Setting Campaign map's size via mod

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Rman Virgil
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Re: Setting Campaign map's size via mod

Post by Rman Virgil »

Rman Virgil wrote: Have you an over-arching story-scenario in mind already ?
Have you drafted any pre-scripted mission-sequence constructs ?
DylanDog wrote:No and No. I am working now only on this first mod using the existing maps. This to become more confident with the campaign scripts. When this first mod will be ready I will start working on the new one and will be more then happy if someone else would like to support. what about yourself? :)
That is a smart way of going about it, no doubt.

The Campaign experience is my favorite mode as a Player.... & to make new game play experiences within. So this proposition (to work with folks of your caliber & commitment to create something brand new) is very attractive to me. It's just a matter of "timing". This meaning I am for the most part putting aside all WZ activity to focus on 2 RL extracurricular projects (a music video & a stage theater piece) for the remainder of the year. I will return to WZ activity around the beginning of 2011. If this "timing" coordinates OK with your own plans then I would like to contribute. :D

Rman Virgil wrote: write Triggers that make the A.I. go POSTAL
DylanDog wrote:...I am not sure I fully understand this?
stiv wrote: To "go postal" is an American expression meaning to go on a killing rampage. The origin is stressed out workers at the US Postal Service shooting their managers and co-workers.
Stiv is of course spot-on with this explanation of the term & its history.

Now let me put it in context of the WZ CAM A.I.... (And please do not take my breakdown to elementary components as an affront to your intelligence.... I'm just exposing my thinking modus; making my chain of reasoning, & rationale, explicit.)

Mission Briefs are orders from superior officers to you, the Mission Commander (based on Project Intel) that take the basic form of:

Go to map area "ABC"... do "D".... within time frame "E" rewarded with "F" and thus fulfill all the "Victory Conditions" to advance to the next mission.

Now let us assume only Fog-of-War in effect with NO scrolling limits in place (or Distance Mist... makes no diff really). This means you can only see the lay of the land & enemy positions and force strength if you send units to explore & penetrate the FoW.

Now let us assume defining "acceptable areas to expose" by player unit movement in fulfilling the Mission Brief Orders by defining a coordinate box based on the Players start position ("123") and the Mission Directive to go to map area "ABC". Let's call that Coordinate Box "G

Now let us assume the you the Player decide - "Screw my orders from my superiors. I'm gonna go wherever I want and check chit-out even though I have no enemy intel in those areas."

So you go outside that Coordinate Box "G", breaking FoW in an out-of-mission-scope map area... well that act Triggers a "POSTAL" A.I. event - meaning, an overwhelming mobile enemy offensive that soon destroys the player. (This could also be used instead of the "Mission Failed" termination of a level.)

- Regards, RV Image
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Re: Setting Campaign map's size via mod

Post by DylanDog »

Really, really sorry for the late response but I also have a busy life...
Thanks a lot for the last post and suggestion and do not worry, you are absolutely not offending my intelligence...I have none!!
I have now created the post for the mod called A2C-HM (Alpha2 Campaign - Hard Mode).

I still need to mod the last 4 missions.

Concerning the timing for the new mod which should use new maps, I really do not know but I am quite sure that in January I will be working on it, you can jump in the new project anytime you want.
My Warzone 2100 mods:
Download DyDo-AI for Warzone skirmish/multiplayer games.
Download A2C-HM (Alpha 2 Campaign - Hard Mode).
Download A3C-HM (Alpha 3 Campaign - Hard Mode).
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Rman Virgil
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Re: Setting Campaign map's size via mod

Post by Rman Virgil »

DylanDog wrote:Really, really sorry for the late response but I also have a busy life...
Not a prob. I do understand. :)
DylanDog wrote:Thanks a lot for the last post and suggestion and do not worry, you are absolutely not offending my intelligence...I have none!!
Cool. And - I know of only a handful of peeps, literally, who mastered WZ Scripting like you have out of the tens of thousands of fans over more than 10 years the games been around... so... :wink:
DylanDog wrote:I have now created the post for the mod called A2C-HM (Alpha2 Campaign - Hard Mode).

I still need to mod the last 4 missions.
Still testing my last 2 WZ projects & mixing some original music for one of em but soon as I'm done I look forward to playing what you've created.

Though... I have followed KukY's feedback and he makes points I can relate to. Nonetheless, I should be free to check it out for myself in a few more days and have some constructive feedback to add. :3
DylanDog wrote:Concerning the timing for the new mod which should use new maps, I really do not know but I am quite sure that in January I will be working on it, you can jump in the new project anytime you want.
Excellent. :D Was hoping I wouldn't miss-out on the opportunity.

- Regards, RV Image
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Re: Setting Campaign map's size via mod

Post by DylanDog »

I have found out where the issue with the night/day comes from. I think the scroll limits are fixed on the map. I tried to add a completely new map on an away mission, a map much bigger then the standard one and the issue did not appear.

This means the reason why I opened this thread is not ok anymore. At least on the away missions we are able to replace any map. I will give it a try on the campaign map to see what happens.

This is a good news as this means it is possible to create a new campaign with totally new away missions and possibly also on a new campaign map.

I will complete the Alpha2 Campaign - Hard Mode mod now using new maps on the remaining missions I still have to mod.
My Warzone 2100 mods:
Download DyDo-AI for Warzone skirmish/multiplayer games.
Download A2C-HM (Alpha 2 Campaign - Hard Mode).
Download A3C-HM (Alpha 3 Campaign - Hard Mode).
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