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Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 07 Dec 2013, 08:00
by NoQ
Updated: now upgrades for enemy armor should work (surrounded them with hackNetOff()).

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 14 Dec 2013, 00:04
by montetank
Hmm-i saw, that my sensors (cb and normal) was destroyed-not happend earlier. So my shakers where useless-I lost the battle after 70 minutes. Thats the way. I cant survive now over 70 minutes :cry:
In most games i lost after 40 minutes cause of to minimal resources. This Tower Defense is a very nice mod. :)
Want to see more tower defense map-mods in this way-this map is really very strong - like that :D
The idea of this mod is very good-maybe something for the addon-section.
Thanks NoQ


Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 15 Dec 2013, 12:40
by NoQ
Ah, i wondered why nobody reports the progress ... now i know that's because it's fixed XD
Anyhow, i tried to make a campaign-style td scenario, but run into a blocking issue.

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 15 Dec 2013, 14:57
by montetank
The enlargement of this Tower Defense mod into a campaign scenario is a great project. (I have read about the problems you show us in this "blocking issue"-link). It is essential for this mod to capture more attention. It is a great pity not to read commends from other WZ-players.

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 25 Dec 2013, 23:06
by anonim17465
Very complicated as for me... I did not survive longer, than 15 minutes (3, 5, 9, 12, 15...) so, each 3 minutes takes me another try...
There is a way to pass it if you will not make any mistakes at all...

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 25 Dec 2013, 23:31
by montetank
anonim17465 wrote:Very complicated as for me... I did not survive longer, than 15 minutes (3, 5, 9, 12, 15...) so, each 3 minutes takes me another try...
There is a way to pass it if you will not make any mistakes at all...
It is very tricky to survive longer than 30 minutes. But there is a way. I don`t wish to give away to much :wink:
I like this mod and it would be nice to see more of this map-mods in the future

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 28 Dec 2013, 18:31
by montetank
Again problems with save-games. Version 3.1.1 (the newest one).

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 15:33
by Powzone
I don't know, how you get to play so long on this... :D

I only reach something around 10-15 minutes. I always thought, I'd be an somewhat average player...

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 15 Jan 2014, 00:18
by montetank
I must repeat- this tower-defense mod/challenge is a training session. You can`t win here. Survive as long as you can. Ok-it would be nice to see a second oil derrick. I am sure, we will see in the future. It is like the challenge "No place to hide". Nearly impossible to win. Thats not important.

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 19:44
by montetank
27 minutes. I canĀ“t survive longer. I destroyed my satellite and both factories for more money. I also destroyed one research facility after 7 minutes for more money. Maybe that was the mistake, because i had to build the research center up again after 10 minutes :augh: The 3 MG-Towers in the right corner was a bad mistake. Absolutely useless. Wasting time and money. A tactical fault. I was in this moment in the red. -180. No chance to build or to research something. And the next wave was my dead, because my command center was ultraviolett and not red :lol2:

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 20:11
by NoQ
I guess this challenge can be made a bit easier.

If you like you can play with numbers in userTimer() function in td_user.js (eg. change the formula for totalValue) and try to find a balanced scenario ;)

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 20:58
by montetank
Let us be serious. I like this mod/challenge. Thanks for your time and work you did for our enjoyment. As i said above-it is a trainee session. A very good example, to understand the balance between research an build ( doesn`t matter if units or towers). Very important for all the guys, who are enthuastic in this research,research, research way. I will make a bet: 20% can`t survive longer than 20 minutes. Because they dont want to try.

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 03 Mar 2014, 23:56
by montetank
Hello NoQ-some new idea. Is it possible to make the intervals between the attacks a little bit longer? 10-15 seconds would help very much. Only an idea.

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 15:36
by beholder33
i'm not an uber pro at exploiting AI weaknesses in warzone so i can't get past 18 minutes but i did some beta research for ya.

1. energy earned from killing enemies should be increased a bit
2. power turbine upgrades should give an extra derrick for the player beside the sole upgrade (i have no idea how hard is to script such thing so it's just a concept)
3. another concept i thought of would be waves of construction trucks that have a mission to build 3 towers under your hq, every faction would have 3 types of trucks, light, mediums and ofc heavies, differing in the types of towers to build by them depending on faction, for example new paradigm would want to build h machinegun hardpoints, collective hpv canon hardpoints and nexus railgun or gauss hardpoints
4. truck ammount limit should be removed, if player has enough spare resources for so many trucks, then why not?
5. i dunno how far is it possible on scripting but a nice idea also would be to add single enemy units with random chance of spawn per wave that restores a bit of hedquarters hp when the unit gets killed, to spice it up a bit in case player would fail to kill it on it's way to hq, the unit could carry more advanced weapon than the others

that's all from me, thanks for the good mod and good luck on improving it :)

Re: [3.1.1+] Tower Defense (engine and maps)

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 05:05
by NoQ
I think i should restore command center HP after each boss wave (at least partially). Or restore 1% of command center HP for every unit killed. Or something like that.
exploiting AI weaknesses
Well that won't really help here, there's not much of an AI controlling enemies on this mission (they just receive a single order to ATTACK your command center, and that's it).
truck ammount limit should be removed
It's hardcoded.