Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

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Black Project
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Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by Black Project »

There's the second release of the Warzone Hardcore Mode!
Untitled-1 copy.png
With this mod, your missions will turn into a struggling battle!!!


Added a new logo on main menu
Rebalanced a bit the mod, there were some stuff which make some missions easy to beat, hope i fix that for now.
Collective and NEXUS hardpoints/sensor towers are much thougher than Project hardpoints
Scavenger Soldier and Scavenger Trike are now Scavenger Buggies!
Scavenger Jeep is fitted with .50 Caliber Heavy Machine Gun
Fire Truck is fitted with 80mm Medium Cannon
Bus Cannon is now Fire Truck with Medium Cannon
Scavenger Buggy (Original) is Scavenger Jeep with .50 Caliber MG
Scavengers are a bit more thougher
Scavenger MGs can shoot aerial targets
Fixed the bug which make the Scav HMG able to shoot aerial targets, now it only shoot ground targets
Scavenger Cannon Tower => Scavenger Medium Cannon Steel Tower
Some new sounds for the mod

If you want to see all features of this mod, please see next post.

Enjoy and have a nice fight!

Regards BP

NOTE: This mod only works on the official standart release, it will not work on Debug or Trunk releases
(425.08 KiB) Downloaded 2296 times


Put the file (Warzone_Hardcore_V2.0.wz) in "Warzone 2100/mods/global/autoload
Then run the game and start a new campaign!

P.s: You'll be able to see the new logo of the mod in the main menu


Create a new folder called "campaign" in Warzone 2100/mods
Create a shortcut of Warzone on your desktop
Target Parameter: --mod_ca Warzone_Hardcore_V2.0.wz
Run the game and start a new campaign!

P.s: You won't be able to see the new logo of the mod in the main menu
Last edited by Black Project on 23 Mar 2009, 19:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by Black Project »


NEXUS Plasma Cannon Artillery Site Available (Research Tomahawk Missile Artillery Site)
NEXUS Link Turret/Tower available (Research NEXUS Intruder Program)
NEXUS Link and Vindicator SAM can shoot while moving
New Tracked Prop Moving Sound
New PIE Model for Hyper Velocity Cannon
New Weapon: Tomahawk Missile Artillery (Replaces Archangel Missile)
Archangel Missile replaces Angel Missile
Emplacements with direct-fire weapons are bunkers
Transporter uses NavGunSensor (NEXUS Sensor)
All Scavenger Bodies Available (Research Cobra)
Rebalanced a bit the mod, there were some stuff which make some missions easy to beat, hope i fixed that for now.
Collective and NEXUS hardpoints/sensor towers are much thougher than Project hardpoints

And lot of other stuff made by me...



:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: SCAVENGERS - CAMPAIGN ONE :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Scavenger Soldier and Scavenger Trike are now Scavenger Buggies!
Scavenger Jeep is fitted with .50 Caliber Heavy Machine Gun
Fire Truck is fitted with 80mm Medium Cannon
Bus Cannon is now Fire Truck with Medium Cannon
Scavenger Buggy (Original) is Scavenger Jeep with .50 Caliber MG
Scavenger Light Machine Gun had range of 768 meters, only the Scav HMG had 960 meters of range
Scavenger Rocket Artillery Range increased to 1536 meters
Scavengers have order to shoot at maximum range of their weapons
Scavengers are a bit more thougher
Scavenger MGs can shoot aerial targets
Fixed the bug which make the Scav HMG Bunker able to shoot aerial targets, now it only shoot ground targets
Scavenger Mini-Pod Pit => Scavenger Mini-Pod Steel Tower
Scavenger Flamer Tower => Scavenger Flamer Steel Tower
Scavenger Cannon Tower => Scavenger Medium Cannon Steel Tower

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: NEW PARADIGM - CAMPAIGN ONE :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Mini-Pod Bug Wheels => Mini-Pod Scorpion Tracks III
Sensor Bug Wheels => Sensor Scorpion Tracks III
Heavy Machine Gun Bug Half-Tracks => Assault Gun Scorpion Tracks III
Mini-Rocket Artillery Bug Half-Tracks => Mini-Rocket Artillery Scorpion Tracks III
Lancer AT Bug Half-Tracks => Lancer AT Scorpion Tracks III

Sensor Scorpion Wheels => Sensor Mantis Tracks III
Command Turret Scorpion Half-Tracks => Command Turret Mantis Tracks III
Light Cannon Scorpion Half-Tracks => Medium Cannon Scorpion Tracks III
Medium Cannon Scorpion Half-Tracks => Hyper Velocity Cannon Scorpion Tracks III
Medium Cannon Scorpion Tracks => Heavy Cannon Scorpion Tracks III
Mortar Scorpion Half-Tracks => Pepperpot Scorpion Tracks III
Bombard Socrpion Half-Tracks => Bombard Mantis Tracks III
Bunker Buster Scorpion Half-Tracks => Bunker Buster Scorpion Tracks III
Heavy Machine Gun Scorpion Hover => Assault Gun Mantis Hover III
Lancer AT Scorpion Hover => Tank Killer Mantis Hover III

Medium Cannon Mantis Tracks => Hyper Velocity Cannon Mantis Tracks III
Heavy Cannon Mantis Tracks => Heavy Cannon Mantis Tracks III
Heavy Cannon Mantis Hover => Heavy Cannon Mantis Hover III

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: COLLECTIVE - CAMPAIGN TWO :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Collective Lancer Tower => Collective Lancer Hardpoint
Collective Heavy MG Tower => Collective Heavy MG Hardpoint
Collective Assault Gun Tower => Collective Assault Gun Hardpoint
Collective Inferno Emplacement => Collective Inferno Hardpoint

Heavy Machine Gun Panther Tracks => Assault Gun Panther Tracks III
Assault Gun Panther Tracks => Assault Gun Tiger Tracks III
Lancer Panther Tracks => Lancer Panther Tracks III
Lancer Panther Hover => Lancer Panther Hover III
Tank Killer Panther Tracks => Tank Killer Tiger Tracks III
Tank Killer Panther Hover => Tank Killer Tiger Hover III
Medium Cannon Panther Tracks => Hyper Velocity Cannon Panther Tracks III
Hyper Velocity Cannon Panther Tracks => Hyper Velocity Cannon Tiger Tracks III
Cyclone Flak Turret Panther Tracks => Cyclone Flak Turret Tiger Tracks III
Inferno Panther Tracks => Inferno Panther Tracks III
Truck Panther Tracks => Truck Panther Hover III
Bombard Panther Tracks => Bombard Panther Tracks III
Pepperpot Panther Tracks => Pepperpot Panther Tracks III

Heavy Cannon Tiger Tracks => Heavy Cannon Tiger Tracks III
Hyper Velocity Cannon Tiger Tracks => Hyper Velocity Cannon Tiger Tracks III
Assault Cannon Tiger Tracks => Assault Cannon Tiger Tracks III
Whirlwind AA Turret Tiger Tracks => Whirlwind AA Turret Tiger Tracks III
Command Turret Tiger Tracks => Command Turret Tiger Tracks III

VTOL Cluster Bombs Bay Leopard VTOL => VTOL Cluster Bombs Bay Scorpion VTOL III
VTOL Lancer Leopard VTOL => VTOL Lancer Scorpion VTOL III
VTOL Assault Gun Leopard VTOL => VTOL Assault Gun Panther VTOL III
VTOL HEAP Bombs Bay Panther VTOL => VTOL HEAP Bombs Bay Retribution VTOL III
VTOL Tank Killer Panther VTOL => VTOL Tank Killer Panther VTOL III

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: NEXUS - CAMPAIGN THREE :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

NEXUS Scourge Missile Tower => NEXUS Scourge Missile Hardpoint
NEXUS Needle Gun Tower => NEXUS Rail Gun Hardpoint
NEXUS Pulse Laser Tower => NEXUS Pulse Laser Hardpoint
NEXUS Flashlight Hardpoint => NEXUS Gauss Cannon Hardpoint

Flashlight Retaliation Hover II => Pulse Laser Retribution Tracks III
NEXUS Link Retaliation Hover II => NEXUS Link Retribution Tracks III

Rail Gun Retribution Hover II => Gauss Cannon Vengeance Tracks III
Pulse Laser Retribuition Hover II => Pulse Laser Vengeance Tracks III
Scourge Missile Retribution Hover II => Scourge Missile Vengeance Tracks III
Vindicator SAM Retribution Hover II => Vindicator SAM Vengeance Tracks III
NEXUS Link Retribution Hover II => NEXUS Link Vengeance Tracks III
VTOL Strike Sensor Retribution Hover II => VTOL Strike Sensor Vengeance Tracks III
Truck Retribution Hover II => Truck Vengeance Hover III

Gauss Cannon Vengeance Hover II => Gauss Cannon Vengeance Tracks III

VTOL Scourge Missile Retaliation VTOL II => VTOL Scourge Missile Retribution VTOL III
VTOL Pulse Laser Retaliation VTOL II => VTOL Pulse Laser Retribution VTOL III
VTOL Needle Gun Retliation VTOL II => VTOL Rail Gun Retribution VTOL III
VTOL Thermite Bombs Bay VTOL II => VTOL Thermite Bombs Bay VTOL III
VTOL HEAP Bombs Bay VTOL II => VTOL Thermite Bombs Bay VTOL III

Some little information:

Tracks III: 3rd upgrade of the Tracked Propulsion
Hover III: 3rd upgrade of the Hover Propulsion
VTOL III: 3rd upgrade of the VTOL Propulsion

Both of these props are lot thougher, lighty and a little fast

Have fun and feel free to comment
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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by whippersnapper »


- Got to my first epic battle with The New Paradigm.... and lost. But at no time did I feel it was less than fair. I failed because my thought out
battle plan was not up to it..- my organization, my combat groupings, my supply logistics, my field maneuvers, etc... were not good enough and that is why, however close I got to conquering, it was my failure in strategy and tactics that cost me in the end. In other words, this initial engagement with the New Paradigm is well balanced, IMO, and I look forward to going back to the drawing board and coming up with a better plan and that is addictive fun... :) .... (I'm playing on hard.)

- Regards, whipper.
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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by Black Project »

Some notes on play with this mod.

At the first CAM, when i rivalize the New Paradigm, i'm almost have no chances to defeat them with HMG Viper HT or even with LC Viper HT, i just realized that the mortar is one of the few weapons which can hold off the NP attacks for many missions, until you got the Python body together with the Heavy Cannon, they're so stronger to defeat and requires the player think more to fight them off, but another problem is the time remaining.

This mod is not recomendable for begginer players! Otherwise they'll get trapped even fighting the Scavengers

Some good tips which can help some players on defeat the Scavengers and the NP

1) On Alpha 3, after you research the Power Module, don't add the module on your Power Generator, set up at max speed (1.5, but if you want more, you must activate the Debug Mode) and let the game run alone.

Let it boost up at max 50000 of power, it's very boring, but there's your prize for doing that.

2) Build up lots of Mortar Pits on your base, it's a good weapon to hold off the NP attacks, use walls, hardpoints and bunkers to distract them.

3) Put walls in front of your defenses, this tactic let the enemies confused, and they take a bit of time to start shooting your walls, but remember, indirect fire units can cross their fire over your walls!

4) Use the correct weapons on the battlefield and make sure you have repair units near of your tanks.

5) Heal your tanks with your repair tanks every time when you finish off their bases and when there's no enemy attacking them.

Hope this help with that.
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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by whippersnapper »


- BP's tips are good.

- And this HC CAM is definitely NOT for newbies or anyone who found the original campaign unbelievably tough to play through....

- In my first battle with the NP I was in their base and had their Commander parked under a repair structure healing himself
without a combat group.

- I've yet to play my second round against The NP but in reflecting on what I did I isolated my 2 main mistakes.

- One: I wasted a lot of clock time so that my final penetration-breach left me in a Do-or-Die situation at the end... I should have been able
to launch that offensive with at least 20 minutes left on the clock..... which would have given me time for 3 waves of attack & retreat out of range.. (& also make use of the HG Terrain with one of my special combat groups).

- Two: I did NOT take advantage of the Terrain to soften-up the NP's base defenses..... This was a big mistake and I am not gonna
say anymore on how I'm going to do it different in my second try because I don't want to spoil it for anyone to discover all on their own...

- There are many aspects of this new game play that I really like and at the top of the list is that it is very much advantageous to create multiple
combat groups of mixed arms (for me in this section I'm at 4) and manage their coordinated maneuvers from as many different vectors (like a Field Command Lieutenant)....just the opposite of spamming units which I've always felt was tired, predictable, game play.... arcade gimmicks really best suited for Arcade style games which I don't consider an RTS to be. Aside: The type of game play I describe at the beginning
of this paragraph will only reach its full potential in MP through Betawidget and new Command UIs like those prototyped by Elio...

- Anyway... we'll see if my analysis of my first failure holds any water (especially using the Terrain to better effect tactics) when I play next implementing my new battle plan....

- Regards, whipper.
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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by whippersnapper »


- Victory ! vs. the NP in my second attempt. Very satisfying to boot because for the first time I used the most complex and dynamic RL Military Tactics I have ever had to use in WZ. Never thought I'd have this kind of experience in WZ game play. I would guess there is more than one way to defeat the NP in this first encounter. I'm not gonna spoil it by detailing my exact tactics but I will give you some more tips to add to Black Project's post.

- Use the Terrain to your tactical advantage. Use 3 Combat groups; One Staged IF... one to flank.... one to create a feint.... soften-soften the
defenses, including drawing out the NP Commander on the battlefield and take him out there. If you try and spam-storm the NP Base upfront you'll likely fail over and over.... This may seem like a lot of info to divulge but it really isn't because the execution is NOT linear - it has to be simultaneous-dynamic... just like RL field leadership under constant assault by the enemy. You gotta be cool... I call my entire experience with this mission - "Triumph In The Balance".....I can't imagine more edge-of-your-seat fun playing.WZ. Oh... & using your units as sacrificial lambs aka cannon fodder won't work. I really love that too. You really have to change your mind-set not only from playing the original Campaign but also the usual "tacs" of MP....An amazing accomplishment, Black Project. :)

- Regards, whipper.

- EDIT: I posted the following in 3drts thread on Scav Infantry:

- I suggested BP's Cam Mod specifically for Scav Research file structure.

- As for it making Cam merely Uber Hard - somewhat misleading, IMHO. What BP has done results in game play that is greater
than the sum of it's individual implementation parts - it's aka, synergistic. In short, it affords the player a wide breath of opportunity to employ
diverse RL Military Tactics - much, much, more than the original Cam or standard MP game play. From my POV, it offers Next Gen
RTS game play. My posts in his thread go into greater detail about what I mean exactly.

- Regards, whipper. :)
- NOTE: What I mean by "Next Gen RTS Game Play" I fully explain with exhaustive details in the following thread:

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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by Black Project »

whippersnapper wrote:- Victory ! vs. the NP in my second attempt. Very satisfying to boot because for the first time I used the most complex and dynamic RL Military Tactics I have ever had to use in WZ. Never thought I'd have this kind of experience in WZ game play. I would guess there is more than one way to defeat the NP in this first encounter. I'm not gonna spoil it by detailing my exact tactics but I will give you some more tips to add to Black Project's post.
Glad you have done with this mission and proud of my mod, keep going, can't wait when you reach the Campaign 2.

Can you take some screenshots while you play the mod? (If you have time ;) ) i'm thinking to replace backdrop images from the main menu from some images in-game of the mod running.

I'm checking and modding this mod to release later the third version, but i think it's to wait to see more players finishing all the campaigns, the image which i'll post right now is another new main menu image of the future V3.0 release.

Regards BP
Looks too "underground" style, i imagine of a death metal song every time when i saw this image XD
Looks too "underground" style, i imagine of a death metal song every time when i saw this image XD
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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by whippersnapper »


- Sure... I'll try I get some action-carnage close-up screen caps over the next few days.

- Your new logo backdrop has a real hellish feel to it. Death metal is a apt connection too.
I would only suggest you make the text contrast more against the background just to make
text "Pop" a little more.

- Already working on v. 3.0, wow, It's probably best, like you said, to wait and get some more feedback
from folks that have played through all the campaigns. Myself, as addictive as it is, I'm pacing myself cause
I want to stretch out the enjoyment over a couple weeks at least. :)

Regards, whipper.
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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by whippersnapper »


- First series of 12 Screen Caps in various styles as a sampler to comment on for prefs towards higher res finals...
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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by whippersnapper »


- More...
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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by whippersnapper »


- Mas...
HC CAM 10.jpg
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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by whippersnapper »


- Un poco ma...
HC CAM 13.jpg
HC CAM 12.jpg
HC CAM 11.jpg
"I need no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being. I am the warrant and the sanction." Anthem

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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by whippersnapper »


- Beat back those NP douche bags !
HC CAM CU 3.jpg
HC CAM CU 2.jpg
HC CAM CU 1.jpg
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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by Sonsalt »

Nice Mod, but when I start skirmish or MP it crashes during loading, is that on purpose?
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Re: Warzone Hardcore Mode Mod V2.0 Released!

Post by Mysteryem »

Sonsalt wrote:Nice Mod, but when I start skirmish or MP it crashes during loading, is that on purpose?
It's not on purpose, but it's due to the fact that campaign and MP have different bodies and buildings etc. This campaign mod can only used in the campaign, although it might be possible to edit it so that some of its features work in MP.
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