So, what should we do for music?

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Re: So, what should we do for music?

Post by qwerty800 »

Giel wrote: This is the mod itself: music 1.0. And I've built a new TRUNK snapshot which includes it (the installer will optionally download it). warzone2100 TRUNK r4613.
Awesome, it won't works
00Nobody wrote: Yes, I DO really think it fits the game. Try playing with it in background. Who says that a game about an apocalypse absolutely HAS to have post apocalyptic music?

And also, the correct term would be Techno, not Disco.
Personally, I like it but I wonder it it fit in the game style

Dou you tried it as a background application playlist (XMMS, Winamp...)?

[me]look at his quote a second time[/me]

Huh... Forgot that
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Re: So, what should we do for music?

Post by michaelb »

Although I haven't tried it, did you remember to specify it in the command line?
00Nobody wrote:And also, the correct term would be Techno, not Disco.
Eh -- you call that techno? I think you might be intending to use the word "electronic" instead of techno, as, it sounds more similar to 4-beat to me than to the genre techno. A lot of people here in the US (and maybe other countries too, I dunno) mistakenly use the word "techno" to refer to the already dubious genre of electronic music. Anyway, in addition to the fact that Happy Hardcore is hardly suitable to world-wide destruction, I only see a download link for an MP3, and on top of that the song is under an NC license, which would be a nuisance for distros and such.

I probably shouldn't have bothered to correct you on that... but the misuse of the word "techno" is a sore spot for me. Actually, just the use of the word "electronic music" in general is a rather useless term, but that's a whole 'nother kettle o' catfish...
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Re: So, what should we do for music?

Post by doom3r »

And also, the correct term would be Techno, not Disco.
O RLY? take a look at the file informations.
End of Summer
FlamingFireboltContact | Add Artist to Favorites

Date Submitted
03/02/2008 | 08:59AM EST

File Information
Dance Song | 6.4 MB | 2 min 49 sec

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Re: So, what should we do for music?

Post by 00Nobody »

Just because its "Dance" doesn't mean its a disco song. Also, dance, to me, is a form of electronic music or "techno" (sorry for hitting your sore spot right there). Honestly, I don't want to get in a flame war with anyone, but all the same.

Also, the reason i think it fits, if that helps you, is because it a fast paced song, one that works well as "combat" type music for me. True, it IS only my opinion, but I'm sure there are others who agree with me. Most of my friends I play with agree it fits the game.
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Re: So, what should we do for music?

Post by michaelb »

Yeah, we're getting side-tracked with silly arguing about genres.
qwerty800 wrote:Awesome, it won't works.
Hm. I just tried it, and it's working for me. Make sure that you start up Warzone with a "--mod music_1.0.wz" flag, and that you dropped the file in the mods/global directory.
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Re: So, what should we do for music?

Post by doom3r »

Honestly, I don't want to get in a flame war with anyone, but all the same.
and i dont want it as well. Lets end this. I didnt want to flame you, i was just precising what I said (i told that song was dance/disco cos the author says so).
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Re: So, what should we do for music?

Post by michaelb »


Hm -- the track only changes when the mission is changed...

Is there a way to make it so that it is constantly changing? It gets repetitive otherwise....
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Re: So, what should we do for music?

Post by Giel »

qwerty800 wrote: Awesome, it won't works
What did you do and what result did you (not) get?
michaelb wrote: Although I haven't tried it, did you remember to specify it in the command line?
michaelb wrote: Make sure that you start up Warzone with a "--mod music_1.0.wz" flag, and that you dropped the file in the mods/global directory.
Shouldn't be necessary for r4613 as I've added a new auto mod-loading feature there.
michaelb wrote: Hm -- the track only changes when the mission is changed...

Is there a way to make it so that it is constantly changing? It gets repetitive otherwise....
You mean it constantly repeats the current track rather than walking through tracks from the playlist? If so then that would be a bug. (Which I'll try to look into, no promises, because the playlist code is a mess.)
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Re: So, what should we do for music?

Post by fisk0 »

I don't know if this has been proposed already, I tried searching the forum for similar suggestions but couldn't find any.
How about making the playlist somewhat "dynamic", like in Total Annihilation?
Now it seems there are only two categories, [menu] and [game], what if you added subcategories to [game] (I don't know exactly how, but perhaps in a css kind of way?),
something like
shuffle=yes { "wz-beginning.ogg", "wz-construction.ogg"; }
(played in neutral situations, like early on in the game when you're mainly constructing and exploring and haven't met any enemies yet)
game.conflict { "wz-battle.ogg", "wz-war.ogg", "wz-armies.ogg"; } (played when your sensors discover enemies, when your forces and enemy forces start exchanging rockets, or when your allies are under attack)
game.defeat { "wz-retreat.ogg", "wz-defeat.ogg"; } (played when you're losing massive amounts of units, defensive structures and such)
game.victory { "wz-victorious.ogg"; } (played when you kill massive amounts of enemy forces, when you destroy their buildings etc.)

there could be a choise in the audio options menu on how the game should read the playlists, either "shuffle/play all", to disregard any categories and play through anything in the [menu] and [game] lists, some choise to play based on the main categories, like now, and a selection for playing dynamic music.
I guess there should be a time limit so that the music doesn't change constantly, and also category priorities, so the battle music doesn't end abrubtly when a small battle ends, perhaps a minimum of 1 minute play per song, battle music could be set to play to the end of the song before changing to the neutral/construction category and such.
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