Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

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Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by Tonii_ »

Hi Guys it's daBOSS,

first of all i'd like you to enter this side and scroll down, check the whole side : ... 2016-03-29

as you can see the whole world plays warzone, The new Version 3.1.3 got +50.000 downloaders O_o but we are only a around +50 active MultiPlayer community (99.98 % of Warzone players not play Multi-Player) ! its a ratio of ~ 1000:1 !. It seems not right! If you look at those numbers you not need to be a smart dude to notice that some thing is really not right about this numbers and there must be an clear issue.

In my opinion the clear issue is that Warzone doesn't have a clear Score/States/Rank system!

I'd like to tell you some about what captivates a player to play a game and train/skill hard to get better on it
As we all know WZ players are Humans :D and Humans like be rewarded for their performance provided (Score)
Here the rendered performance is not only retained but it creates a value with which I can dominate over my competitor!
Dominate over my competitor not only motivates me but also motivates my competitor cuz he like to be better as me :D

I hope you understand the deeper sense behind this text, these are a few examples which motivate and captivate a player to play a MP- game.

WZ as the numbers shown is played most likely in skirmish/campaign mod! (There are 50.000 ppl who did downloade the new version 3.1.3 so if the MultiPlayer communaty is only arround +50 ppl ... 99.98 % of Warzone players play only skrimish/Campagne)

Let's call the 99,98 % to join our community !

Its easssyyy !! All we need in WZ is a clearly functioning log-in system with a good score system and ALL MultiPlayer ISSUES ARE GONE !
Some main issues are = Noobs get kicked/ Pro have to kick Noobs for a balonced PRO game
Players fake Rank which fk the balonce
Newbies or Skrimish Players have no motivation to join the Multiplayer

Most Important is to Motivate skirmish players to join the Multiplayer!
This Issue can be handled by score system = Add score for "finished campaign" and remember him, score can grow in MultiPlayer..... like this the newbies not join MP with a 0 score!
Options for the HOST = only able to join hosted game with a score +1000, like this PRO dont have to kick noobs, and the noob have a motivation to skill up and be able to join the PRO games :D.

And i think Research should clearly be scored in this game.... a system which count the seconds of research lab is empty!.. a pro gamer not lose 5 sec in research.. it makes the difference on the top players stage.

and so on and so on ...... let's collect some ideas about how should the log in Score/States/Rank system be !

ALL this takes time to develop but at the moment there is only VEXED who active worke on Warzone!
so if you like this game and feel this game can be changed by a log-in system and you know how to dev. THEN PLS SUPPORT!!!
Last edited by Tonii_ on 30 Mar 2016, 02:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by The Overlord »

Good idea, I think it is already being worked on, or at least has been talked about.
I like the idea of adding to your score by researching; good research really separates the good players from the great ones!
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by Steve Jobs »

The most important value during the each game is oil. May be game statistics has to build on the base of oil consuption. Relevant game statistic for each Player:
Oil extraxted
Oil, expended for production
Oil, expended for building
Oil, expended for research
Oil, unexpended
Oil, enemy's production destructed
Oil, enemy's building destructed
Oil, self production losed
Oil, self buildings losed

P.s. enemy's production destructed = all units of enemy, that was destructed by Player, converted in oil equivalent
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by Tonii_ »

Count the score by oil value is very interesting! But only the spent oil/power ... i mean if i produce 10 mg borgs = 400$(1 mg borg=40$) .. my score at that moment would be "400" ... and now i fight vs some one who have also 10 mg borg so he have same score but if i kill 3 of his borgs my score become 520 and his score become 280....hmmmm but with this system noobs or newbies will have it very hard to grow score.

But it still not bad because the noob can see before game start vs who he is playing .. so maybe he decide to not play vs the giants and try to host his own game for newbies.... i dunno i'm not sure but it seems not to be an bad idea
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by Steve Jobs »

No, you understood me false.
But only the spent oil/power ... i mean if i produce 10 mg borgs = 400$(1 mg borg=40$) .. my score at that moment would be "400" ... and now i fight vs some one who have also 10 mg borg so he have same score but if i kill 3 of his borgs my score become 520 and his score become 280.
Oil, expended for production - for both - 400$
Oil, enemy's production destructed - 120$ for you, 0$ for your opponent
Oil, self production losed - 0$ for you, 120$ for your opponent

And this is relevant only for after game's statistic, this information doesn't store on the server or count anyway for Player's Global Rank.

Global Ranking is difficult subject, because it has to be protected vs "cheating". For example, Medals could be earned in games vs bots. So, in 100 wins after bot you are pro? I dont think so :)
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by Tonii_ »

Yes i did understand you but i mean this oil value could also be scored in global rank.
1*: Count "total colected oil" = display in multiplayer menu,
maybe also "2*: Count "at the moment generated oil per second" = display in multiplayer menu,"
3*: Count spendet oil for "strucktures + units" = display iin multiplayer menu + in global rank score.

With these values, you can detect cheaters, if he has more units than his 3 * score indicates, he can be identified for cheating or if his 3* score is above his 1* Score without him discovered in contact against other Teams he is cheating.

2* dunno if it's any help to detect cheating

3*= is a nice value to store in global score becouse it workes good with the game but only in Multi Player,
at T1 most units cost around 130$
at T2 most units cost around 230$
at T3 most units cost around 300-500$
so it is like level up... the longer you play the more points you get, its fair and good so because we all know if a game not ended before T3 it was a gg and Balanced.
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by Steve Jobs »

Boss, i cant't understand how total score (=total oil of all buildings and all production) from all my games can help to check my skill. Because oil extracted in 1 high-oil game ( ~ 30 mins ) = 10 low-oil games (~ 15 min). So, we have 2 players with 100000 scores - one with one high-oil game and one with 10 low-oil games. Who has more experience? :) Yes, we shouldnt compare! So, this kind of score counting.. i dont like.

For me is relevant - average values (from game to game) of:
Oil, expended for production/Oil extraxted (%)
Oil, expended for building/Oil extraxted (%)
Oil, expended for research/Oil extraxted (%)
Oil, unexpended/Oil extraxted (%)

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 100% - so i can see how player spend his oil, more res, more building, more production or more nothing-doing.

After i would like to see:

(Oil, enemy's production destructed + Oil, enemy's building destructed) / (Oil, self production losed + Oil, self buildings losed + 1) (%) - some kind of effectivness ratio of player. I add 1 oil, because we cant't devide on zero in case player losed nothing.
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by Tonii_ »

hmmm yeah sure you are right, 1 high oil game = 10 low oil games.
But knowing % for what your opponent spend his power you can see how skilled he is ?
You could shure see if he spend much money in structures = he is defensive player, that's interesting for a global score.
win/luse value sure also interesting for a global score
luse time in research (empty standing res) before win screen could also be interesting, also issue = you kinda stop res when know you win
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by vexed »

For what it is worth, yes, a login systems was in the works, but, that had to be put on hold while we discuss a few things internally on how to go forward.
And, I am not the only one working on this project, Per & Cyp are still around.
Oh, and it also doesn't help that one of the main guys working on the lobby system has ceased working on anything WZ related because of how the MP community treated him.

That said, I think we got bigger problems with MP than just a login system.
See viewtopic.php?f=30&t=1932&p=133895#p133895 for a prime example on why people are put off the whole MP side of WZ.
/facepalm ...Grinch stole Warzone🙈🙉🙊 contra principia negantem non est disputandum
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by Tzeentch » ... 2016-04-03 this trend interests me... we will make that climb again
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by stiv »

Let's call the 99,98 % to join our community !
Let me play Devil's Advocate and suggest you flip that around:

Let's try to be the community the other 99.98% of Warzone players want to join.
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by Tonii_ »

stiv wrote:
Let's call the 99,98 % to join our community !
Let me play Devil's Advocate and suggest you flip that around:

Let's try to be the community the other 99.98% of Warzone players want to join.

XD XD :wink: thats a good one
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by Tonii_ »

vexed wrote: And, I am not the only one working on this project, Per & Cyp are still around.
Okay thats good, i did get the info that you are atm the only one working on WZ. I don't mind to delete the line cuz it still have a good message
vexed wrote:Oh, and it also doesn't help that one of the main guys working on the lobby system has ceased working on anything WZ related because of how the MP community treated him.
If you talking about berg then.. i think it's his own fault!
vexed wrote:See viewtopic.php?f=30&t=1932&p=133895#p133895 for a prime example on why people are put off the whole MP side of WZ.
Tonii_ wrote:Some main issues are = Noobs get kicked/ Pro have to kick Noobs for a balonced PRO game
Players fake Rank which fk the balonce
Newbies or Skrimish Players have no motivation to join the Multiplayer

Most Important is to Motivate skirmish players to join the Multiplayer!
This Issue can be handled by score system = Add score for "finished campaign" and remember him, score can grow in MultiPlayer..... like this the newbies not join MP with a 0 score!
Options for the HOST = only able to join hosted game with a score +1000, like this PRO dont have to kick noobs, and the noob have a motivation to skill up and be able to join the PRO games
a pro always tries to give his best performance ... but if a newbie destroys all the effort and devotion of skilled pro. it is no wonder that the pro start to be rude.
Of course, swear is not good :D but understanding for pro who has not always annoy for a newbie should also be present!

I'v poset the same text in the rus VK (russian WZ community with + 4k followers :
Very interesting is what fuzzy aka MOEEP taily has to say,
He suggests that the"Basics Guide" is outdated because most games are played in high oil, so the newbies are confronted with a whole other level of WZ and have no idea how to handle it (which costs kick and insult at these days)
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by Jiiin-K »

Great idea guys, even if I do not understand all of what you say.. only the log-in system!

Just an idea.. to call the ppl and join us in MP
Newbie need to be accompanied by pro to be motivate in muliplayer.. the problem is "PRO" want to play them only (that i can understand) but we are not newbie and they may be frustated when they are kicked, so to resolve the problem i think we have to make a "Training school" for newbie with 1 or 2 leader PRO to learn them the tactics, shorkey, how to play low oïl high or medium oïl.
The campaign mod and skirmish are good also, but a newbie is a newbie and and does not reflect so much like in MP with real players..

For this "Training School" work good, i think we have to make a trailer of this School on YouTube, and make a New topic on forum to register new players who want to practice in this clan and maybe later come in MP :)

Also, another problem (my opinions) is when new players are coming on IRC, and they ask Something or talk, 90% of communities are afk and don't discuss with them, then they leave and it's bad! You will tell me we can't be 24/24 on keyboard and i understand don't worry.. but that i think same if it's impossible i have no idea i don't know about how to make a programs or what u like, but why not add or create an general channel in game ??like this the ppl will talk all together.

If u think i'm wrong tell me.
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Re: Score/Stats/Rank Log-in system to join WZ

Post by vexed »

Tonii_ wrote: a pro always tries to give his best performance ... but if a newbie destroys all the effort and devotion of skilled pro. it is no wonder that the pro start to be rude.
Of course, swear is not good :D but understanding for pro who has not always annoy for a newbie should also be present!
I think you are missing the point.
Our MP community is pretty small, so, I am not against people hosting "pro" only games, however, people that host must know that if they only allow "pros" in game, then, it is pretty much impossible to get more people out of the "noob" category, and into the "pros".
They (noobs) attempt to enter games, and get kicked. This makes people mad, and they get fed up with this attitude and don't bother with MP again.
This means that the MP population will NEVER increase, it will decrease, and the "pros" then get bored with playing with the same people, so they leave, and then we got a even smaller MP population.

We are trying to make the game friendly for everyone involved so the overall population will keep increasing, not decreasing as the trending line has been going on.

For example, there are no good video tutorials that show what is expected of these people, so, they can never learn.
There are some posts in the forum that do attempt to explain things, but, that isn't gaining much traction, and are few and far between.
The WZ manual itself doesn't really help with the MP side of things either, nor do the game tutorials that we offer.
Yes, there are game play vids, but, nobody has bothered to actually explain the reason for doing what they see. It turns out to be a cookie cutter video, where the people then only play with the same stuff over and over.

It would be great if some of the "pros" would write a tutorial, or, even better, setup a in-game tutorial with everything spelled out to people, so it is easier to understand.
/facepalm ...Grinch stole Warzone🙈🙉🙊 contra principia negantem non est disputandum
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