Energy loss

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Energy loss

Post by andrvaut »

RBMW-Fedaykin prepared material on a non-logical energy loss in some situations:

Production procedure aborting bug
The situation: you added two different units to the factory production list. When the first one's production process is finished, the second one's production process will be started. But during the production of the first unit you've decided to cancel the first unit but to keep on production of the second one (in case your first unit is useless in current circumstances of your game). There are two ways how to reorganize your production.
The first one is a quite long: you abort the whole production by double right-click on factory's icon and add the second unit to the production order, getting back all power you invested in the production of the first unit. Total clicks: 3, energy losses: 0
The second way is shorter: you just reduce the number of first unit in your factory's order, so it start to produce the second one immediately. Total clicks: 1. But there we have the problem. All power you invested in the first unit's production is being lost due the second way. It can be easily spotted especially if you like playing high-oil games using the infinity production cycle.
Doubtless, it's a bug, ladies and gentlemen :)

Moduled buildings demolishing bug
When player deconstruct any buiding he recieves 50% of building's cost. But thare are some problems with demolishing almost all buldings with modules:
1. A factory costs 100 energy, a factory module costs 100 energy too. Outcome after demolishing:
1 moduled f. -> 50 energy.
2 moduled f. ->100 energy.
3 moduled f. -> 100 energy (!not 150!).
2. A power generator costs 50 energy. It's module costs 0 (can upgrade for free).
Outcome after demolishing:
p. g. without module -> 25 energy.
upgraded p. g. -> 0 energy (!not 25!)
There is no such problem with a research facility (don't know why, but demolishing of it works properly, no matter moduled or not) I haven't tested a VTOL factory, but I can suggest, that it has problems as a vehicle factory has

Open issue:
Last edited by andrvaut on 15 Jun 2020, 17:07, edited 1 time in total.
vaut ΣΑ [GN], ru streamer.
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Re: Energy loss

Post by Prot »

Well, here another power loss:
When ally playing with shared research, the first start research spend some power on it, and ally start same research also spend power.
Ally seeing "heart" that mean research already started by ally, and switch to another, but in this situation there is no "money back".
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Re: Energy loss

Post by pastdue »

Were these experienced with 3.3.0? Or also the master / development builds?
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Re: Energy loss

Post by andrvaut »

checked on 3.3.0
vaut ΣΑ [GN], ru streamer.
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