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What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 16 Aug 2009, 22:01
by Claydoe
Well the title says it all really...
Do you like the fact that you can make your own tanks and ships?
Do you like it because of the story?
Or do you just like EVERYTHING about it?

I was just curious of what other people like about Warzone 2100! :3

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 16 Aug 2009, 23:34
by fisk0
The design feature and the focus on sensors and artillery is probably what I like best about it.
I love post-apocalyptic enviroments, but the story really wasn't very original, so that alone wouldn't make me love the game.
other things I like about it is that it was one of the earlier 3D RTS games (it was on no way the first, but in 1999 the norm was still 2D RTS games like StarCraft), and one of very few 3D RTS games that work quite well with 3D graphics (but it is absolutely not flawless). The fact that it is one of very few open source strategy games that feel kind of complete, has consistent and rather good looking graphics and has a GUI that is not horrible is also in it favor.

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 00:22
by Haku
Everything about the game ;) Not having to rebuild your base every mission :stare: is a big plus. It plays well like the game Ground Control in terms of user interface but gives the user the ability to make their own units and based upon their choices they can use different strategy's. It has a pretty decent storyline and it is a long game where mp can provide plenty things to do if ya get bored or stuck w/the campaign. Plus warzone's power level is over 9000 :cool:

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 02:04
by BulletMagnet
definitely the whole package; individual parts aren't what make the game.

IMO, WZ2100 checks the right combination of tick-boxes.

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 15:54
by winsrp
what i do like...

-the whole research your stuff is brilliant.
-the fact that is a 3d game that is actually fun to play
-the fact that you share you research when playing in team mode on multi is brilliant, what i don't know is that if i put my research facility to research the same thing am i wasting money, or am i actually helping?

What i think it should be changed/added/is missing

-it would be cool if you could use the design menu to actually design some defensive structures. I would have liked something like, i research the small tower, the bunker base, and i research the wall that hold turrets, then i can put any turret i want on my newly researched wall types.... this would simplify a whole lot of research entries and at the same time, reduce the amount of structures on the build menu which sometimes its quite hard to find what you want to do.

-where are the bridges? bridges could even hold 2 turrets on them... another example of a cool thing with the defensive structure design menu.

-This game should have way more multi-player maps, it would be cool to have a random generator of land, check the Dark Reign Map designer, you can build a good multi-player map in minutes with this method, what the heck even the sim city 2000 map designer would be useful here if we had it.

-you should be able to put several research facilities to research the same topic, to fasten up things... there are some things that just take a life to finish. Same with factories but with a different approach, if you have 5 factories, and only put one to work make things faster since factories share resources between each other (maybe this can be the same approach used with research facilities)

-the thing that shows up with the Z button pressed, vision range or what ever you like to call it, should be ON all round long. this is so useful!!! (just reduce the amount of time it takes to update so it wont be that heavy, since now it seems it refreshes every tick, make it update like no more than each 0.5 secs, and you should be good with performance)

-Make the money barrels only pickable by constructors same as researches boxes... this one goes related to the next one.

-when an enemy unit dies... make it transform into a little money barrel with 1/4 of the cost of the unit, this way when you loose some units you wont be loosing all, but if you loose all your units, then your enemy might win some advantage, this is another incentive to keep your unit live and kicking. (and if they are pickable only by constructors, then you can still focus on killing with your normal units, and give it some work to those unused constructors)

-Maybe adding some other resource needed would make this game a little bit more interesting, like a metal pit, so you need metal to build your units too, and when units are killed they leave their corps on the battlefield so they can be picked up and recycled. (instead of the above of drooping the money barrel), this is a good way to add more deepness to the game, without adding much more complexity, and of course a good excuse to add some fresh new buildings, the metal pit extractor (like the oil thing), and the Metal Plant (something like the energy plant), and of course the metal recycler for that recovered metal. Also you can add a new turret type, the metal gatherer, to pick up the scraps left on the battlefield.

what i don't care about

single player... i really only play it in multi, but with so little multi maps, well... you get bored after a couple weeks when you have tried them all.

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 20:53
by Claydoe
Warzone 2100 really has alot of things that most RTS games dont have, that is what I like about it!
I mean can you customize your troops in Warcraft? NO!!! (Im talking customizing not upgrading..)
Can you build your own base with "sensor" towers and fortress walls in Warcraft? NO!!!
Do you have to worry about running out of resources? NO!!!

I mean there are many things in Warzone 2100 that you cant really find any many other RTS games.
That is what I believe makes Warzone 2100 so fun to play! :3

(And NO, I was not trying to put down Warcraft... It was the only RTS game I could think of at the moment...)

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 18 Aug 2009, 15:41
by themousemaster

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 18 Aug 2009, 16:09
by whippersnapper

Simple for me -

From the get-go Pumpkin Studios presented their creation as the begining of a shared process of on-going development & evolution - a collaborative sandbox, if you will. I bought into that notion whole hog, as did hundreds active & vocal at the time, and have been hooked ever since. :D

Regards, whip :cool:

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 18 Aug 2009, 19:23
by mowie1
when i was like 7 or 8 i started playing warzone. as the nub i was back then i couldent beat alpha 2. weeks have passed and i managed to beat alpha 2. after that it was quite easy till i got to alpha 5 6 and 7. i beaten alpha 5 and 6 by pure numbers. I didnt know how to design units. anyway i used alpha 3 to get some power. and after I had like 20.000 i started tpo build units. alpha 3 and 4 were wuite easy. 5 was a bit hard. but 6 was just a hell. it took me weeks of trial and error to break trough the first new paridim base. I was really excited when it finaly went down. so i moved up with like 50 units and boom a 2nd base. with transporter support and mortars. it took me to long to beat the first base. so i lost the game everytime because time run out. then i said game stupid. I quit. a few months later i decided i should give it another try. and i did. i noticed there was a building that i never used to i build it. and a little green dot apeared. i was like O,o? so started playing again from alpha one. got the first artifact. and started researching. alpha 2-6 were easy after that. but then came alpha 7. wich is a bich to do when you dont know where to build. it says "establish a forward base and build defence". so i was like sure why not. managed to get a truck there. and i build a factory and a repair bay. and a few defences. was waiting for the "mission succesfull" cute scene but it ditnt happen.

* got the game for the computer *

it took me months to figure out where to build the defences. and a shitload of preperation. I used all the time that i had on alpha 5 and 6 to do i finished alpha 6 as fast as i could sending in a shitload of units just rushing and killing everything except that oli derick in the top left of the map. got a shitload of trucks to build defences and base structures. I kept tanks at all the landing spots so transporters couldent land. and still I failed. I discovered how to win the mission by pure luck. a transport landed by accident and the tanks started to attack my units. so i got a few trucks and build a few defences. i was stunned when i got tmission sucesfull.

it was these missions that made me wanna plan warzone for almost 10 years now. i jsut had to win them :3

i got the game at an airport. almost didnt get it because we were gonna miss our flight when we were waiting in line lucky me :P

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 19 Aug 2009, 18:04
by Claydoe
mowie1 wrote:i got the game at an airport. almost didnt get it because we were gonna miss our flight when we were waiting in line lucky me :P
The airport?!? O_o From a friend? Buy it at a store? Do tell... lol :ninja:
mowie1 wrote:it was these missions that made me wanna plan warzone for almost 10 years now. i jsut had to win them :3
LOL! YES! Warzone strike again! ITS ADDICTIVE!!!

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 20 Aug 2009, 05:42
by mowie1
i bought it in a store at the airport ;)

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 20 Aug 2009, 05:51
by luckystar09
I'm very interested! I would love to find out more.
script install

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 20 Aug 2009, 18:47
by Claydoe
mowie1 wrote:i bought it in a store at the airport ;)
Really!?! O_o
What kind of airport sells video games? lol
Anyways... Back on topic... Anyone? :P

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 22 Aug 2009, 03:02
by Buginator
The release of the code/data/tools, warts and all. :) O_O :3

Re: What do like about Warzone 2100?

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 09:57
by Tenoh
Loved it since i saw it back in the old days! It has a unique atmosphere that cant be reproduced.
Story is great just sad that it didnt evolved much.I am very greatful for all those in the team
who didnt let this game to die!Too bad i am not smart enough to help.I wonder where the evolution will take this game.