For people who have sound issues with the 'master' builds

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For people who have sound issues with the 'master' builds

Post by Buginator »

If you are one of the people, on windows, who has sound issues, please do the following:

Describe the sound issues you are having and do the following two runs of the game.
1) run the game with warzone2100.exe --debug=sound, and post your wzlog* logs here.
2) run the game with warzone2100.exe --crash, and post the crash log file (Warzone2100.RPT) here.

You can use any of the past master snapshots that we have made. (like master snapshot 20110519])

If you are using the nightly builds, that is running the older openAL library, and there should be no sound issues with that, so you can also report if you have sound issues with the nightly builds. (No logs or crash reports needed for the nightly build.)

Thanks for your cooperation.
and it ends here.
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Re: For people who have sound issues with the 'master' build

Post by lav_coyote25 »

note: june 24 2011 nightly. dunno why but dydo AI is not the best to test with - slows the processors down to almost nothing. :annoyed:

Code: Select all

--- Starting log ---
sound   |04:50:58: [sound_InitLibrary] Current audio device: Generic Software
sound   |04:50:58: [sound_InitLibrary] OpenAL Vendor: Creative Labs Inc.
sound   |04:50:58: [sound_InitLibrary] OpenAL Version: 1.1
sound   |04:50:58: [sound_InitLibrary] OpenAL Renderer: Software
sound   |04:50:58: [PlayList_Read] Added song track1.ogg to playlist
sound   |04:50:58: [PlayList_Read] Added song track2.ogg to playlist
sound   |04:50:58: [PlayList_Read] Added song track3.ogg to playlist
sound   |04:50:58: [cdAudio_Open] called(music)
sound   |04:50:59: [cdAudio_PlayTrack] called(0)
sound   |04:50:59: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/menu.ogg)
sound   |04:50:59: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |04:50:59: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/menu.ogg)
sound   |04:52:28: [__sound_GetError] OpenAL raised an error: "AL_INVALID_OPERATION: Illegal call"; at openal_track.cpp:598
info    |04:52:56: [loadSaveDroid] No multiplay/maps/8c-psykofs2011/droid.ini found -- use fallback method
info    |04:52:56: [loadGame] Loaded old style droids
info    |04:52:56: [loadSaveFeature2] No multiplay/maps/8c-psykofs2011/feature.ini found -- use fallback method
sound   |04:53:04: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track2.ogg)
sound   |04:53:04: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |04:53:04: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track2.ogg)
sound   |04:53:04: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track2.ogg (was playing music/menu.ogg)
sound   |04:53:09: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track3.ogg)
sound   |04:53:09: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |04:53:09: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track3.ogg)
sound   |04:53:09: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track3.ogg (was playing music/track2.ogg)
sound   |04:58:08: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track1.ogg)
sound   |04:58:08: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |04:58:08: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track1.ogg)
sound   |04:58:08: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track1.ogg (was playing music/track3.ogg)
sound   |05:05:08: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track2.ogg)
sound   |05:05:08: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |05:05:08: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track2.ogg)
sound   |05:05:08: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track2.ogg (was playing music/track1.ogg)
sound   |05:06:04: [__sound_GetError] OpenAL raised an error: "AL_INVALID_NAME: Invalid name parameter passed"; at openal_track.cpp:430
last message repeated 2 times
last message repeated 2 times (total 4 repeats)
last message repeated 4 times (total 8 repeats)
last message repeated 2 times (total 10 repeats)
info    |05:12:10: [scrBaseObjGet] Invalid object 10A79718 of type 29504
info    |05:12:10: [scrBaseObjGet] Assert in Warzone: scriptobj.cpp:75 (psObj->type == OBJ_DROID || psObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || psObj->type == OBJ_FEATURE), last script event: 'N/A'
error   |05:12:10: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: could not do var func
error   |05:12:10: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: *** ERROR EXIT *** (CurEvent=16)
error   |05:12:10: [interpRunScript] Original event ID: 16 (of 169)
error   |05:12:10: [interpRunScript] Current event ID: 16 (of 169)
error   |05:12:10: [interpRunScript] Call depth : 0
error   |05:12:10: [scrOutputCallTrace]  *** Script call trace: ***
error   |05:12:10: [scrOutputCallTrace] 0: N/A (current event)
info    |05:12:10: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: error while executing a script
info    |05:12:10: [interpRunScript] Assert in Warzone: interpreter.cpp:930 (!"error while executing a script"), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:12:10: [eventFireTrigger] eventFireTrigger: event N/A: code failed
info    |05:12:10: [eventFireTrigger] Assert in Warzone: event.cpp:1138 (false), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:12:32: [scrBaseObjGet] Invalid object 10A79718 of type 29504
info    |05:12:32: [scrBaseObjGet] Assert in Warzone: scriptobj.cpp:75 (psObj->type == OBJ_DROID || psObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || psObj->type == OBJ_FEATURE), last script event: 'N/A'
error   |05:12:32: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: could not do var func
error   |05:12:32: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: *** ERROR EXIT *** (CurEvent=32)
error   |05:12:32: [interpRunScript] Original event ID: 32 (of 169)
error   |05:12:32: [interpRunScript] Current event ID: 32 (of 169)
error   |05:12:32: [interpRunScript] Call depth : 0
error   |05:12:32: [scrOutputCallTrace]  *** Script call trace: ***
error   |05:12:32: [scrOutputCallTrace] 0: N/A (current event)
info    |05:12:32: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: error while executing a script
info    |05:12:32: [interpRunScript] Assert in Warzone: interpreter.cpp:930 (!"error while executing a script"), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:12:32: [eventFireCallbackTrigger] eventFireCallbackTrigger: event N/A: code failed
info    |05:12:32: [eventFireCallbackTrigger] Assert in Warzone: event.cpp:1056 (false), last script event: 'N/A'
sound   |05:12:36: [__sound_GetError] OpenAL raised an error: "AL_INVALID_NAME: Invalid name parameter passed"; at openal_track.cpp:430
last message repeated 2 times
last message repeated 2 times (total 4 repeats)
last message repeated 4 times (total 8 repeats)
sound   |05:12:59: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track3.ogg)
sound   |05:12:59: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |05:12:59: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track3.ogg)
sound   |05:12:59: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track3.ogg (was playing music/track2.ogg)
sound   |05:14:32: [__sound_GetError] OpenAL raised an error: "AL_INVALID_NAME: Invalid name parameter passed"; at openal_track.cpp:430
last message repeated 2 times
last message repeated 2 times (total 4 repeats)
last message repeated 4 times (total 8 repeats)
last message repeated 8 times (total 16 repeats)
last message repeated 16 times (total 32 repeats)
last message repeated 4 times (total 36 repeats)
sound   |05:17:58: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track1.ogg)
sound   |05:17:58: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |05:17:58: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track1.ogg)
sound   |05:17:58: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track1.ogg (was playing music/track3.ogg)
info    |05:22:40: [orderDroidBase] Lancer cannot construct things!
info    |05:22:40: [orderDroidBase] Assert in Warzone: order.cpp:1620 (isConstructionDroid(psDroid)), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:22:40: [orderDroidBase] Lancer cannot construct things!
info    |05:22:40: [orderDroidBase] Assert in Warzone: order.cpp:1620 (isConstructionDroid(psDroid)), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:22:42: [orderDroidBase] Lancer cannot construct things!
info    |05:22:42: [orderDroidBase] Assert in Warzone: order.cpp:1620 (isConstructionDroid(psDroid)), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:22:42: [orderDroidBase] Lancer cannot construct things!
info    |05:22:42: [orderDroidBase] Assert in Warzone: order.cpp:1620 (isConstructionDroid(psDroid)), last script event: 'N/A'
sound   |05:24:58: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track2.ogg)
sound   |05:24:58: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |05:24:58: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track2.ogg)
sound   |05:24:58: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track2.ogg (was playing music/track1.ogg)
info    |05:30:23: [scrStructTargetMask] scrStructTargetMask: unknown or invalid target structure type
info    |05:30:23: [scrStructTargetMask] Assert in Warzone: scriptai.cpp:999 (false), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:30:32: [scrStructTargetMask] scrStructTargetMask: unknown or invalid target structure type
info    |05:30:32: [scrStructTargetMask] Assert in Warzone: scriptai.cpp:999 (false), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:31:54: [scrBaseObjGet] Invalid object 1016FA20 of type 16576
info    |05:31:54: [scrBaseObjGet] Assert in Warzone: scriptobj.cpp:75 (psObj->type == OBJ_DROID || psObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || psObj->type == OBJ_FEATURE), last script event: 'N/A'
error   |05:31:54: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: could not do var func
error   |05:31:54: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: *** ERROR EXIT *** (CurEvent=16)
error   |05:31:54: [interpRunScript] Original event ID: 16 (of 169)
error   |05:31:54: [interpRunScript] Current event ID: 16 (of 169)
error   |05:31:54: [interpRunScript] Call depth : 0
error   |05:31:54: [scrOutputCallTrace]  *** Script call trace: ***
error   |05:31:54: [scrOutputCallTrace] 0: N/A (current event)
info    |05:31:54: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: error while executing a script
info    |05:31:54: [interpRunScript] Assert in Warzone: interpreter.cpp:930 (!"error while executing a script"), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:31:54: [eventFireTrigger] eventFireTrigger: event N/A: code failed
info    |05:31:54: [eventFireTrigger] Assert in Warzone: event.cpp:1138 (false), last script event: 'N/A'
sound   |05:32:51: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track3.ogg)
sound   |05:32:51: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |05:32:51: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track3.ogg)
sound   |05:32:51: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track3.ogg (was playing music/track2.ogg)
info    |05:32:51: [scrBaseObjGet] Invalid object 1016FA20 of type 16576
info    |05:32:51: [scrBaseObjGet] Assert in Warzone: scriptobj.cpp:75 (psObj->type == OBJ_DROID || psObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || psObj->type == OBJ_FEATURE), last script event: 'N/A'
error   |05:32:51: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: could not do var func
error   |05:32:51: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: *** ERROR EXIT *** (CurEvent=32)
error   |05:32:51: [interpRunScript] Original event ID: 32 (of 169)
error   |05:32:51: [interpRunScript] Current event ID: 32 (of 169)
error   |05:32:51: [interpRunScript] Call depth : 0
error   |05:32:51: [scrOutputCallTrace]  *** Script call trace: ***
error   |05:32:51: [scrOutputCallTrace] 0: N/A (current event)
info    |05:32:51: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: error while executing a script
info    |05:32:51: [interpRunScript] Assert in Warzone: interpreter.cpp:930 (!"error while executing a script"), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:32:51: [eventFireCallbackTrigger] eventFireCallbackTrigger: event N/A: code failed
info    |05:32:51: [eventFireCallbackTrigger] Assert in Warzone: event.cpp:1056 (false), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:36:21: [scrBaseObjGet] Invalid object 0F40E5C0 of type 247608528
info    |05:36:21: [scrBaseObjGet] Assert in Warzone: scriptobj.cpp:75 (psObj->type == OBJ_DROID || psObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || psObj->type == OBJ_FEATURE), last script event: 'N/A'
error   |05:36:21: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: could not do var func
error   |05:36:21: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: *** ERROR EXIT *** (CurEvent=16)
error   |05:36:21: [interpRunScript] Original event ID: 16 (of 169)
error   |05:36:21: [interpRunScript] Current event ID: 16 (of 169)
error   |05:36:21: [interpRunScript] Call depth : 0
error   |05:36:21: [scrOutputCallTrace]  *** Script call trace: ***
error   |05:36:21: [scrOutputCallTrace] 0: N/A (current event)
info    |05:36:21: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: error while executing a script
info    |05:36:21: [interpRunScript] Assert in Warzone: interpreter.cpp:930 (!"error while executing a script"), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:36:21: [eventFireTrigger] eventFireTrigger: event N/A: code failed
info    |05:36:21: [eventFireTrigger] Assert in Warzone: event.cpp:1138 (false), last script event: 'N/A'
sound   |05:36:35: [__sound_GetError] OpenAL raised an error: "AL_INVALID_NAME: Invalid name parameter passed"; at openal_track.cpp:430
sound   |05:37:50: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track1.ogg)
sound   |05:37:50: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |05:37:50: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track1.ogg)
sound   |05:37:50: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track1.ogg (was playing music/track3.ogg)
sound   |05:40:05: [__sound_GetError] OpenAL raised an error: "AL_INVALID_NAME: Invalid name parameter passed"; at openal_track.cpp:430
last message repeated 2 times
last message repeated 2 times (total 4 repeats)
last message repeated 4 times (total 8 repeats)
last message repeated 8 times (total 16 repeats)
sound   |05:44:50: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track2.ogg)
sound   |05:44:50: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |05:44:50: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track2.ogg)
sound   |05:44:50: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track2.ogg (was playing music/track1.ogg)
sound   |05:52:41: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track3.ogg)
sound   |05:52:41: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |05:52:41: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track3.ogg)
sound   |05:52:41: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track3.ogg (was playing music/track2.ogg)
sound   |05:57:40: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track1.ogg)
sound   |05:57:40: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |05:57:40: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track1.ogg)
sound   |05:57:40: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track1.ogg (was playing music/track3.ogg)
sound   |05:58:51: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track2.ogg)
sound   |05:58:51: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |05:58:51: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track2.ogg)
sound   |05:58:51: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track2.ogg (was playing music/track1.ogg)
info    |05:59:43: [scrBaseObjGet] Invalid object 101C86E0 of type 736111583
info    |05:59:43: [scrBaseObjGet] Assert in Warzone: scriptobj.cpp:75 (psObj->type == OBJ_DROID || psObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || psObj->type == OBJ_FEATURE), last script event: 'N/A'
error   |05:59:43: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: could not do var func
error   |05:59:43: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: *** ERROR EXIT *** (CurEvent=16)
error   |05:59:43: [interpRunScript] Original event ID: 16 (of 169)
error   |05:59:43: [interpRunScript] Current event ID: 16 (of 169)
error   |05:59:43: [interpRunScript] Call depth : 0
error   |05:59:43: [scrOutputCallTrace]  *** Script call trace: ***
error   |05:59:43: [scrOutputCallTrace] 0: N/A (current event)
info    |05:59:43: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: error while executing a script
info    |05:59:43: [interpRunScript] Assert in Warzone: interpreter.cpp:930 (!"error while executing a script"), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |05:59:43: [eventFireTrigger] eventFireTrigger: event N/A: code failed
info    |05:59:43: [eventFireTrigger] Assert in Warzone: event.cpp:1138 (false), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |06:00:04: [scrBaseObjGet] Invalid object 101C86E0 of type 736046046
info    |06:00:04: [scrBaseObjGet] Assert in Warzone: scriptobj.cpp:75 (psObj->type == OBJ_DROID || psObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || psObj->type == OBJ_FEATURE), last script event: 'N/A'
error   |06:00:04: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: could not do var func
error   |06:00:04: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: *** ERROR EXIT *** (CurEvent=32)
error   |06:00:04: [interpRunScript] Original event ID: 32 (of 169)
error   |06:00:04: [interpRunScript] Current event ID: 32 (of 169)
error   |06:00:04: [interpRunScript] Call depth : 0
error   |06:00:04: [scrOutputCallTrace]  *** Script call trace: ***
error   |06:00:04: [scrOutputCallTrace] 0: N/A (current event)
info    |06:00:04: [interpRunScript] interpRunScript: error while executing a script
info    |06:00:04: [interpRunScript] Assert in Warzone: interpreter.cpp:930 (!"error while executing a script"), last script event: 'N/A'
info    |06:00:04: [eventFireCallbackTrigger] eventFireCallbackTrigger: event N/A: code failed
info    |06:00:05: [eventFireCallbackTrigger] Assert in Warzone: event.cpp:1056 (false), last script event: 'N/A'
sound   |06:01:13: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track3.ogg)
sound   |06:01:13: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |06:01:13: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track3.ogg)
sound   |06:01:13: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track3.ogg (was playing music/track2.ogg)
sound   |06:06:05: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/track1.ogg)
sound   |06:06:05: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |06:06:05: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/track1.ogg)
sound   |06:06:05: [cdAudio_TrackFinished] Now playing music/track1.ogg (was playing music/track3.ogg)
sound   |06:06:14: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=0B395100
sound   |06:06:16: [cdAudio_PlayTrack] called(0)
sound   |06:06:16: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] called(music/menu.ogg)
sound   |06:06:16: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=00000000
sound   |06:06:16: [cdAudio_OpenTrack] successful(music/menu.ogg)
sound   |06:06:23: [cdAudio_Close] called
sound   |06:06:23: [cdAudio_Stop] called, cdStream=13ABDCD0
sound   |06:06:23: [sound_ShutdownLibrary] starting shutdown
sound   |06:06:23: [sound_ShutdownLibrary] make default context NULL
sound   |06:06:23: [sound_ShutdownLibrary] destroy previous context
sound   |06:06:23: [sound_ShutdownLibrary] close device
note the error message -
note the error message -
used dydo for all players... main processor and vid card processor took major hit - dunno why - frame rate at begining ... might have well been a flip page book.
used dydo for all players... main processor and vid card processor took major hit - dunno why - frame rate at begining ... might have well been a flip page book.
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Goth Zagog-Thou
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Re: For people who have sound issues with the 'master' build

Post by Goth Zagog-Thou »

Well, the logs don't show anything other than the usual for cam4 stuff that still needs fixing. Might be my machine -- powered by an old Sempron 3000 that is somewhat degraded (aka it's been pushed hard for a long time, hehe). It's having slowdown issues with 2.3.8 also (esp. on 8-player skirmish maps). Probably just the machine, at least on my end.
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Re: For people who have sound issues with the 'master' build

Post by lav_coyote25 »

ok , here ya go, a very crappy vid of what i was trying to tell you all about... and there is an almost 3,000kb text file that i would like to have someone look at, includes the specs and info from my machine and also the first and second logs ( had to stop and then reload the save game) . all is explained in the file. i used notepad++ latest version to make the text file. ... tube_gdata
june 26 nightly_WZlog-0526_141411.txt
file of logs 1 and 2 plus the specs of my machine and an explanation of what is happening.
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Goth Zagog-Thou
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Re: For people who have sound issues with the 'master' build

Post by Goth Zagog-Thou »

On the plus side, the Linux builds run wonderfully. Still a little stutter on the nightlies; but again, that's most likely due to my machine. This old workhorse has been used for quite a lot over the years, and still has the jam to get the job done -- at it's own pace, that is. :lol2:
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Re: For people who have sound issues with the 'master' build

Post by Safety0ff »

I was looking at the sound stuff on an unrelated issue and it looks like movement sounds are dependant on the simulation rate and others such as the derrick, power gen, factory steam, etc depend on the frame rate.

All this is likely compounded by issues on windows (with vsync on?) and all the assertion messages being sent to the console as a result of vtols going out of bounds ( I assume they're vtols because of your "100 vtol pads" comment).

I wonder how many units there were in total...

Anyways, so looks like our sound set up isn't very good either. :stare: ::sigh::
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Re: For people who have sound issues with the 'master' build

Post by effigy »

On the bright side, more regular players are liking master as of today since it was discovered that turning vsync off gives a considerable boost in performance.

Also, what do the "Scanlines" and "FSAA" options do?
This is why some features aren't implemented:
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Re: For people who have sound issues with the 'master' build

Post by ODDity »

FSAA is the "Frozen Sands Anti Aliasing", for well, anti-aliasing.

Scanlines is a effect that shows up on the in game videos, including the intro, doesn't look great in my opinion.
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Re: For people who have sound issues with the 'master' build

Post by Safety0ff »

ODDity wrote:FSAA is the "Frozen Sands Anti Aliasing", for well, anti-aliasing.
If this is a joke, then I don't understand it, sorry.
FSAA stands for Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing: ... i-aliasing ,but the option is a lie, it turns on MSAA.
As for scanlines, it's in the videos so that each line alternates in intensity. like this image: ... xample.jpg
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Re: For people who have sound issues with the 'master' build

Post by lav_coyote25 »

ok !! :hmm: i will have some video showing some interesting stuff... makes no sense to me but to a dev...maybe...
here is the text files for now - the vids will have to wait till later as i am extremly tired. 02:10 am here... anyways...
warzone2100 nightly from june 26
(290.67 KiB) Downloaded 413 times
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Re: For people who have sound issues with the 'master' build

Post by lav_coyote25 »

and as promised!! here is the vid... sorry for the low quality - this was taken with a stylus 760 all weather olympus camera. not the best, but it gets the point across... seeing as fraps isnt any better, well, you know... :lol2: in the vid you will hear a pretty constant boom, and you will see that STUPID dos box thing, as it captures all the errors and stuff... is there a way to fix this?? :hmm:
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Re: For people who have sound issues with the 'master' build

Post by Buginator »

OK, well, try the most recent nightly/weekly build, and see if it is better now.
and it ends here.
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