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Batch conversion : (.pie) to (.obj) faster way?

Posted: 18 Dec 2015, 06:06
by trevormanaze
I understand how to do them 1 by 1 using WMIT.

I need a crash course or maybe just simple instructions on how to batch convert the 800 or so remaining .pie models I have to .obj for a project I am working on.

I need a faster way to convert these files than having to click a few times just for one conversion.

any advice would be appreciated.

Re: Batch conversion : (.pie) to (.obj) faster way?

Posted: 20 Dec 2015, 03:16
by vexed
Can you please stop digging up old posts (necro'ing) requesting the same info?
You posted once, that is enough.

As for your issue, might I suggest you use this? ... /pie23ds.c Then 3ds to whatever...
Command line driven, so you can stick it in a batch file easily.