Future Weapon Ideas???

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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by Skrim »

Not missiles relying on antimatter as the primary warhead, but to initiate nuclear fusion.
An antimatter-triggered fusion warhead is a type of thermonuke, and I was trying to avoid nukes based on the Project's phobia of nuclear weapons. Though, this phobia may extend to antimatter-based weapons too.
Scram cannons are not guided projectiles, rather a distinct type of launcher similar to a scramjet, much simpler to implement than electromagnetic launchers, and capable of firing at a sizable fraction of the velocity.
Ah, I see. The thing I meant was not the supersonic-combustion driven cannon, but a futuristic combination of electromagnetic mass driver weapons with scramjet propulsion and guidance systems to make a very, very powerful kinetic-kill weapon. The engineering problems can be written off to the fact that we are talking about hypothetical, but possible, weaponry technology.
Using antimatter to initiate nuclear fusion, it IS possible to create nuclear warheads with less than required critical mass, and therefore lesser yields.
That's what I meant by "although it is possible to make it happen if need be". The antimatter-matter annihilation reaction generates enough energy to drive nuclei over the electromagnetic-force repulsion and into the range of the strong nuclear force, making fusion possible(current thermonukes use a fission-based nuke to initiate the fusion reaction). In the Scourge, the reaction appears to be used to drive some kind of advanced shaped-charge device to achieve the focussed anti-armor destructive capability required.
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by themousemaster »

Skrim wrote:
Few years? The only thing that I seriously doubt that won't happen in reality is ...

That's the point. With 0% phlebotinum in place, there's a good chance a game will not only be "inaccurate" at some point in time, but even as people are still playing it.

Good Phlebotinum in a Sci-Fi story can bridge that gap between "current / near future" and "far future" pretty well. Obviously, Not-so-good phlebotinum can make something stink most righteously, but that's up to the writers, after all :P.

I remember playing an old game named Crytalis, back in 1988. The opening scene said that the world would end on October 1, 1997. I did have a cold that day, but I'm still kicking. Not exactly a phlebotinum example, but still an example of what happens if you don't make your Sci-Fi... "vague" enough :P
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by coffee »

Not really a weapon but in the multiplayer game, It would be fun that if one of the buildings comes down there could be civilains running from within side of it. V2 rockets would be cool. But dont make them so they do major damage. Just enough though.

I think too many weapons will spoil the game.

Bigger maps with things to explore.

Just my .02 c worth.

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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by polo »

i have some crazy ideas:
type:super heavy

similar hp and def than the nexus heavy body but with 1 special feature it will have a sort of shield that will block 1 incoming dmg every 3 sec (blue bubble effect) efective against weapons with high dmg and low rof, of course it will cost much more than the nexus one.

2)name: leviatan
type:super heavy

similar in hp and def to heraldic dragon but can repair itself with a faster rate than the actual self repair given by the research.

type:uber tank xD
only one per player, it will have the best hp and def of all the bodys and it will have some special "auras" that will greatly improve the effectiveness of tanks nearby increasing their firepower,def and acuracy

hellbringer: long range indirect weapon with low rof but big area of effect, it will look like a bigger bombard throwing shells that will explode and burn a zone for a few seconds specialy effective against cyborgs (improved vertion of the incendiaryhowitzer)

well and the creation of the rest of the fortress actualy we have cannon,gauscannon,lancer and a sort of mrls (not so mini xD)

so why not creating the heavy machigun fortress, the laser fortress, hurricane fortress or even the plasma fortress for massive dmg :P .
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by styrofoam1994 »

I have an idea for something different.

1) Hangar
Type: Building

The hangar would be a stationary building that holds VTOL aircraft. This would disable the offensive capability of the VTOLs, but they are protected by the thick armor from enemy attack. It probably would hold about 6 aircraft and be as big as perhaps a 4*2 square tiles, and would be ideal when storing inactive units from howitzer attack etc.

2) Bunker
Type: Building

This fortification would hold 4 cyborg units and protect them with offensive and defensive capabilities retained since there is a line of windows. It would be like the MG bunkers and other things, except that there are no weapons that the building has on its own.

3) Garage
Type: Building
Thsi would be similar to the hangars except that it stores land vehicles.

I don't know why, but I think there should be more types of buildings, too.
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by Phoenix666 »

in nearest future i want create some weapons for WZ

napaln storm
type:rocket artillery

low accuracy, high range, low speed
effective against groups of enemyes

also...i think improve EMP, machingun and laser weapons
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by Thyranim »

my wishlist:
possibility to give new orders, like
  • "attack ground" - so the units are constant /or onetime) attacking the given ground, without seeing what is there
  • "attack field" - like above, but that the player is not giving a spot to attack, but an area, so the units are attacking randomly any spot within this area
and a new setting for the kind of attacking
  • normal fire - like it is now
  • dispersive fire - little higher rate of fire, but lower accuracy
  • aimed fire - higher accuracy but low rate of fire
also possible to give those settings to defensive structures
i hate it having 20 mortars at my base entrance, all fireing at 1 enemy... of 30 enemies at ally
18 of this mortars are hitting this 1 aimed enemy, which is destroyed after 3 hits so 15 shells are hitting the empty ground
for this, an "dispersive fire" setting would be great, so all are hitting anything, in best case the whole group, in worst case nothing cause they are hitting anywhere :D
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by unknown3056 »

I don't know but....
Big Bertha Cannon: Shoots Nukes :D
Telsa Tower(not a weapon though): Shoots lightning

thats all i got :-S
i like grilled cheese :D
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by HolyDragoon »

Project. Nukes. No-go. The big bertha looks like a Ground Shaker on steroids, though.

Tesla tower... Red Alert... Please, no. Electrical weapons may be fun and stuff, but rip-offs from another games...
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by yanom »

Skrim wrote:Here are some:

T5 weapons:

Annihilator - Scourge Driver with antimatter warheads. Obscene, catastrophic damage with EMP for a bit more flavor.

Infinity Shard - Divine Shard, outfitted with antimatter warheads in it's sub-munitions. Ouch.
Antimatter i like that. but to balance out we would need better armor upgrades, stuff like magnetic or plasma sheilding.
HolyDragoon wrote: Tesla tower... Red Alert... Please, no. Electrical weapons may be fun and stuff, but rip-offs from another games...
Oh come on its a game, it's supposed to be fun and it's quite possible IRL so it's not a ripoff. It has been theorized that lightning can be laser-guided.
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by jonrio »

4t : sheilds prevent enemies from getting close and prevent raders from detecting you by ground forces
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by nobby »

New weapons or capabilities really need to do something that others don't. Super cannons, missiles or artillery don't add to the game as they are just a bigger version of something else. The tree is deep enough that I never get close to the top of it in skirmish, even starting at T3 on an 8 player map. T4/5 weapons are only going to turn up in the end game - if at all - which makes them largley irrelevant.

Also, super weapons either unbalance the game or never get used. There's no point in giving them some crippling disadvantage like low ROF as this reduces them to a curiosity. The Laser sattelite is fairly useless for precisely this reason. If the weapon is too expensive or deep to research the game is over before anyone gets near. If it is too cheap the game will become a rush to the super weapon.

More useful additions to the tech tree should really be things that enrich the game by branching out at lower levels, doing something that isn't already happening. This means that they will get used in actual games. Examples of this might be:
  1. Stealth technology: Something that reduces the range that sensors can detect you. This occurred to me in an idle moment and I see from browsing the forums that other people have had the same idea.

    Counter-stealth sensors: To go with stealth, sensor tech that mitigates the effects of stealth to some degree.

    Point defence weapons: Something that can shoot down incoming artillery with some capacity per unit. The weapon could also have some AA capability as well. A point defence weapon of this type might be a good way to balance out hellstorms without actually having to nerf them. Saturating point defence weapons becomes an issue of Rate of Fire, and perhaps a good application for Ripples and Archangels. This will give them a good niche role that makes them quite useful as mobile artillery.

    Variable ballistic artillery: This confuses CB radars, reducing the accuracy of CB fire. Again, possible technological enhancements to CB radars could give them some ECCM (counter-counter measures) that mitigate the effect. It might also make the VTOL CB Radar somewhat useful as the VTOLs will acquire the target once they reach the general area.

    Bunker-busting artillery rocket: Indirect fire bunker buster with similar terminal effects. I can't remember the name of the system but there is something like this that can be launched from the same chassis as the MLRS. However, this might just be an uber bunker-buster and one would have to be careful with the balance. On one hand a battery of these might demolish fortifications with impunity, on the other hand it might be the perfect way to discourage turtling. Given that it is a pinpoint attack perehaps reducing the accuracy to under 50% might be the way to work this.

    Counter-measure packages: A smokescreen on vehicles could reduce the accuracy of weapons fired through the smoke cloud. This might be useable to cover a retreat by creating a smokescreen that affects the accuracy of the enemy guns. It would also be a double edged sword as it would affect all sides firing through the cloud. Smoke would disperse after some period of time.

    If you like smoke but people start using it all the time you could have some sort of thermal imaging tech that can see through smoke to a greater or lesser extent.

    ECM/Flare/chaff countermeasures on VTOLs could have a similar effect on AA fire. ECM or chaff might affect AA gun accuracy where flares might shake off SAMs. Bonus points for cute graphics of VTOLs firing flare dispenseres as they come under fire by SAMs.
Some other possibilities occur to me - for example, a sensible and limited version of the dual turrets that don't look quite so silly as the ones in NTW (?). Some specific examples of this might be:
  1. Gun/missile turret: Something like a contemporary Bradley, a light weapon such as an HMG or Assault gun (possibly needle guns or flashlight lasers depending on balance issues) in combination with a missile would give you a flexible vehicle with some capability against vehicles and cyborgs.

    Cannon/Coax MG: Something like a contemporary MBT, the MG makes the vehicle more effective against cyborgs. A lighter vehicle might have a med cannon/MG; on heavier vehicles a heavy cannon could go with a HMG.
These might balance out somewhat by not being able to engage separate targets with each weapon. Any dual weapon mount of this sort should be one powerful weapon and one light weapon. A very few 'sensible' ideas for independently targetable weapons come to mind, but one might have to be careful with balance. Some ideas for weapons with independent targeting might be:
  1. HMG Cupola on Cannon Turrets: This gives an armoured formation some AA cover and auxiliary anti-personnel capability. It would be an enhancement of heavy cannon or other heavy weapon turrets.

    VTOL missile gunship with chin turret: The chin turret should be limited to lighter weapons like the HPV cannon, flashlight or assault gun in combination with a missle like tank killer or scourge. Again, one would need to keep an eye on balance to avoid creating super weapons.

    APC Chassis: Another possibility might be an APC/IFV chassis or possibly one for each faction. This is a chassis that can carry some cyborgs (pehaps 4) in much the same way as the transport. The cyborgs are assigned to the chassis and disembark and attack when the vehicle engages in combat, perhaps engaging the same target. It would be quite a feat of micromanagement to do this manually, so this might have to be automatic with some options for standing orders (disembark if attacked, disembark if vehicle ordered to attach, stay put etc.). However, a squadron of these under a commander would be quite a bit of firepower (6 tanks and 24 cyborgs under a rookie), so there may be balance issues with this. It might be possible to mitigate these by making the toughness of the chassis more like a light or medium than a heavy.

    Squad Leader Cyborg: The command hierarchy notion could be extended to a 'Squad Leader' cyborg. These have a squad of (say 3-4) cyborgs attached to them and they are in turn assigned to a command turret. This gives cyborgs an advantage in that you can control a larger unit of infantry from a single commander - potentially this could give cyborgs a killer app and make them significantly more worth using.
These aren't particulary high-tech - they specifically branch the tree outwards rather than deeper. This gives one the option of different avenues to research that might be accessible early enough in the game that they could be used frequently rather than only having the possibility of emerging in a long end-game.

Last edited by nobby on 22 Jul 2009, 01:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by whippersnapper »


I must say, Nigel, reading your input was quite inspiring. I can see being able to make use of some of it immediately in what I'm working on. Thanks for sharing and doing so with a fine cogency. :)

Regards, whip :ninja:
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by nobby »

What, in particular did you have in mind?
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Re: Future Weapon Ideas???

Post by whippersnapper »

nobby wrote:What, in particular did you have in mind?
Right now I'm focused in these areas where I have already been running in-game experiments -
nobby wrote:.......

  1. HMG Cupola: This gives an armoured formation some AA cover and auxiliary anti-personnel capability. It would be an enhancement of heavy cannon or other heavy weapon turrets.

    VTOL missile gunship with chin turret: The chin turret should be limited to lighter weapons like the HPV cannon, flashlight or assault gun in combination with a missle like tank killer or scourge. Again, one would need to keep an eye on balance to avoid creating super weapons.

    APC Chassis: Another possibility might be an APC/IFV chassis or possibly one for each faction. This is a chassis that can carry some cyborgs (pehaps 4) in much the same way as the transport. The cyborgs are assigned to the chassis and disembark and attack when the vehicle engages in combat, perhaps engaging the same target. It would be quite a feat of micromanagement to do this manually, so this might have to be automatic with some options for standing orders (disembark if attacked, disembark if vehicle ordered to attach, stay put etc.). However, a squadron of these under a commander would be quite a bit of firepower (6 tanks and 24 cyborgs under a rookie), so there may be balance issues with this. It might be possible to mitigate these by making the toughness of the chassis more like a light or medium than a heavy.
These aren't particulary high-tech - they specifically branch the tree outwards rather than deeper. This gives one the option of different avenues to research that might be accessible early enough in the game that they could be used frequently rather than only having the possibility of emerging in a long end-game.

As for all the "Stealth" related stuff - I'm holding off till Pumpkin's ECM code is fully developed and implemented by the WRP - I believe Per already has done work toward that end.

Regards, whip :)
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