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SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 05 Jan 2014, 03:53
by cowboy
Hi there,

First off, credit where credit is due:
Flail13 - Original Author of FlaME. -- Thanks for all hard your work on the map editor. As someone porting your code, I can see first hand how much work it took. I'm still amazed to see how far your skills pushed Visual Basic.

And so, announcing SharpFlame. I had some free time and ported over FlaME source code from VB to C#.

SharpFlame GitHub Repository::

All 38,000+ lines of VB ported to C# in all its glory. And it compiles! (but that doesn't mean it works yet).

It's pretty much a one-to-one port right now.

Moving forward, I plan to do MAJOR refactoring of the source code, add serious unit tests, and fix long outstanding bugs. See for full details.

Talking in IRC, there were a few people that mentioned some issues with the original FlaME.

If you know how to reproduce any of those issues please post them here. and I'll get to work squasing them.

Now accepting pull requests.

Fresh SharpFlame builds coming soon.


Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 05 Jan 2014, 05:59
by vexed
Greetings, looking forward to see what you can come up with. :3

Not sure how far along you are in the port you are doing (didn't get a chance to compare the repos), but, there was another map editor that was started (and never finished) located here:
That one is written in Qt & C++, to make it easy to port it to any platform.

viewtopic.php?f=49&t=3087&hilit=diorama was also pretty cool, (python) but, out of date.

There are also some tools located here ... /tools/map that may help you with your progress / understanding of the map format.

I also believe there is another person on here that uses C#, that may be able to help you, Ezio is the forum handle he goes by.

If you got any other questions, feel free to yell at us. :)

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 08 Jan 2014, 16:16
by Jorzi
I have a bit of experience with c# and especially java, so maybe I'll be able to help (we made a 3d defend-the-tower shooter in c# and XNA as a school project). I think microsoft visual c# express should be free?
I also have in-depth knowledge about the .pie format as well as shaders, so feel free to ask if there's anything you need to know.

So I downloaded the code and it compiled (with the exception of an uncommented comment) but as soon as I try to create a new map, it gets some NullReferenceExceptions from uninitialized list objects etc.

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 00:55
by cowboy
Hey jorzi,

There's still a few issues with the code that didn't 100% port over. I tried creating a new map too and got a NulReference exception.

Still working out the bugs.

Right now, mainly focusing on re-implementing the PIE parser. Since I think that's the most ugly part of the code right now.

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 04:48
by Rman Virgil

Hey cowboy...

Can't help with codeing but I've logged an inordinate number of hours using it since it was first released and know it really well as an end user and can help with testing and informed feedback as you move onward.

From day one I thought it superior to Edit World / World Edit however there are deep issues that donot fall under the heading of bugs. Stuff that I've had to become expert at, as in flying Wallendas, quadruple backflip, work-arounds (without a safety net so to speak) to get results that should be stock achievable without those monster workarounds. I think at this early stage of your effort it may not be appropriate for me to get into that stuff. But I'm not sure, really. I do think that at some point it will be relevant to bring up. That'll be your call. :3

In any case, its great what your doing and fundamentally needed as part of the core of maintaining a bright future for the game, I do believe. :)

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 11:43
by Jorzi
One feature request: When I did some map editiong in Flame, I noticed problems with getting features (like trees) to the right height. This is due to two separate issues: Current warzone has a center vertex in the tiles while Flame still uses two-triangle tiles with the ability to flip the triangulation. This causes inconsistencies in the height of tile centers. The other thing is that, while the map formats supports adjusting the height offsets of features (afaik) it wasn't implemented in Flame. This would be a nice feature for pro mapmakers.

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 12:38
by NoQ
Well, in FlaME you have a button to flatten ground below objects, as a workaround :hmm:

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 23:01
by cowboy
Getting there ... baby steps.

But finally got some things to draw on the screen. :wink:


Everything is still very much under heavy refactoring.

* New PIE parser complete with unit tests.

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 23:28
by Rman Virgil
Imho, baby steps rule ! 8) Peter Sims calls them "Little Bets" . :good:

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 10 Jan 2014, 04:35
by NoQ
If you care to implement the smooth terrain rendering one day (we don't really need the tile-by-tile representation one anymore to stay WYSIWYG, and that can save a lot of UI, i guess), see determineGroundType() in map.cpp to understand how it works, all the color voting and stuff.

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 10 Jan 2014, 22:58
by Jorzi
Made a new class for drawing terrain with averaged middle vertices on each tile.

It's called clsDrawTileMiddleVertex.cs and is based on clsDrawTileOld.cs

Code: Select all

using System;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
using SharpFlame.Mapping.Tiles;
using SharpFlame.Maths;

namespace SharpFlame.Mapping.Renderers
    public class clsDrawTileMiddleVertex : clsDrawTile
        public override void Perform()
            clsTerrain Terrain = Map.Terrain;
            clsTileset Tileset = Map.Tileset;
            double[] TileTerrainHeight = new double[5];
            sXYZ_sng[] Vertices = new sXYZ_sng[5]; //4 corners + center
            sXYZ_sng[] Normals = new sXYZ_sng[5];
            sXY_sng[] TexCoords = new sXY_sng[5];
            int A = 0;

            //Texture binding code copied from clsDrawTileOld
            if (Terrain.Tiles[TileX, TileY].Texture.TextureNum < 0)
                GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, App.GLTexture_NoTile);
            else if (Tileset == null)
                GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, App.GLTexture_OverflowTile);
            else if (Terrain.Tiles[TileX, TileY].Texture.TextureNum < Tileset.TileCount)
                A = Tileset.Tiles[Terrain.Tiles[TileX, TileY].Texture.TextureNum].MapView_GL_Texture_Num;
                if (A == 0)
                    GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, App.GLTexture_OverflowTile);
                    GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, A);
                GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, App.GLTexture_OverflowTile);
            GL.TexEnv(TextureEnvTarget.TextureEnv, TextureEnvParameter.TextureEnvMode, (int)TextureEnvMode.Modulate);

            //Vertex order:
            //0   1
            //  4
            //2   3
            TileTerrainHeight[0] = Terrain.Vertices[TileX, TileY].Height;
            TileTerrainHeight[1] = Terrain.Vertices[TileX + 1, TileY].Height;
            TileTerrainHeight[2] = Terrain.Vertices[TileX, TileY + 1].Height;
            TileTerrainHeight[3] = Terrain.Vertices[TileX + 1, TileY + 1].Height;
            TileTerrainHeight[4] = (TileTerrainHeight[0] + TileTerrainHeight[1] + TileTerrainHeight[2] + TileTerrainHeight[3]) / 4; //middle height is average of the corners

            TileUtil.GetTileRotatedTexCoords(Terrain.Tiles[TileX, TileY].Texture.Orientation, TexCoords[0], TexCoords[1], TexCoords[2], TexCoords[3]);

            Vertices[0].X = TileX * App.TerrainGridSpacing;
            Vertices[0].Y = (float)(TileTerrainHeight[0] * Map.HeightMultiplier);
            Vertices[0].Z = -TileY * App.TerrainGridSpacing;
            Vertices[1].X = (TileX + 1) * App.TerrainGridSpacing;
            Vertices[1].Y = (float)(TileTerrainHeight[1] * Map.HeightMultiplier);
            Vertices[1].Z = -TileY * App.TerrainGridSpacing;
            Vertices[2].X = TileX * App.TerrainGridSpacing;
            Vertices[2].Y = (float)(TileTerrainHeight[2] * Map.HeightMultiplier);
            Vertices[2].Z = -(TileY + 1) * App.TerrainGridSpacing;
            Vertices[3].X = (TileX + 1) * App.TerrainGridSpacing;
            Vertices[3].Y = (float)(TileTerrainHeight[3] * Map.HeightMultiplier);
            Vertices[3].Z = -(TileY + 1) * App.TerrainGridSpacing;
            Vertices[4].X = (TileX + 0.5f) * App.TerrainGridSpacing;
            Vertices[4].Y = (float)(TileTerrainHeight[4] * Map.HeightMultiplier);
            Vertices[4].Z = -(TileY + 0.5f) * App.TerrainGridSpacing;

            Normals[0] = Map.TerrainVertexNormalCalc(TileX, TileY);
            Normals[1] = Map.TerrainVertexNormalCalc(TileX + 1, TileY);
            Normals[2] = Map.TerrainVertexNormalCalc(TileX, TileY + 1);
            Normals[3] = Map.TerrainVertexNormalCalc(TileX + 1, TileY + 1);
            Normals[4] = (Normals[0] + Normals[1] + Normals[2] + Normals[3])/4; //Linearly interpolate from corner vertices
            Normals[4] /= Normals[4].length(); //normalize vector length

            int[] indices = { 1, 0, 4, 3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 0, 2, 4 };
            for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i++)
                GL.Normal3(Normals[indices[i]].X, Normals[indices[i]].Y, -Normals[indices[i]].Z);
                GL.TexCoord2(TexCoords[indices[i]].X, TexCoords[indices[i]].Y);
                GL.Vertex3(Vertices[indices[i]].X, Vertices[indices[i]].Y, -Vertices[indices[i]].Z);
For the code to work I also made the following additions to the sXYZ_sng struct in Definitions.cs:

Code: Select all

public struct sXYZ_sng
        public float X;
        public float Y;
        public float Z;

        public sXYZ_sng(float X, float Y, float Z)
            this.X = X;
            this.Y = Y;
            this.Z = Z;

        public static sXYZ_sng operator +(sXYZ_sng a, sXYZ_sng b)
            sXYZ_sng result = new sXYZ_sng();

            result.X = a.X + b.X;
            result.Y = a.Y + b.Y;
            result.Z = a.Z + b.Z;

            return result;

        public static sXYZ_sng operator /(sXYZ_sng a, float b)
            sXYZ_sng result = new sXYZ_sng();

            result.X = a.X / b;
            result.Y = a.Y / b;
            result.Z = a.Z / b;

            return result;
        public float length()
            return (float)Math.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z);

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 12 Jan 2014, 18:32
by Jorzi
I changed drawing of the .pie models so it includes alpha testing:

in clsModel.cs, in the GLDraw() method, add the following lines at the top:

Code: Select all

            GL.AlphaFunc(AlphaFunction.Greater, 0.5f);
This will prevent the transparent planes in trees & stuff from erasing stuff behind them ;)

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 06:31
by cowboy
Hey Jorzi,

Awesome! Send me a pull request and I'll get it merged back in.

Do you have GitHub? What's your ID? I'll add you as a committer to it.

Going to work on it some tonight.

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 18:24
by Jorzi
I currently only have the changes in my local repo.
My github account is also Jorzi ;)

Re: SharpFlame Warzone Map Editor

Posted: 17 Jan 2014, 00:17
by cowboy
Hey Jorzi,

Added you as a contributor/commiter access.