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Last stage of beta campaign

Posted: 26 Jan 2021, 23:17
by Shozz22
I have problem with last stage of beta campaign. I send my units with transport and recicle all unit but the mission doesnt finish and I failed.... Why?

Re: Last stage of beta campaign

Posted: 27 Jan 2021, 19:39
by alfred007
You have to send at least one truck with the transport and survive the whole 30 minutes on the timer.

Re: Last stage of beta campaign

Posted: 29 May 2021, 01:30
by Bethrezen
survive the whole 30 minutes on the timer
yeah that's easier said than done and actually I ran in to a massive problem playing this on insane the other day and was unable to complete it without cheating.

the problem is the 14,000 power cap between that and the extremely tight mission timers I'm simply unable to build up substantial enough defences to survive so realistically I don't see how you are supposed to complete Beta now.

previously I would build defences over the entire beta campaign using any spare time I had in-between missions to do so trouble is on insane all that spare time has been removed so now I'm unable to do so either I don't have the time or I don't have the resources or both.

The resources issue wasn't a problem before because there was no upper limit on the maximum power you could have I believe the gauge went up to 999999 not that I ever got anywhere close to having that much but now only being able to hold 14,000 power I burn through that in less then 5 minutes and what I'm able to build with that doesn't come anywhere close to being enough to stop the collectives zerg

so what I decide to do was to open up rules.js and comment out the maximum power cap and restart the game to see if that helps certainly it's one less irritation I need to deal with because now I don't have to avoid picking up oil barrels since I'm unable to hold any more power its also less troublesome when I get a substantial tech upgrade and I recycle my whole army such as on alpha 6 when I recycle my whole army and upgrade from viper bodies to Cobra bodies or such as at the end of alpha/beta when I can only take 40 units with me or on beta when I upgrade my whole army to tiger bodies.

what I would be tempted to do I'd rather than capping the maximum power you can hold I would adjust the rate at which you gain power on the harder difficulties this will have the same effect but is far less irritating than the power cap currently the power gain on insane is set at 70 but you could experiment with setting it slightly lower in place of the max power cap

Re: Last stage of beta campaign

Posted: 03 Oct 2021, 01:27
by Ant1989
Defenses will melt away before the buster bunkers from the Collective, your best shot is tanks with experienced commanders. I also got stuck there, you gotta surround your bases with a huge number of anti-air defenses and put a group of tanks near 2 of the enemy's spawn points (north near that oil derrick, south on that hill near where the transport dropped enemy units behind your base), they will also come from the west and attack your northern base or the middle base (assuming you made a base on each oil derrick), so a commander there to defend is good. Also, sometimes they will come from the right, so another commander to support the others and go to solve these attacks will help.

This mission is really hard on insane, you have to use at least 10 or 20 minutes from each of the away missions after you get the last anti-air to build defenses, and go to the away mission only when you have very little energy left, and build units and research with the money you get. There is a mission kinda easy with an hour to complete, you can use it to perfect your defenses.

But I'm not gonna lie, I had to make all five commanders to deal with that, and I sent one of them in the first ship because he's gonna be really needed on Gamma 1 together with a truck, and on the last transport, I sent all the surviving commanders. Near the ten-minute mark, defense becomes impossible, the ground attacks become relentless, and too many of your tanks were sent away already (sending them don't remove them from your maximum unit limit, so you can't build replacements) I just retreated and gained a little time since they always use tracks and move like snails while I use half-tracks or hover on my tanks, always being sure they get the maximum speed, they have less health but it makes it easier to retreat and repair.