Let's discuss strategy

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Re: Let's discuss strategy

Post by Per »

You can't win against Zarel. If at first you succeed, he'll just change the rules! :P
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Re: Let's discuss strategy

Post by 3drts »

Cannon tanks pwnz without rebalance.

Got defeated by them once on a 2v2 where we held the majority of the oil- but there was also a lot of lag complicating things

Then played a 1v1 v2 cpus, my truck rush failed an i was actually having a tough time with the ai *shame*
the other guy wiped out both the AI's with mortar pushes, I retreated behind walls and just massed tanks and upgrades for them, to at least give him a fight when he attacks

well his trucks slipped by an area I didn't have a wall (the one area I left as a route to the ai I had been fighting), set up a sensor tower, and began shelling my base, I launched my attack, and it was darn near unstoppable, I plowed right through his defenses, circled around his base avoiding his heaviest defenses.....wiped his base, proceeded south to a former AI base, wiped the oil there..... set up factories and capped oil, built more tanks, went for VTOL (since I did engine upgrades on my tanks to make them move at a reasonable speed), and it was downhill for him from there once my VTOLs started taking down the GS and helstorms, of the forward factories I set up, he did take out some of them by getting a sensor up and some new hellstorms, but a couple tanks would retake the area, while my main tank force continued to go for his new main bases, or to take out his legion of python trucks.

He set up a sensor at my main base again, and shelled it again, but I had 2 or 3 reserve pythons I had bult there but not sent out to join the main group yet (as they would likely find a path right through defenses I didn't want them to attempt to plow through in such small numbers), which quickly eliminated the threat after loosing only 2 power generators and 2 oil wells (quickly rebuilt, and I had a backup power generator)
I swear, my initial push was only 6 or 7 python heavy cannons, and they were near unstoppable - I had to stop when they were all at about 1/8th health, set up 2 repair facilities, which kept stopping the repairs halfway- very annoying - I lost most of that initial group cause I couldnt get them repaired- but reenforcements were coming with the newly caputred oil, and I eventually got self repair, which k kept my tanks in good health as they would sit and wait for my vtols to spot where they should attack next.

My VTOLs were very much stoppable by spamming AA with like 15 trucks (I was using light bodies for faster reload times and cheaper cost), but he couldn't stop my tanks, which plowed towards the AA lines he set up, giving my VTOL an opening to either finish off the remaining AA, or free reign

2.1 no rebalance, Cannon tanks pwn, they are ridiculously powerful, especialy considering the reduced damage of gauss and scourge, they simply are the most powerful ground weapon - vehicle sensor range limits gauss and scourge range most of the time anyway, so the cannon range isn't much of a handycap.

Pulse laser is also weakened I beleive, 1/2 damage, double rof = not good against strong armor

Cannons just rock.

Although, my cobra HalfT medium cannons and viper ht light cannons were very mediocre against the AI.

My initial focus on cannon tanks was an attempt to take the AI's oil before the opponent did, which they were too late for.

400+ damage heavy cannons firing 40 times a minute.... ridiculous...
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Re: Let's discuss strategy

Post by yanom »

Zarel wrote: Try me. :P I'd come back at you with cannon tanks.
I have those too :)
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Re: Let's discuss strategy

Post by Zarel »

3drts wrote:Pulse laser is also weakened I beleive, 1/2 damage, double rof = not good against strong armor
Oh, no, that's just in Rebalance. Although I note it's 1/2 damage + a bit more to counteract the armor thing.
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Re: Let's discuss strategy

Post by yanom »

Which is better, Heavy cannon or Assault cannon?
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Re: Let's discuss strategy

Post by whippersnapper »

yanom wrote:Which is better, Heavy cannon or Assault cannon?
- You can see for yourself...



- Also - what T- level your playing, unit composition (body & prop) and battle group make-up
can be factors in actual game play... something that is harder to explain than pure weapon stat

- regards, whipper.
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Re: Let's discuss strategy

Post by Zarel »

yanom wrote:Which is better, Heavy cannon or Assault cannon?
In 2.1: Heavy Cannon

In 2.2: Assault Cannon is better overall, although there are many situations Heavy Cannon is better for.
whippersnapper wrote:You can see for yourself...


I can understand linking to the weapon guide (although I point out it's a weapons guide for 2.2 - as the lead section notes, readers are advised to use nothing but Bombard in 2.1), but why the weapon table? It makes a difference between different weapon types, but HC and AC are both anti-tank.
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Re: Let's discuss strategy

Post by whippersnapper »

Zarel wrote: but why the weapon table? It makes a difference between different weapon types, but HC and AC are both anti-tank.
- The way I read yanom's question I thought he would find it of value to know the specific performance diffs between HC and AC.

- regards, whipper.
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