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Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 05 Jun 2012, 08:29
by Urnight
Before i was trying to use it with 2.3.9. but i installed beta-10 and it worked :)
very very very cool mod Shadow. Also when is nullbot going to compatible?
Also, who on earth made the new built in AI? That AI is amazing, it can even tower rush!

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 05 Jun 2012, 11:23
by NoQ
Also, who on earth made the new built in AI? That AI is amazing, it can even tower rush!
Emm what? There were very few tweaks in Default/Nexus AI since 2.3 (sabotaging oils he didn't manage to take is one of them; Semperfi also researches mg tower early, so it's more aggressive in this sort of tower rush).
Also when is nullbot going to compatible?
I'm making a dedicated personality, and the download link is already in the first post; it's not using all of the stuff yet.

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 01:11
by aubergine
Regarding sonic disruptor, this forum topic has a design for a unit that fires sonic weapon (see images in opening post): viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5108 -- Maybe the topic author can be contacted to see if he has the 3D model to hand, as it would make for an interesting new body and turret. I like the way the sonic waves look as well, sort of like a shockwave.

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 03:34
by Goth Zagog-Thou
There ya go, Shadow. All you need from Cam 4's templates to add them in. :)

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 08:56
by Red October
Hello, I am new to these forums. I would like to report 2 issues I have witnessed. Super hijackers being produced from vtol factory via super transport icon. Also when I disable the Laser Satellite Command Post, it fails to be disabled and can be built. Awsome mod btw.

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 10:37
by Shadow Wolf TJC
Thanks Goth.

By the way, here's a "small" list of templates that I personally believe are viable in the earlier tiers (and some in the later tiers) of multiplayer, depending on the playstyle employed:

Code: Select all

Cont-BugLgtCanHalfTracks		_("Light Cannon Bug Half-Tracks")
Cont-BugMG3HalfTracks			_("Heavy Machinegun Bug Half-Tracks")
Cont-BugMinipodHalfTracks		_("Mini-Rocket Pod Bug Half-Tracks")
Cont-BugConstWheels			_("Truck Bug Wheels")
Cont-BugConstHover			_("Truck Bug Hover")
Cont-BugSensorHalfTracks		_("Sensor Turret Bug Half-Tracks")
Cont-BugConstHvy1Hover			_("Heavy Truck Bug Hover")
Cont-BugConstHvy2Hover			_("Heavy Truck II Bug Hover")
Cont-BugConstHvy3Hover			_("Heavy Truck III Bug Hover")
Cont-BugConstHvy4Hover			_("Heavy Truck IV Bug Hover")
Cont-PythonConstHvy1Tracks		_("Heavy Truck Python Tracks")
Cont-TigerConstHvy2Tracks		_("Heavy Truck II Tiger Tracks")
Cont-ClayConstHvy3Tracks		_("Heavy Truck III Claymore Tracks")
Cont-WyvernConstHvy4Tracks		_("Heavy Truck IV Wyvern Tracks")
Cont-MantisConstHvy1Hover		_("Heavy Truck Mantis Hover")
Cont-EagleConstHvy2Hover		_("Heavy Truck II Eagle Hover")
Cont-VengConstHvy3Hover			_("Heavy Truck III Vengeance Hover")
Cont-PythonConstHvy1Hover		_("Heavy Truck Python Hover")
Cont-TigerConstHvy2Hover		_("Heavy Truck II Tiger Hover")
Cont-ClayConstHvy3Hover			_("Heavy Truck III Claymore Hover")
Cont-WyvernConstHvy4Hover		_("Heavy Truck IV Wyvern Hover")
Cont-CobraAsltCanTracks			_("Assault Cannon Cobra Tracks")
Cont-PythonTwinAsltCanTracks		_("Twin Assault Cannon Python Tracks")
Cont-CobraMGATTracks			_("Vulcan Gattling Gun Cobra Tracks")
Cont-MantisSensorHvyHover		_("Heavy Sensor Turret Mantis Hover")
Cont-PythonSensorHvyTracks		_("Heavy Sensor Turret Python Tracks")
Cont-PythonSensorHvyHover		_("Heavy Sensor Turret Python Hover")
Cont-BugMedCanTracks			_("Medium Cannon Bug Tracks")
Cont-BugAsltCanTracks			_("Assault Cannon Bug Tracks")
Cont-BugMGATTracks			_("Vulcan Gattling Gun Bug Tracks")
Cont-ScorpHvyCanTracks			_("Heavy Cannon Scorpion Tracks")
Cont-ScorpTwinAsltCanTracks		_("Twin Assault Cannon Scorpion Tracks")
Cont-CobraHvyCanTDTracls		_("Fixed-Mounted Heavy Cannon Cobra Tracks")
Cont-PythonHvyCanTDHalfTracks		_("Fixed-Mounted Heavy Cannon Python Half-Tracks")
Cont-BugHvyCanTDTracks			_("Fixed-Mounted Heavy Cannon Bug Tracks")
Cont-MantisRailProtoTracks		_("Proto-Railgun Mantis Tracks")
Cont-PythonRailProtoTDTracks		_("Fixed-Mounted Proto-Railgun Python Tracks")
Cont-MantisRailProtoTDHover		_("Fixed-Mounted Proto-Railgun Mantis Hover")
Cont-ScorpRailProtoTDTracks		_("Fixed-Mounted Proto-Railgun Scorpion Tracks")
Cont-BugFlamerWheels			_("Flamer Bug Wheels")
Cont-BugFlamerHover			_("Flamer Bug Hover")
Cont-BugTwinMinipodTracks		_("Twin Mini-Rocket Pod Bug Tracks")
Cont-CobraTwinMinipodTracks		_("Twin Mini-Rocket Pod Cobra Tracks")
Cont-BugMRATracks				_("Mini-Rocket Array Bug Tracks")
Cont-ScorpMRAWheels			_("Mini-Rocket Array Scorpion Wheels")
Cont-ScorpMRAHover			_("Mini-Rocket Array Scorpion Hover")
Cont-BugMortarTracks			_("Mortar Bug Tracks")
Cont-ScorpMortarWheels			_("Mortar Scorpion Wheels")
Cont-ScorpMortarHover			_("Mortar Scorpion Hover")
Cont-BugLaserAPHover			_("Light Laser Bug Hover")
Cont-BugLaserATHover			_("Laser Cannon Bug Hover")
Cont-FalconLaserAPHover			_("Light Laser Falcon Hover")
Cont-FalconLaserATHover			_("Laser Cannon Falcon Hover")

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 11:13
by aubergine
@Shadow: How did you get the link in your sig?

@Red October: That's an awesome bug - well spotted!

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 11:26
by NoQ
aubergine wrote:@Shadow: How did you get the link in your sig?
The [forum] tag.
Only useful for making links to the forums (:

Code: Select all

[forum=viewtopic.php?f=10&t=8826]NullBot AI[/forum]

Is it ok if i abbreviate NullBot Contingency as "NullBot&Co."? (:

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 12:26
by NoQ
NullBot Contingency v0.6. I added a "Turtle" standalone personality (tower wars AI, produces no tanks or borgs) and added more artillery (including mortar and howitzer firebases) to the standard personalities.

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 13:02
by NoQ
If you are looking for a cool advanced repair facility model, Berg just suddenly found one in the base game, it's called blrpair2.pie:

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 13:18
by aubergine
That repair facility is awesome! Great find @Berg! I've added it to the wiki: Advanced Repair Facility

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 07 Jun 2012, 06:10
by Shadow Wolf TJC
The repair facility looks nice, but I still prefer the good old Repair Facilities that resemble a pillar with a rotating repair turret on them:

By the way, version 0.2.2 is out now. I've added a few extra defenses using some of the recently-added turrets.
By the way, if you see Hardcrete or Supercrete in any of the defenses' names, that's probably how things would look in the future...
Personally, I think that the Flamers line is in need of heavier turrets. Having lots of engine upgrades can allow for smaller bodies to carry heavier turrets. Between that and the fact that lower-tiered bodies thend to have bigger engines, players could create units like this:
Yes, you can create Bug Hovers armed with Fixed-Mounted Proto-Railguns (which weigh a bit more than a Heavy Cannon, but much less than their turreted counterparts, which weigh twice as much as a Heavy Cannon), and they would barely be weighed down if you researched all 10 engine upgrades.
Yes, you can create Bug Hovers armed with Fixed-Mounted Proto-Railguns (which weigh a bit more than a Heavy Cannon, but much less than their turreted counterparts, which weigh twice as much as a Heavy Cannon), and they would barely be weighed down if you researched all 10 engine upgrades.
Sadly, given the tiny weight of the existing Flamers, I fear that Flamer users won't be able to take advantage of these kinds of speed boosts. Sure, they could mount the Flamers onto Python or Mantis bodies, but even if they're able to survive long enough for them to get close, their Flamers would just be too weak to be of any use in all but the most open-ended of maps.

What I'm planning on doing for the next major beta is creating even heavier versions of the existing Flamers, so that players could, in addition to creating what I'd consider Warzone 2100's closest thing to Zerglings, create what I'd consider to be the Warzone 2100 equivalent of Ultralisks. :twisted:

Edit: By the way, how does the game handle now that some things were changed around in version 0.2? I'm still asking questions about balance here: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=9493#p104361

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 07 Jun 2012, 06:20
by aubergine
When I saw this "Fixed-Mounted Proto-Railguns" I somehow read it as "Fixed-Mounted Potato-Railguns"

Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 07 Jun 2012, 07:29
by Rman Virgil
aubergine wrote:When I saw this "Fixed-Mounted Proto-Railguns" I somehow read it as "Fixed-Mounted Potato-Railguns"
High velocity spuds, well aimed by Scavs at Borg faces, could lead to a tactical advantage, albeit short-lived.

What I'm still trying to figure out is the proper place on the contingency tech tree for Transports armed with perky udders and naval guns.


Re: Warzone 2100: Contingency (Beta now released)

Posted: 07 Jun 2012, 12:02
by Cook1990
played a few games with version 2.1 and have some findings to report;

with 10 factories enabled, an hour in i lose the ability to build tank factories, even if i havent built all 10, thats needs to be fixed.
satillite dish center (sensor that shows full map, can remember the correct name) cannot be built or researched.

dont play the null bot on maxed oil maps, very scary AI, even on normal setting.

as for how i've been playing it i've been building mortar then pepporpot bunkers everywhere, they rip everything apart all the way upto t3, by which point i'm on mortar firebases and howitzers, i also reasearch lasers asap, and then unleash my heavy laser heavy tanks, which just rip the AI's apart