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Re: [In-Progress] Fixing Mac builds (master / 3.2.x)

Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 21:54
by Cyp
Thanks, it's past due that someone fixes the mac builds.

Re: [In-Progress] Fixing Mac builds (master / 3.2.x)

Posted: 15 Aug 2017, 10:05
by Cyp
Uh, I don't get these forums. I disapproved what looked like a duplicate post, and now the original post is gone, too?

Sorry, would you mind reposting, if you still have it?

Re: [In-Progress] Fixing Mac builds (master / 3.2.x)

Posted: 15 Aug 2017, 18:16
by pastdue
Yeah, I edited the original message to update the progress log, but it looks like it the forums then treated it as a new message from whatever approval UI you have. Ah well.

I don't have the original message saved, but in brief:
  • I am working on the heavy-lifting of fixing the macOS builds (specifically: the master / 3.2 branch).
  • The goal is to get the build process working on macOS 10.12 / 10.13 with Xcode 8 / 9.
  • If possible, support for running on earlier versions of macOS will be maintained, but some functionality may not be available. At a minimum, the lowest supported macOS will be 10.7 (but it may be 10.9 or higher).
Initial patches will be incoming relatively soon.

Re: [In-Progress] Fixing Mac builds (master / 3.2.x)

Posted: 15 Aug 2017, 19:26
by defishguy
I'm down for helping out.

Re: [In-Progress] Fixing Mac builds (master / 3.2.x)

Posted: 17 Aug 2017, 19:42
by pastdue
The first in a series of patches is now available:
For reasons outlined in more detail in the original (accidentally deleted) post, OpenSSL is no longer an option for Mac builds, and so replacing it is a prerequisite for getting Mac builds working again.

(In brief: Modern Mac SDKs no longer allow linking to it, the pre-shipped version is ancient and officially deprecated, and bundling it isn't possible because of license incompatibility.)

As a side benefit, this also removes a bunch of cruft that was required to initialize and work with OpenSSL.

Re: [In-Progress] Fixing Mac builds (master / 3.2.x)

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 02:20
by pastdue
The second in a series of patches is now available:
This completely fixes Mac builds. See the new macosx/ for detailed build instructions.

Coming next? Retina / High-DPI support. 8)

Re: [In-Progress] Fixing Mac builds (master / 3.2.x)

Posted: 08 Sep 2017, 02:52
by pastdue
Just in case anyone was following along, these first two patches are now merged into the master / 3.2.x branch.

Thus, that branch can now be compiled using Xcode 8 / 9 on macOS 10.12 / 10.13 with very little hassle. Full build instructions are available in the new macosx/

Re: [In-Progress] Fixing Mac builds (master / 3.2.x)

Posted: 28 Sep 2017, 06:32
by Rommel
If you can provide an installable DMG I would be happy to test gameplay / multiplayer

Re: [In-Progress] Fixing Mac builds (master / 3.2.x)

Posted: 21 Nov 2017, 23:17
by Echoes
Thanks! I managed to compile the newest version. Since I have a messy build environment and an old version of OS X, I used a virtual machine with a fresh install of Sierra, latest XCode and the instructions in the repo

For those who want the compiled binary: here's a dmg of the vanilla build

Re: [In-Progress] Fixing Mac builds (master / 3.2.x)

Posted: 22 Nov 2017, 15:02
by Echoes
I ran it successfully on 10.11.6 and 10.12.whateverIsLatest, by the way