Hello and features request:

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Hello and features request:

Post by Zepherian »

Hello, long time warzone player, noob forum user. Just to give a little bit of feedback and request a few features for future versions of warzone. Don't worry, I will be rational:

1) Build, Research, Briefing, Production and Commander menus need to be scalable as per the minimap (mouse wheel). This could be implemented more or less easily as they already use 3d in the context images and all that would be needed is to scale them with a fixed vertical/horizontal ratio. This could be done on the menus themselves or on the menu icon box, which would rescale everything. Reason: Try playing full HD on a high end laptop screen with 40 year old eyes :p

2) Cheating. For better multiplayer games cheating needs to be addressed. Cheating can be as bland as transporter spamming or player kicking (it's irritating when a player quits because he is losing and the host then quicks one of your teammates to "balance game") to something more sinister, as I think some players are using debug codes somehow, as I have been outproduced by players with half the production capacity after having base destroyed. Some (fortunately few) people are not playing by the same rules as the rest of us, this I think is clear to anyone who plays online.

3) From above: remove ingame kick or make it automatic under certain network related circumstances.

4) From above: remove weopon from transports (also correcting the transporter overlap graphics would make the game look much better). Alternately make a gunship version of the transporter with a weopon mount so players fit it into their strategy. One way or the other define the unit role better, as the current transporter spam is irritating and hard to counter within the tech tree for someone with little aa or mg research, as they only die easily to things like whirlwinds or scourge cyborgs.

But overall warzone is MUCH better than it was back in the late 90's and early 2000's and I am very happy with what you guys have done with it. Much thanks transfered. May you keep your enthusiasm for what is still a great strategy game with nice gameplay mechanics. My apologies if some of the requests here are repeated. Before adding new features some of the few remaining flaws of this lovely game, imho, should be corrected.
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Re: Hello and features request:

Post by aubergine »

Weapons have been removed from transports in version 3.2 which is currently being developed.

If you're playing 3.1.0 it should be much harder for people to cheat compared to 2.3.x versions.
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