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Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 20:02
by NoQ
Looking at the last two addons, i sense some elusive similarity :o :)

Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 22:10
by Merowingg
NoQ I dont know what you mean, can you explain please? :hmm:

I also would like to announce that since our webpage and as a result forum have changed, I decided to change too in meaning that I will try to make maps for 3, 7, 9 and finally 10 players. Which does not have to be the next one, I have just accepted the idea.

I will also try to make a few maps in a style which I believe I will be calling "two maps style" I will explain it with the introduction of a first map of that kind, and its main aim will be to refresh my particular style.



Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 22:52
by NoQ
Dunno, somehow twisted similarly.
I will try to make maps for 3, 7, 9 and finally 10 players.
Great, and we also have trouble with 5-player maps. Could really use some more. The ones i made so far aren't good enough at all (:

Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 22:59
by Merowingg
NoQ good heavens, similarity between which two? :)

Ah yes, you are always good at details, 5 players too, yes yes ;)

And dont be so modest, I admire all your works, but indeed the new player numbers map are not exhausted in possibiliets at all I believe, or shall I say, it did not even start :)

Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 29 Jul 2013, 07:25
by Merowingg
After some time I began to realise that you may be speaking about your latest map in addons? Because indeed those two have few very very nicely hidden common features and only a good eye could see that. It is like my map was the geometrical version of your landscape one :)

Is that what you ment? If yes, you really impress me :3

Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 18:01
by Merowingg
Hello Gentlemen :)

I am really happy to present my first seven players map :)

The map will also try to initiate my "two maps style" style. The feature of such map will be that a map will be completelly different at least at two its halves, but it may be four parts or more. And the border between "the maps" within the map will be very often clearly visible but dont have to be. It does not have the border in the ideal middle place. For example at one side of the map we will have thick forrest and mountains, while on the second half we will have water and islands. Players can be placed anywhere, and the map will often be strongly featuring some players, but it still dont have to be so. There are always two sides of a coin.

The map is for seven players. I dont believe I am typing that ;) 12 oils per player. Advanced bases with SAM sites and repair facilities included. Also the gateways. 4 oils are in base. I did my best that the map have nice colours and features.

It is called Seven Lords because if you look closely you can see them :)

Have fun :)

Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 07 Aug 2013, 00:07
by Berg
Merowingg wrote:The map will also try to initiate my "two maps style" style. The feature of such map will be that a map will be completelly different at least at two its halves, but it may be four parts or more. And the border between "the maps" within the map will be very often clearly visible but dont have to be. It does not have the border in the ideal middle place. For example at one side of the map we will have thick forrest and mountains, while on the second half we will have water and islands. Players can be placed anywhere, and the map will often be strongly featuring some players, but it still dont have to be so. There are always two sides of a coin.
I looked over all the map and saw not one tree???
I Thought you said forest. Forests need trees.

Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 07 Aug 2013, 00:30
by Rman Virgil

Maybe Mero is introducing a new feature - kelp. In which case it would be Kelp Forests and those you'd have to look for under his bodies of water. Mero can be tricky, to be sure. ;)


Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 07 Aug 2013, 05:31
by Merowingg
Hihihi Gentlemen :)

From many here, one who I would suspect in a quite genius way would say a word or hundred about my new tricks would be certainly Berg and man you do make me smile :) Those trees will grow up at the very few green spots, but terrain on that map is very infertile :( And you have also tricked me even better because as being sleepy I did check if I wrote "for example" :)

Rman :) You made my day too, as of course I did not know what the hell kelp is so I googled it :) and.. one of the first pictures that appeared as suggested graphic was a picture of! Jennifer Ainston :lol2: And you do realise It made me really happy :)

P.S. 1

The seeds for the trees are in the hangars on the map.

P.S. 2

I do use too much emphasis I think sometimes? But I do like it :)

And some loose general statment :)

Those are women, who are tricky :3

Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 07 Aug 2013, 09:42
by Rman Virgil

Kelp connected to a pic of Jennifer Aniston ! O_o Who woulda thunk such. I'm speechless. :wink:


Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 27 Sep 2013, 08:04
by Merowingg
Hello Gentlemen :)

I just wanted to say that I have finally passed the italian exam and now I have a clear way to write my master's thesis in two months time :)

And yes Rman, I was happily suprised too :)

Greetings to all :)

As a deserved relaxation I will try to create something soon :)

Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 27 Sep 2013, 11:34
by Rman Virgil

Mapping can indeed be a soothing, zen-like, pass time I also find. :) After the last several months you've had, Mero, with Uni stuff, the perfect tonic, working on a new map. :3


Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 28 Sep 2013, 13:44
by montetank
Hello Merowingg,

very good news. Congratulations. I can`t wait to see your next map. Your last one-the map with the seeds for the trees in the hangars was very good. Your right: We must ensure that felled trees are replaced, in one way or another, with new trees :-D


Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 05 Nov 2013, 04:10
by noname1208
Aloha! :D Long time no type! I've been a bit busy with school and such :/ as I see you have been too :) Great job on your exam by the way :D

I also see you've posted a few new maps that ,as always, look great :3

Ahh it's great to be back :D
(P.S. I see your posts are ever slowly losing the never ending smilies that were in your first posts :wink: )

Re: Merowingg's Maps

Posted: 09 Nov 2013, 13:53
Hello! I am back! I took a very long hiatus from playing WZ2100 but have decided to come and take a look at some of the new stuff.

Now, onto the reason I am talking in this thread, I was wondering Mero if it would be possible for you to make a 12 player squared map for multiplayer, with a high number of derricks? :)

Thank you for reading this