1.XX, there was a feature that, if I held down the shift key while building, after placing the structure my build menu would automatically re-open to the page of the structure I just placed, making my ability to create long walls or rows of bunkers easier.  In 2.XX, this only works for the "demolish" command.  I've taken a look in the options menu for key bindings, but didn't see anything that I could use to emulate this functionality.
I think it is Ctrl - Not Shift.

Re: 2... game confusions?

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 08:52
by Watermelon
iirc shift + build works in 2.0.x

Re: 2... game confusions?

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 12:59
by Cmdr
my bad.  still, whatever it is, it does work.

Im sure I was using Ctrl to que the build process.  Maybe they both work?

Won't know till I play later :D

Re: 2... game confusions?

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 15:48
by Giel
themousemaster wrote:2)  I make regular use of a combination of Commanders and the "retreat at heavy/medium damage" option (and having trucks follow a large battlegroup to build a repair station right behind the staging area ;p).  The orders themselves work great... until I research auto-repair.  Then what happens is this:  When a unit drops into yellow health, it will retreat to the repair bay, get repaired, and return.  HOWEVER, if there is another unit already being repaired, then the 2nd unit to hit yellow damage will come to a complete stop to wait for the bay to free up.  With auto-repair, however, once it hits a compelte stop, it will begin self-repairing, and WILL NOT MOVE again until it self-repairs to full, even if the repair bay frees up in the meantime (and self repair is far slower than a repair bay).  This has been around since 1.XX, so I assume it's not a bug per-se, but still something that I find irksome ;p.
Yes, the auto-repair functionallity doesn't seem to be cooperating very well with the AI code. In fact as soon as a unit stops moving (for whatever reason, whether it is a repair queue or just nothing to do) it won't move again unless it is either finished repairing or is explicitly ordered to do so.

The repair queue isn't as bad IMO really (annoying though). What is a problem though is that units will just let themselves get shot while they're auto-repairing.

Re: 2... game confusions?

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 18:24
by themousemaster
Giel wrote: Yes, the auto-repair functionallity doesn't seem to be cooperating very well with the AI code. In fact as soon as a unit stops moving (for whatever reason, whether it is a repair queue or just nothing to do) it won't move again unless it is either finished repairing or is explicitly ordered to do so.

The repair queue isn't as bad IMO really (annoying though). What is a problem though is that units will just let themselves get shot while they're auto-repairing.
It turns out to be bad when your battlegroup is on a 10-tank rotation (a commander with 14 tanks attached, of which any point 4 are en route to/from repairs and the other 10 are attacking), and suddenly you find your commander has only 1 tank with him ;p

Re: 2... game confusions?

Posted: 04 Mar 2007, 21:27
by themousemaster
I've done a few more test-games.  With the exception of the "demolish" command, the mini-menu will NOT pop back up after ordering a build command, neither for control nor shift (shift works with demolishing)