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Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 27 Feb 2012, 04:24
by aubergine
Because at some point the enemy will need to start churning out lots of units that are based on their chosen research path, and it's then that you get to understand what you are really up against. But by that time, as Iluvalar (I really wish your name was easier to spell!) points out it will be too late for you to adapt your research path if you've got it wrong.

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 27 Feb 2012, 05:39
by Iluvalar
It's a combination of factor. In 3.1 you can't send a "good" scout. It would not be scout, but a spy for your opponent. Then your scout would be fragile, and to pierce correctly through enemy defence and gather correct information, you'll need a small squad of "bad" units. This increase the time of production to have those scouts. 2 mores minutes of delay that you lost for adapt. Likewise, your opponent will need less firepower to stop you, he will have the leisure to greet you with unteched units as well. Killing the purpose of scouting altogether for another 2-3 minutes. Plus 2 more minutes of movement between the base. At the end, when both players know how to play 3.1 you are aware of the weapon of the opponent 6-7 minutes later, which is too late.

in 2.3 that delay dont exist, both players know that you could see them in the preview, so they have no interest in faking bad units vs another player that will have low interest in faking and will probably send true units. So both players start with the good design and you ABSOLUTELY need a scout to know it the opponent will over produce and attack you in mass or if he is research the next gen weapon and you need to strike first.

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 28 Feb 2012, 00:24
by Giani
As i said before, the enemy wont stay in his base with his units, he will go around trying to get more oil or atack one of his enemys or scavengers. So when he is going to atack another enemy his units can ge seen by a scout or a sensor. And if you can get a scout to his base you can see the factories he has, so if he has more cyborg factories or tanks factories whitout modules you will know how to adapt before he has many units.

Not all the people atack at 6:00, some people wait more or start rushing at 2:30 , so you cant always adapt to win and that is not something bad. And you dont need always to adapt to win, you can win having mg tanks against tanks because the mg is cheap so you can make lot of tanks, but of course you can loose doing that. Or if in a long game you atack the enemy and you arent adapted, you can atack his units whit vtols and/or arti.

No units preview make alliances and scavengers have a bit more sense.

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 28 Feb 2012, 00:53
by Iluvalar
Giani wrote: So when he is going to atack another enemy his units can ge seen by a scout or a sensor.
That's why he will attack with bad units. And you will fight back with bad units because you will have no other choices.

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 16:59
by Giani
"That's why he will attack with bad units. And you will fight back with bad units because you will have no other choices."
Even you dont make bad units...
And the enemy could lose doing that.

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 17:14
by Iluvalar
in 3.1 I do. But i'm surprised how much players didn't catch that fact yet. So when I play in team I cant hide my weapon very long.

I told you many time : If i start losing my fake units, I'll know that yours are the real model. I will have a knowledge advantage on you that must be major.

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 17:53
by Giani
"If i start losing my fake units, I'll know that yours are the real model. I will have a knowledge advantage on you that must be major."
He can win with fake units too: they can be fake but they can be better than yours or maybe he has more units than you.

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 02:12
by Iluvalar
Well the principle rely on the player skill to make a decent fake, with minimal research and a maximum reasonable of unit.

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 02:40
by Giani
In a low oil would you waste power for using fake units? The enemy can win using the real ones if you do that.

And in a beta game at 10:00 i took 1 minute to adapt for killing cyborgs coming to my base(he took 2 mins to get here, so i had enough time) using flamers on tanks & cyborgs and he was using cannons.I could win by spamming the flamers and later used the rockets for atacking the other enemys.(I would have taken more time to get mra and to produce tanks whit that weapon than whit flamers)

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 04:32
by Iluvalar
he probably didn't researched correctly.

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 13:47
by Giani
I had mini-pods on viper and he had cyborgs whit cannons...

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 15:55
by Iluvalar
We can't conclude anything on your partial information.

I count a lot of errors he did in your resume :
1) He took 2 minutes to reach your base while any decent 1v1 map have a 80 seconds truck time. So 1 minute at top with borgs
2) He didnt researched his cannon correctly (would have decimated unresearch cyborgs at that point)
3) He let your flamers touch him (he was as fast as you).
4) didnt used repair factory
5) didn't sieged you properly. You lost everything but your base, it was easy to sit there and let you die.

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 19:08
by NoQ
any decent 1v1 map have a 80 seconds truck time
Emm ... what? Startup has 90 truck-seconds rush distance and it's a small map. Two minutes is quite normal.

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 19:26
by Iluvalar
with truck, but with borgs ?

And if it took really 2 minutes, it's because giani's were completly inside the enemy base when he first met borgs ?

Is it possible that giani relate that story completly upside down ? Giani attacked with his freshly built rocket units around 9:00, that guys did the best possible adapt into borgs, but since it was not his first plan, he never succeeded and died trying to adapt ? Just like I'm trying to explain ?

Re: Units preview. Why it should be back...

Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 01:33
by Giani
My tanks were very close to his base, but im not sure if he took 2 minutes to get to my base. When he saw my tanks destroying his derricks, he sent his cyborgs(10-16) and killed my tanks. After that he had to destroy a wall that i had built fast so i had more time to adapt. And no, i didnt loose the game.

I choosed flamers because they are fast to make and they make damage in areas. The flamers that were on tanks had viper,so whit viper, the third factory module and the cyborgs factory i could make enough units to kill that cyborgs.