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Re: New Terrain

Posted: 27 Aug 2009, 13:42
by Terminator
Andrey wrote:Hi all!!!! I'am Russian, bad talk on English Парни кто-нибудь подскажите как скачать эти новые текстуры??? Guys tell me how download this new render?

Translation: Hello, everyone. I'm Russian, so I do not speak English very well. Where do I download these terrain textures? Can someone tell me how to download this new renderer?
Тебе нужно скачать Trunk версию - это нестабильная версия так что глюки и баги встречаються частенько.

Translation: You need to download the Trunk version, available at - However, keep in mind that this is an unstable version, and you may encounter some bugs.

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 27 Aug 2009, 16:02
by Kamaze
Speak english.

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 27 Aug 2009, 16:09
by Tenoh
Nuh, he doesn't have to.I can perfectly understand him with out English :P .

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 27 Aug 2009, 19:32
by Avestron
Question: - would it be possible to have a ghost terrain level (or even several such ghost terrain levels) to allow for the manifestation of tree cover/ brush and low-lying mist?

This terrain would work similarly to the existing one except that it would not count as an object for the purposes of mobility - and can be turned on and off at the options screen.

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 27 Aug 2009, 20:07
by Per
Avestron wrote:Question: - would it be possible to have a ghost terrain level (or even several such ghost terrain levels) to allow for the manifestation of tree cover/ brush and low-lying mist?

This terrain would work similarly to the existing one except that it would not count as an object for the purposes of mobility - and can be turned on and off at the options screen.
Not sure what you mean. Do you have any examples of other games that have this for illustration?

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 27 Aug 2009, 20:52
by Kamaze
Tenoh wrote:Nuh, he doesn't have to.I can perfectly understand him with out English :P .
The problem is that we can't. And we like to understand what's written in our forums.

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 27 Aug 2009, 21:09
by Zarel
Avestron wrote:Question: - would it be possible to have a ghost terrain level (or even several such ghost terrain levels) to allow for the manifestation of tree cover/ brush and low-lying mist?

This terrain would work similarly to the existing one except that it would not count as an object for the purposes of mobility - and can be turned on and off at the options screen.
...define "possible" - you can certainly code it into the engine without too much difficulty. However, I would discourage this, since this is a real-time strategy game; tree cover would just be annoying. Mist might be useful, though.
Kamaze wrote:The problem is that we can't. And we like to understand what's written in our forums.
I often encourage users with low English proficiency to post in their native language (If their English is worse than a Google translation of their native language, why not?) - I often go and edit their posts with a translation, anyway.

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 27 Aug 2009, 23:52
by Avestron
Ok - possible was a poor choice as virtually anything is possible with sufficient knowledge and determination.

I was thinking that layers of transparent texturing could emulate mists, trees and below-water features - if water is semi transparent and a level of rock below surface level were placed.

I understand that trees could get annoying however - perhaps semi-transparent texturing would provide sufficient translucence to satisfy both sides of the matter. Adding provisions in the AI to suicide units after the game is lost (similar to C&C) would also help prevent annoying hide and seek games with a fully developed base with a company of gauss canons looking for a machine gunner borg.

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 28 Aug 2009, 01:49
by cybersphinx
Avestron wrote:I was thinking that layers of transparent texturing could emulate mists, trees and below-water features - if water is semi transparent and a level of rock below surface level were placed.
Water is already done that way. Trees? Would only work with a fixed viewing angle, else it looks exactly like what it is - a layer with stuff painted on it. Mist... hm, could be interesting.

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 28 Aug 2009, 21:38
by andron
did someone compile a Windows version of the Trunk and put it online when the new Update came out?

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 14:16
by Corporal Punishment
Besides, there are trees already, are there not? Especially in the Rockies. Guess these are objects like buildings, wrecked cars, artifacts and oil barrels/wells, only the trees have no script that allows them to be picked up, build upon or destroyed.
This gives me an idea: In conjunction with the multi-turret discussion, I proposed introducing terrain types that tanks can not move across to make Infantry more usable. Wouldn't the simplest way to to this be placing a great number of static objects (a tree is a good example) close enough together so that tanks do not fit through between them while the smaller cyborgs and light vehicles do? This of course assumes that more than one object can be placed on a tile and the different units are actually of different size to the game engine.
While placing so many trees on the map would not only result in slow rendering, the units will also get obscured by an adequatly dense forest. To work around this transparent "poles" could be used between wich symbolic trees are inserted every now and then. Something like this should be easy to make as a, say, 3X3 tile template, or am I mistaken there? Additionally, to make the destruction of buildings more optically appealing, they could leave a debris heap. This would have to be static objects that are loaded instead of the buildings after the collapsing animation. Since, as I understand the game engine, no unit can move through or over the surface of an object, using several small symbolic debris-objects and the transparent poles again would result in the highly realistic behavior that tanks avoid ruins while infantry can go right through.

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 17:17
by Avestron
The problem with a lot of objects as trees is that units have a tendency of getting hung up on them while passing through.

There exists narrow terrain through which cyborgs have an easier time moving - on certain multiplayer maps.

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 17:39
by Corporal Punishment
Well, the point is not making terrain harder to pass for tanks but making it impassable. Transparent poles would not have to be scattered all over the area, now that I think of it. A row of them like a kind of fence woult be sufficient to keep heavier vehicles out. Inside the fence, one tree/debris heap in nine tiles should be sufficient. This would also allow for corridors though the forest/ruins depicting roads tanks can use. Would that be an option?

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 30 Aug 2009, 00:14
by lav_coyote25
trees can be destroyed - unless the code for that has been removed. :3

Re: New Terrain

Posted: 29 Nov 2009, 00:25
by EVIL386
Hi guys, what happened to the terrain branch?

Just reloaded my machine after install a new motherboard, went to check out the branch (I love the new renderer).

But it's missing, has it been merged with another branch or are the new textures available somewhere else?

