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saved games not being reconized

Posted: 26 Nov 2021, 20:41
by LoadtheOrig
Have had a couple issues with the new build 4.2.2. First off, it does not reconize my saved games from 4.1.3, even coping the directories into the savegames directory under the 4.2.2 install.
Is this supposed to happen or is it an issue??

Any help will be appreciated

Re: saved games not being reconized

Posted: 27 Nov 2021, 02:06
by alfred007
Have you also copied the .gam files with the same name as the directories?

Re: saved games not being reconized

Posted: 17 Mar 2022, 15:12
by matthew92
Something about the update might just be breaking save compatibility. Definitely an annoyance, but I'm sure it wasn't supposed to happen.