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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 16 Feb 2013, 16:34
by Rman Virgil
"Mastan of the Claw and the Advent of The Shiny One"

My life tale began in these very foothills I yet call home even if the New Mekka Order has taken hold of our world like a mad rider his snorting mount, imposing a darker will at every turn, twisting our true path awry.

It is as though a lifetime had passed in the span of six moons since this Mekka allegiance was forced upon my people, these war ties with an order that came to be known to us as The Mangodai. Before that fated day, all we knew were hushed rumors that these Mekka were the puppet masters of the vanquished Nexus. That they had lain dormant like a mighty serpent in its lair, lo these many winters, biding their moment of ascendance. Hidden in the Far East, across the great Pacific ocean, land of the Great Wall of anchient days.

But it was the leader of these Mangodai, a Mekka unlike any we had ever seen, that lodged his being in our in our minds beyond etched recollection. This Mekka we called "The Shiny One", for he glowed the red of molten iron in a crucible. He first came to my tribe, the Wing Clan of the Western Scavs, before the onset of our fiercest winter since the end of days, in the year 2105.

Amidst a flock of Mekka birds he swooped in. Black Mekka birds that sucked all the suns light into their skin, reflecting nothing back, as they made two sweeps above our valley, raining fire upon our main enclave. When all that was left was smoldering ash of our great lodge the Mekkas alighted at the outskirts and he strode among us, making his will known. There was no denying that it would be so. The Wing Clan was not to join forces with the Seven Nations, then coming together in vision camp on the south western shores of the Sea of Cortez. What he willed us to do in its stead was harry tireless several forces of Mekkas from the far north whom, in words strange to our ears, he deemed - "Project abominations..." We heard, we followed. We did not question; not in whispers, not in our solitary thoughts.

Wrapped like a winter blanket within his will, much was promised by The Shiny One, but it was the unpromised I saw before leaving to journey with my warrior brethren on my scorpian trike to fight on the Northern Mountain Front, at the foothills of Graybeard. The unpromised taking of youth and elders which had not been foretold by our wizened Seer. Would that I had done otherwise, knowing as I do now that the cause was lost before it ever began. But in that thought I am a fool, for nothing could have changed the course we where all bound to follow. The will of The Shiny One was a force of nature.

I am known in my homeland as Mastan of the Claw, born as I was with a withered left arm, my hand in the shape of a falcon's claw. My woman calls me by my secret name. That is between us and no other. I think of her now as I nurse my wounds before sunrise.

We have fought long and hard, my clan brothers shoulder to shoulder, drenched in each others blood. There were moments of glory, a time all true warriors yearn to feel in their bone and sinew. Of that I have no regrets. The battles fought, even those lost, we acquitted ourselves with honor. That is the way of all the Scav peoples, those of the confederacy of the Seven Nations and those who have been fated a different path.

But there was treachery in the words of The Shiny One, the Mekka who strode alone with eyes of blue fire. In doing his bidding I fear we lost much more than can ever be regained. A warrior's true heart can never be bought or sold like smoked meats in the market bazaar. Honor is the heart of it and without honor all is lost.

In warrior deeds of that I am certain, as much I am sure that the flow of blood from my wounds has only been stayed for a short while, enough to wield my weapon again this day on my feet, in the thick of it, in the worst of death's pitiless march.

There are only a few of us left here at Graybeard's Pass on the red road to the High Plateau. We must guard this pass with our lives against the Project Mekkas, whose forces have grown as ours have shrunk. So it has been commanded. For if we do not prevail it has also been promised we will never see our home hearth fires again or the youth and elders taken from us by The Shiny One. In this I know there is no other course.

I, Mastan of the Claw, will fight till I am vanquished as will my warrior brethren, those few of us left. But I too fear I will never again know the touch of my woman or the fate of the little one. That will be my deepest wound as we go to battle at break of day.

The sun rises now as I make final preparations on my scorp trike for this days blood letting. So few of us left. So many we must face. We say our prayers in silence. All know what this days outcome will be.

Before I mount my scorpian trike I turn and face my fellow Wing Clan Warriors, those few who will with me join in battle, perhaps our last. I remember the words of some long ago warrior who once roamed this very landscape we would engage the enemy on this day.

The words seem fitting. This I say:

"Warriors of the Wing Clan, my brothers... the sun, Grandfather of our Nation, smiles upon us as we prepare to meet the enemy. I say to you, my fellow warriors...

It is a good day to join the elders of our elders... and preserve hope for the unborn seventh generation."

With those words hanging in the air like a sacred hoop of crows circling the mortally wounded, I turned, I Mastan of the Claw, and strode with shoulders squared to my trike and fired-up the engine.

I signaled our battered, but uncowed, forces forward. And for one last time I thought of my first born, a son with both arms whole, still in the cradle and spared the Shiny One's will, whom I would likely never see again let alone teach the ways of a true Wing Clan warrior.
Now back to the next graphic illustration oddity...

Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 18 Feb 2013, 00:25
by Rman Virgil
Merowingg wrote:Ah, I thought I brought something new. I will type in his thread too then :3

Yes of course I am explaining. It might be due to the fact that I am more and more tired and I type in quite a rush lately. Sometimes I start topics not connected to a thread or speak very abstract things out of the blue, yes I know that too.

At the very beginning of my paraphrasing I would like to ask you if you wanted the picture of the marine look like a encyclopaedia picture, with arrows pointing and explaining everything. Whenever yes or no, I stated that it reminds me of encyclopaedia on your preview, and I asked myself if it is good thing, and maybe some actions to change this association would be good.

I also said I would like to see your screen in movement. Something like discovery description, but cool with energy, appropriate music, sounds, we say no to encyclopaedia again ;) I wondered how it would look like.
That's not my graphic, it's D.A.R.P.A.'s. What you suggest is a good idea for my adaption of "Deep Green" to WZ Commander GPMs. I'll give it some thought, see if I can do something descent without spending gobs of time for what amounts to a throw away effort.
Finally I asked do you like this camouflage, camo pattern. I mean jacket trousers with this army pattern as I think it appears on many of your screens.
Yeah, I do have a fondness for camo. :) Did you know that there was camo used on WW 1 battleships that was inspired by Picasso and Braque's Cubism art work ? Seriously. I kid you not. :) Facinating stuff.
I also bring a personal experience about camouflage clothes. Years and years ago, we were running through a wood with friends, playing soldiers. I was one of the happy ones to have my own camouflage clothes including cool hat. We were shooting toy guns, it was 6, 8, or 12 shots of sound and sound only our guns could carry. It made a shot, a little bit of smoke and that is all. But still imagine how cool it was for us :) all the guns had this revolver mechanism, so you put a circle of those sound bullet into a gun, even if it was a pistol, but with hidden revolver mechanisms. I admit some replicas were really cool.

But what I wanted to say, I remember that by accident I run accros an opponen guy. I got scared but I authomatically aimed at him. Imafine my surprise. He was about four metres from me, and he did not see me :) The wood was not very thick here and I was not even dodging. He wasnt looking at me directly but I was obviously almost in front of him. when I happily said "now die" he jumped a little being scared. Then I realised how powerful camo is.
It is effective. We had a couple of camo mods for retail WZ that were cool: Arizona and Rocky Mountain.
Here we had quite clear rules when somebody died. We simply almost always knew if we hit someone or not, even if imaginary. And a victim if in not very obvious situation, always admitted. We were all friends so we had no lying like - no you missed.

I also remember some crazy actions like, I and my friends have cornered one guy. And I had two pistols and I was shooting from both of them every like 2 or 3 seconds to make it imposibble for the other guy to move, while my friend was sneaking around. I remember that the guy shouted I am crazy, the reason was that the "clips" for our guns were not necessarily very cheap. And not many shot in series.

Also in my city we had this games. I remember once a guy run onto me, and I point and start to shot from my revolver, but it turned out i have no bullets after the last action. He got scared for one sec, and when we realised what happened, he started to point at me, and I begun to run then behind the corner. It was like on a comedy ;) It was also fun as some people sometimes passed by, so we like agents hid our guns in bloues, jackets and so on.

It was a garages area, behind our block of flats. And here in poland simple citizen cannot hava a weapin. So no police and things like that happened. In our society people just knew we have toys. I believe in some countries we would be shot by police or a gan member ;)
Played those kinda games with my 3 brothers and sister when we were still in grade school. Army WW 2 and Cowboys and Indians role playing games we made up ourselves to deploy our toy guns.

When I was about 11 years old I moved on to gang wars and zip guns or improvised firearms. The nature of the world I grew up in - the ghettos of the South Bronx and Harlem, NYC. :hmm:
Long story while I dring coffe and listen to warzone music before yet another wave of studying. I hope I did not bore you to death. If i handle bad here tell me Rman, or PM me and I shall change :)


Mero. all topic bringer.
It's all good Mero. :D It inspires me to think about stuff I wouldn't have thought about had you not brought up certain subjects. Subjects which I find of value to reflect on. Like those early, formative, upbringing experiences related to make-believe violence and very real violence which I only briefly touched upon.

I'm still working on my next graphic illustration which involves Jason Reed, the ManGodAi and my adaption of DARPA's "Deep Green".

Now that I have posted the revision of my very first WZ fan fiction, "Mastan of the Claw and the Advent of the Shiny One", I'll focus on coming up with a graphic that I'm satisfied with. So far it's been only rejects. :(

~Regards, RV :)

Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 18 Feb 2013, 23:28
by Merowingg
I have just imagined tanks with those strange faces on its sides ;)

Speaking about camo, my friends at winter made camo from old sheets :)

From different kettle of fish, do they still paint bottom of planes blue?

Have you seen this project that cameras at the back of you send information to the front of you mase of thousands of screens, so authomatically you become to be invisible?

Thank you for being so king, but sometimes I think my various topics or those out of the blue, are unbearable :hmm:

On the other hand I have the same with you, when you recall or say something, it recalls some stuff of mine.

Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 19 Feb 2013, 12:59
by Rman Virgil
Merowingg wrote:I have just imagined tanks with those strange faces on its sides ;)
Here are some archival images of what these "Dazzle Camouflaged" battleships looked like. Amazing stuff. :3 ... amouflage/
Speaking about camo, my friends at winter made camo from old sheets :)
Well here in the USA you'd wanna think twice about dressing up in white sheets because of it being the traditional garb of the KKK and their heinous history.
From different kettle of fish, do they still paint bottom of planes blue?
In my quick research this was strictly for marketing and aesthetics. Some do. Many don't.
Have you seen this project that cameras at the back of you send information to the front of you mase of thousands of screens, so authomatically you become to be invisible?
Havn't seen that one but last year I caught a Mercedes Benz commercial for their "Invisible" hydrogen fuel cell car. Check it out:

Here we are in 2013 with most manufacturers rolling out hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and in 2100 they are still rolling fossil fuel internal combustion engines !

This is why I felt compelled to introduce the hydrogen fuel cell chassis in my expanded back story.
Thank you for being so kind, but sometimes I think my various topics or those out of the blue, are unbearable :hmm:

On the other hand I have the same with you, when you recall or say something, it recalls some stuff of mine.
Brainstorming, like a bowl of corn flakes with fresh blueberries and drenched in coconut milk, can be fortifying. ;)

Also, there are these.....

The English idiomatic expression for this is kindred spirits

In Spanish "por el estilo" is similar.

Ultimately, for me, it is the Lakota Indian "Mitakuye Oyasin" expression that it all comes back to:

My background in these ways is 13 years of first-hand participation and learning with native elders.... to go along with subsequent academic research (which in no way is comprable to the experential).

When you hear me use the expression - "A walker between worlds" - it is, in part, about living in a world where the "Mitakuye Oyasin" sensibility is the norm and then moving and operating in a world where it is not even remotely the norm. That poses great challenges for a walker between worlds, as you may imagine. :hmm:

Regards, Rman. :)

Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 20 Feb 2013, 10:20
by Merowingg
Here are some archival images of what these "Dazzle Camouflaged" battleships looked like. Amazing stuff. :3
augh my eyes are in pain XD zebra ships :P

Yes I know KKK very well, actually i believe I dont know why, but it is one of the first things you learn about America at shool here ;) It is you know like hooded strange jackets, not those haracteristic hoods ;)

But I laughed so much as on the newest movie by Quantin Tarantino - Django, there is a scene when KKK go for raid and while they are on their horses in hoods, they swear that they can see nothing in the hoods. One even breaks his hood while he tries to make the eye holes bigger :) and one gets angry and goes home after saying, that his mather sewed it all day for them and nex time they can go to hel with their requests to sew something ;) Do you know the movie? I saw anly beginning but I loke it very much already :)

I also think the planes are not blue any more ;) and the mercedes commercial with the purpose of it, is really cool. Something like that was presented about this armour on the discovery channel :)

I assume I am the runner between the words then ;) But really cool.

Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 13:22
by Rman Virgil

I'll have to catch Tarantino's movie on DVD. I'm a fan. :)

"A runner between words." Good one. I like. :lol2:

Couple things I wanna work into my WZ fan fiction / expanded back story. :3

Fluid Armor and

Adaptive Signature Camouflage for Tanks, Aircraft and Soldier Transparent Armor

Maybe a believable story line that allows for some Baba infantry to have Fluid Armor suits.


Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 17:20
by aubergine
Merowingg wrote:Yes I know KKK very well, actually i believe I dont know why, but it is one of the first things you learn about America at shool here ;) It is you know like hooded strange jackets, not those haracteristic hoods ;)
And yet your presidents wage holy war on Muslims? (maybe they are all terrorists, nothing to do with oil/central banks/gold/drugs :annoyed: )

Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 18:40
by Merowingg
The links are interestin Rman, and your possible path of the story too :3

Aubergine I am not sure what are you saying, can you paraphrase please? And those hooded strange jackets sentence was about my friends making anything white to cower them in winter during sneaking games.

Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 19:21
by aubergine
I find it odd that KKK is taught in schools (to illustrate racism as a bad thing, I assume) when the leaders of USA seem to do everything they can do demonise Muslims, making out that they are all terrorists that need to be freed from their religion and belief systems with the help of Drones, wars and bombs.

Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 19:29
by Merowingg
Now I understand. We now certainly strongly hijack Rmans Bio thread :oops: but what I ment was that, strangely it is one of the things mentioned in a book, years and years ago, i am not 13 years old ;) even if my posts seem not to prove ;) I remember that one of the first thing about "culture" of usa was KKK, mentioned shortly. Or maybe it is me who remembered it so well :hmm:

What I mean is it was not a separate unit like "kill them all, five ways to do it good" but rather a short note next to a picture of a hooded man.

We do start with our history, which is already since the year 966, very very twisty. And we had this pain to have many wars on our lands, including the two major.

Aaaaaand now, when Rman we will see another of your screens? And when the lady from Kyoto will be introduced ;)

Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 23:43
by Rman Virgil
aubergine wrote:I find it odd that KKK is taught in schools (to illustrate racism as a bad thing, I assume) when the leaders of USA seem to do everything they can do demonise Muslims, making out that they are all terrorists that need to be freed from their religion and belief systems with the help of Drones, wars and bombs.
Indeed, this is profoundly disturbing and abhorent.

The USA has a 500 year pattern of white-washing it's own sordid history of Empire to present itself as the capstone of civilization. The Vatican has done likewise for even longer. I'm an American and student of its factual history, and also that of the Moshel Meshalim, the Master of Wisdoms teachings in the Synoptic Gospels, and it drives me nuts when my fellow American folks speak without the foggiest notion of either through misrepresentation and disinformation. And don't get me started on the number of times genocide is advocated in the Old Testament, in no uncertain terms, as the Allmighty's word straight from the burning bush.

Oddly, I find none of this is off-topic. :hmm:

I hope to have a visual piece done by the end of this weekend, Mero. :)

Afterwhich, I'll be breaking away to prepare for my upcoming sabbatical just outside Sedona, Arizona. :D

Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 22 Feb 2013, 00:04
by Merowingg
I have recently seen this very rare picture of Martin Luter King with his son, taking out burned cross from the lawn in front of his house.

I hope I was not misunderstood. I have just recalled that particular information from my history book. Also many times I tried to imagine why it is that people can hate afroamericans so much. I assume it is way of being brought up. Or the social group. But still I cannot imagine something like that.

Here in poland not white pople are not so popular. Even in my city which is now about 100.000 when I was going onto city from the train station, and there was an afroamerican walking in front of me. Almost all people were staring at him, and two guys in hoods, I mean like RAP ones, were looking so much, that I thought that they will look for trouble.

Surprisingly Kraków, which is 80 killometres from here, is I assume so multicultural as London, and has I think 2 million of people. Visitors from all over the world. Even clothes are different slightly. Only 80 killometres.

I wate for screens, but Rman, does it mean youy will be out of reach again?

Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 22 Feb 2013, 02:45
by Rman Virgil
Merowingg wrote:I have recently seen this very rare picture of Martin Luter King with his son, taking out burned cross from the lawn in front of his house.

I hope I was not misunderstood. I have just recalled that particular information from my history book. Also many times I tried to imagine why it is that people can hate afroamericans so much. I assume it is way of being brought up. Or the social group. But still I cannot imagine something like that.

Here in poland not white pople are not so popular. Even in my city which is now about 100.000 when I was going onto city from the train station, and there was an afroamerican walking in front of me. Almost all people were staring at him, and two guys in hoods, I mean like RAP ones, were looking so much, that I thought that they will look for trouble.

Surprisingly Kraków, which is 80 killometres from here, is I assume so multicultural as London, and has I think 2 million of people. Visitors from all over the world. Even clothes are different slightly. Only 80 killometres.
I hear you, Mero, and share your sensibilities. The same is true here, across the US. There are multi-cultural, cosmopolitan cities with great, genuine, tolerance of diversity of every stripe, like my home towns of NYC and San Francisco, to name but 2 of many. But just a 4 hour drive outside of San Francisco, I've been the object of racial hate. I was in this little mountain town in gold country N. CA. once. I'm obviously not white and my girl friend at the time was - blond, blue-eyed to boot. The hate we were exposed to scared the chit out of her and she couldn't get outta dodge quick enough. And this place was only a couple hundred miles from one of the most tolerant cities on the planet Earth.
I wate for screens, but Rman, does it mean youy will be out of reach again?
Yes. Specifically from March 14th thru March 26th I'll be entirely off-grid. While I'm preparing for that journey and sojurn I'll be connected..... and when I get back to Colorado March 27th.


Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 22 Feb 2013, 08:38
by Merowingg
Now you surprised me even more. I thought those racial thinds are rather exagerrated now by media in U.S.A.

Well my country, and many others is far smaller than yours, but in that case, the distance you give me, would corespond to one I give here I assume. Still. I dont understand. If I am not moron, I see he/she is a human being, yes, talks, creates, achieves, yes. So why hate him, her, if he only hass different colour of the skin.

It is for me like, I was in a supermarket, I take green apples, someone takes red, so lets kill him, he is different. Or he is shorter than I am, hate him.

I am aware of the historical background, especially I had to take American history examn four times :/ but still.

Rman, dont leave us, we will collapse. I will hijack your thread with strange things, i promise! And finally who I will be talkimng with, as 90% of my threads seem to be dead ;)

And now from a completely different kettle of fish. What animal describes you best? and what animal would you like to be?

It refers to Bio in the title ;) Tell me when I go beyond the line :3

Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Posted: 22 Feb 2013, 19:46
by Rman Virgil

Feel free to post whatever comes to you here, Mero. We'll find some connection to this topic thread, I'm sure if it. ;)

Animals? There are two I closely associate with. One is mythological and that would be the Dragon. I was born in the Year of the Dragon. The other would be the bear. Among some folks I'm known as Bearheart. :)

In my experience there is yet much hatred in this country... it's just better camoed these days for fear of litigation.

But why does it exist? Why the inhumanity? Why evil?

I would speak to this when I return from my sabbatical. I'm not prepared to tackle it at this time.

In the context of WZ, it goes to the heart of Dr. Reed and the Collapse.

If anyone feels they have insights into the evil of the man and those events, please do share.
