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Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 05 Feb 2010, 15:03
by Colditz
I don't if it's intelligent to change my models uvw maps to fit to the standard textures, because I've got a lot more details to cover and those are not included in the standard texture files. We have to draw new ones for each base buildung. The base texture files can stay of course, they didn't changed. That's the reason why I asked this question a while ago:
Regarding the textures - in future releases, do you keep the current scheme with those texture collections or will it be possible to assign one textures to one mesh like in any other game? Would be nice so far if you have one folder in /texpages/, e.g. /buildings/blbcfact/ with the files blbcfact_dm.png, blbcfact_nm.png and blbcfact_sm.png to keep the clarity.
By the way - there is currently no uvw map provided with the Command Relay Center Mesh.
No need, we've already decided long ago that we should have teamcolors in new buildings. Hrm... should probably have mentioned that earlier.
It's just the question where to place this kind of color. Shouldn't be to difficult to draw a stripe around every building.

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 05 Feb 2010, 15:05
by Zarel
...have we gotten a license out of Colditz first?

Colditz, can you declare your structure models to be released under a Warzone-compatible license? One of:

- CC-0
- CC-BY-3.0 + GPLv2
- CC-BY-SA-3.0 + GPLv2

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 05 Feb 2010, 15:06
by Colditz
Well - I have no idea of this Open Source License stuff. But we should specify this, of course.

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 05 Feb 2010, 15:13
by Zarel
Colditz wrote:Well - I have no idea of this Open Source License stuff. But we should specify this, of course.
Basically, for us to be able to use the models in the game, we'll need you to release under one of these licenses:

- CC-0 - Users can do whatever they want with your work.
- CC-BY-3.0 + GPLv2 - Users must attribute you when modifying/redistributing your work.
- CC-BY-SA-3.0 + GPLv2 - Users must attribute you when modifying/redistributing your work, and must allow modifying/redistributing of anything they create using your work.

All you need to do is say something like "Unless stated otherwise, I release all my work posted here under the CC-0 license" or whichever other license you prefer, and we'll stop bothering you about licenses.

Although not required, we wouldn't mind having your full name, either, if you want that to be displayed in the authors list.

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 05 Feb 2010, 15:48
by Colditz
Unless stated otherwise, I release all my work posted here under the CC-BY-SA-3.0 + GPLv2 only license.

My name ist R a i m u n d W u e r k n e r.

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 05 Feb 2010, 16:46
by MaNGusT
I-Nod pmed me that he will continue to work on his teamcolors patch at this weekend. He plans to finish it and release the new trunk build on the forum. Then we can start to test our models with the new TCMask system. I personally asked him to do it. :rolleyes:

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 05 Feb 2010, 17:31
by Olrox
That should make things veeeeeeery much easier xD
Then you should already know how to use it properly, that's good. You know, one hand washes another which washes another and then this hand which washed another, which washed another can wash the other hand as well. Or something like that :ninja:

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 09 Feb 2010, 02:35
by Olrox
But anyway, where's Colditz? I've made the texture for the cyborg factory some days ago already O_o

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 09 Feb 2010, 04:21
by Zarel
...well, at least he left us a license before he disappeared. :/

Olrox, care to screenshot your textured cyborg factory?

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 09 Feb 2010, 04:40
by Olrox
Zarel wrote:...well, at least he left us a license before he left. :/

Olrox, care to screenshot your textured cyborg factory?
No problem, just a sec...
I just need to open 3DS Max (which takes 5 minutes :stressed: )

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 09 Feb 2010, 04:49
by Olrox
Here are two screenshots with a slight application of Colditz' Normal map, and the textures I've made.

The mesh was entirely made by Colditz, I didn't touch it. Only textures were made by me.

He seemed to have the baseplate textures done, that's why I didn't make 'em... I've asked on the same e-mail I sent him the texture, but he didn't reply or post here O_o

You can see I've made the structure a bit rusty in every metal part and dirty in most parts. Hope you like it!
Please note that I didn't make teamcolor stripes or anything like that yet. I must see what Colditz have to speak about the texture before daring to change his work in a further way.
Borg Factory SS-1 (back)
Borg Factory SS-1 (back)
Borg Factory SS-2 (front)
Borg Factory SS-2 (front)

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 09 Feb 2010, 19:05
by Colditz
I'm not dead, but I have a time consumption job sometimes. And building two meshes up from a blurry texture isn't that easy, even further if you have to set up an UVW map for normal mapping and the additional stuff. It all needs time.


I think your texture is to much grayscale, you need much more color inspiration from the original texture. We have this black/yellow stripes on the pipes, we have this light blue everywhere on those braces and the silos, the pipes itself seems to be white, we have scuff on the walls, the fan itself is white, we need scratches, etc

But I love this roller shutter door anyway xD

And use textures textures textures!


Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 09 Feb 2010, 19:37
by Olrox
Ok, I'll make some modifications tonight, then send you via e-mail. I wanted you to post the model with textures when it pleased you, that's why I didn't post it before :P
It'll be no trouble, and about making the models, please take your time! I know how UVW mapping and organizing the map can be time-consuming, especially when you're getting normal maps from high-polygon models for use in low-polygon ones. It demands concentration and in most cases, much more than a couple of hours.

Hmmm, is the original mesh, in the file you sent me, mapped for direct application of the ingame structures? I don't know why I didn't try that, for comparing and translating the effects from the original model. :rolleyes:

But we are going to make great stuff, I'm sure!

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 09 Feb 2010, 21:12
by Colditz
So... let's see... I finished the diffuse map for the factory base and the specular map. I think the specular map is very important if you have a light (the sun) in your scene and scroll around your base with the camera, and the light which is reflected by the surface changes with your movement. When I remember, I have always to think about Act of War, a game in which this effect has been used with astonishing results. In my opinion.

Re: Structure Improvement

Posted: 09 Feb 2010, 22:29
by Zarel
Comparing Colditz's and Olrox's textures for the cyborg factory...

I think I like Colditz's colors more. Olrox's seem a bit too warm for metal, and Colditz's has slightly more contrast - although the light part could stand being a bit lighter. ;) Although I do like what Olrox did to that pipe there at the front.