dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

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Re: dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

Post by wanjia1 »

Reason of forgotten can be vary, as lack of maintenance, no specialty, or simply hard to download
But for merged one, there is always maintenance, and exists with the game

Merged AI have one common: they are best of the time.
Maybe it's the only way to be merged...
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Re: dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

Post by wanjia1 »

The map to test AI, not in map database:
License: GPL 2+
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Re: dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

Post by wanjia1 »

dumb23: Rocket tweaks
It can beat all previous Insane bot with Rocket
It can beat previous Insane Rocket bot with Cannon

Now all chat commands starts with '!', like '!s1'
23.png (19.75 KiB) Viewed 32276 times
It will attack parallel
Build gate if power>2500 && enemy flamer ratio>60%
Build tracks if enemy mortar ratio>60%
Tweaked rocket path, complete Rocket ROF3 before 10 minutes, Tiger Body before 25 minutes
When uses cannon and against rocket, It will rush into enemy

Introduced behavior tree, but not enabled

(bugfix: truck build at edge of map)
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Re: dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

Post by wanjia1 »

24: Low oil tweaks (only T1, rocket tested)
It can beat all previous Insane bot in land low oil
It can beat most Insane bot in hover low oil

Limit factory count in low oil
Take oil earlier and with less trucks
Build repair droid if no repair center
Better build position for terrain map

Infinite loop when destination of spamBuild unreachable
dumb24-2 against builtin AI
dumb24-2 against builtin AI
24.png (10.84 KiB) Viewed 31661 times
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Re: dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

Post by Tzeentch »

Having an interest in the progress, I made a few tests on Sk-FishNets map with this bot.

The build order when using no bases, strongly advise changing this. This factor is causing it to lose the game. Other bots first make 2 facs, lab, then CC after but dumb24 makes lab, gen and CC first before any facs. As per this screenshot.
This delays trucks way too long or any other kind of unit production.
It lost against my arty-hackbot ( almost same as Cobra ) on Hard vs Hard.

On body weapon pairing, I saw Heavy Cannons being used on a Leopard body which is another thing to look at adjusting.
You'd want to match weight to body ratio is more appropriate.

With those tweaks it'll do much better on no base games.

( Getting a consistent HTTP error uploading the png file that is 1.5 MiB )

I see this though - "Maximum filesize per attachment: 10 MiB." - Maybe that message is out of date now?
Last edited by Tzeentch on 06 Sep 2024, 08:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

Post by wanjia1 »

It only tested on full base, where already have 2 factories
For it's truck code, only structure count and power involved, other is ignored
I will fix it at next version

(The max file size is 1 MiB, convert the image to jpg to reduce size)
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Re: dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

Post by Tzeentch »

I had a thought as well that, while droid order == move || retreat, to perform some terrain analysis as it moves to prefer moving over roads if seen and to avoid steep inclines where possible.

Also, consider factory orientation to face direction of produced units to local map gateway or enemy, relevant to position.
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Re: dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

Post by wanjia1 »

dumb24a: no-base & rocket bugfix

Normal dumb24a-1 beat Hard dumb24-1 at 50% chance
Normal dumb24a-2 beat Hard dumb24-2 at 65% chance

(new code have bugs at low oil map)

(below enabled at >= 24 oils or no base)
better 40 oils, no base truck code

(below enabled at >= 24 oils)
better rocket hit-run function, droid will not rush into enemy when patroling
better rocket Anti Tank / Artillery ratio, calculated from enemy Tank / Cyborg ratio
rocket attack earlier when against flamer
cannon will hit-run when against cannon
reduce movement at defense state

remove unused functions
add comment for legacy truck code
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Re: dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

Post by wanjia1 »

25: rocket bugfix, rocket with mortar (low oil support is removed)

Normal dumb25-2 beat Insane dumb24a-2, dumb24a-1
It weak against MG rush from side

Fixed many zero-division error, it will make full AT rocket when enemy build 0 cyborgs
Won't change target position when attacked
Use 50% mortar and 50% rocket array to anti cyborg
Replace Heavy Rocket Array with Pepper Pot
Mortars will firesupport first sensor, if it have target.
Research and use Tracks if event of attacked by artillery > 50
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Re: dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

Post by Tzeentch »

How are you exactly testing this bot and debugging it?
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Re: dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

Post by wanjia1 »

To test, make small difference, and fight against previous bot.
If the new bot wins, overwrite previous bot, else rollback.
(The code changes a lot, reinforced learning is unavailable)
To save time, uses script to zip the code, and run skirmish game with setting file in ~/.local/share/warzone2100/tests
(Rename is needed, file from different mod with same path overwrites)

Code: Select all

cp -r ./multiplay ./tmp/multiplay
cd ./tmp
python3 ../pyrepl.py ./multiplay
7z a './dumb@{VERSION}.zip' ./multiplay -x!'multiplay/skirmish/pylint.js' -x!'multiplay/skirmish/jsconfig.json'
python3 ../pyrepl.py './dumb@{VERSION}.zip'
rm -r ./multiplay
cd ..
echo ./tmp/* 
cp ./tmp/* ~/.local/share/warzone2100/mods/4.5.5/autoload/
rm ./tmp/*
warzone2100 --skirmish=$1.json #--autogame

Code: Select all

import re
import json
import os,sys,shutil
import datetime

if len(sys.argv)<2:
    quit("no path")

with open(__file__+".json") as fi:
kw["TIME"]=datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(sep=" ")

def func(name:re.Match):
    return kw[name.group(1)]

def repl_file(path):
    with open(path,"r+") as fi:

def repl_path(path):
    if path2!=path:
    return path2

def main(path):
    if not os.path.isdir(path2):
    for i in os.scandir(path2):
        if i.is_file():

Code: Select all

To debug, read the game log or use `debug` function to dump text to stderr, and uses `hackMarkTiles` to mark positions.
Function header and type check avoid most bugs.
To get function header of API, download `pylint.js` and put in project folder
To enable js type check in vscode, install ESLint extention, and write below into `jsconfig.json` in project folder

Code: Select all

  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "CommonJS",
    "target": "ES2022",
    "checkJs": true,
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Re: dumb.js: a simple PSO based AI that stronger than bonecrusher

Post by wanjia1 »

25a: Add Hyper Velocity Cannon mode

Set its name to "...-5" make it into Hyper Velocity Cannon mode:
It prefer tank upgrade and production
It will use Cyborg Grenade, Hyper Velocity Cannon Cobra/Panther, and Flashlight Cyborg
It build repair droids, which go with the army
It can beat previous hard bot in 20 minutes

Other improvements:
Fix droid retreat, fewer units will stuck near edge of map
Reserves some power for lab, research won't be delayed
If first truck is idle, it will pickup oil drums
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Develop environment (for linux with latest vscode) include:
Source code
Project config
API header
Commands to replace string, zip source and test multiplay
(Game path can be vary for different system)
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