We have higher quality FMVs thanks to cybersphinx, squashed some more bugs, fixed 3D sound, and other numerous things.
For a complete list see the Changelog.
As always: Please report all bugs, without them, we can't fix them!
Since there is some confusion on how to handle bug reports, I have decided to post the bug reporting guidelines here:
Bug Reporting
Bugs are different kinds of errors and glitches that sometimes can even lead to crashes. Due to the limited resources of the Warzone 2100 Project not everything can be tested prior to release. In order to be able to fix those bugs we need you to report those bugs. For the bug reports to be the most helpful we put up this page as a guide to writing good bug reports.
How to report bugs
- Use the search to find out, if your bug has not been reported yet.
- If you did find it there and you have more information than was provided by the original reporter, add your information.
- If you did not find it, submit a new bug report
- Write something meaningful into the summary. Not just "I found a bug", but instead write "Crash when building units" (for example).
- Give a very detailed description of the bug and how to reproduce it. This is the most important information!
- If you are using the trunk version from Subversion, be sure to add the used revision, too.
- If you are using a version from a package repository, be sure to add information on the package.
- State which operating system and version of it you are running. This includes the service pack under Windows and the distribution on Linux.
- Information about the game options you chose and the drivers (video/audio) you use and your hardware is very useful to us.
- Additionally you could provide backtraces, logfiles, screenshots and other additional information you can get as an attachment. (Backtraces in pastebins ("nopaste") or on upload sites are NOT useful.)
- Savegames that can reproduce the issue are very much welcomed! Package the savegamename.gam, savegamename.es (if exists), and everything in the savegamename folder as well in a zip file.
- If you can, please attach the crash mini dump file to your bug report. If you are using an executable you compiled yourself, please attach the executable as well, so that the developers can use it to extract information from the dump file.
- On Windows, you can find stderr.txt & warzone2100.RPT (crash dump file) in the same directory as warzone2100.exe is in.
- On Linux, you can find the crash dump in /tmp.
As always, download from http://wz2100.net/download
Change Log
2009-09-13: Version 2.2.3
- Fix: When ownership of a building changes while we are building it, tell our droids to stop building it. (ticket:895, r8125)
- Fix: Correct orientation of sound output in 3D (ticket:220, r8103)
- Fix: Some sounds were missing for super cyborgs (ticket:919, r8110, r8111)
- Fix: Some sounds were removed for baba screams (ticket:830, r8102)
- Fix: Do not sometimes crash due to integer underflow when picking up artifacts (ticket:373, r8084)
- Fix: Some building issues on BSD (r8116, r8133, ticket:817, ticket:823)
- Change: Add tileset dependent map preview colours (r8064)
- Fix: Crash if map preview during map download (r8079, ticket:756)
- Fix: Stop ability to bypass unit limits by hiding droids in transports (ticket:921, r8105)
- Fix: Cyborg transport being invincible while in the air (ticket:892, r8104)
- Fix: Assert failure on effect cleanup when entering third campaign (ticket:836, r8045)
- Fix: Infinite loop when transporting a sensor droid to offworld campaign map (ticket:852, ticket:853, r8062)
- Fix: Do not lower volume to zero when multiple videos queued up (ticket:670, r8106)
- Change: New skybox for urban maps, this one is licensed CC0, not CC-by 2.0 (ticket:922)
- Change: Added dummy version of function droidCanReach() that always returns true for backward compatibility (r8077)
- Fix: Do not crash in non-debug mode when calling allianceExists() with bad player ID (r8075)