Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by WZ2100ModsFAn »

I've been having memory issues on windows 10 too.
Steps to reproduce.
add the same weapon over and over again. Like a 100 MGs then change them to a different name each and finally play WZ and you can reproduce this issue.

Code: Select all

    "MG1Mk1": {
        "buildPoints": 50,
        "buildPower": 10,
        "damage": 10,
        "designable": 1,
        "effectSize": 100,
        "facePlayer": 1,
        "firePause": 5,
        "flags": "ShootAir",
        "flightGfx": "FXTracer.PIE",
        "flightSpeed": 1500,
        "hitGfx": "FXMETHIT.PIE",
        "hitpoints": 75,
        "id": "MG1Mk1",
        "longRange": 768,
        "longHit": 50,
        "maxElevation": 90,
        "minElevation": -60,
        "minimumDamage": 33,
        "missGfx": "FXDIRTsp.PIE",
        "model": "GNLMG1.PIE",
        "mountModel": "TRLMG1.PIE",
        "movement": "DIRECT",
        "muzzleGfx": "FXLMgun.PIE",
        "name": "Machinegun",
        "numExplosions": 1,
        "recoilValue": 20,
        "rotate": 180,
        "shortHit": 75,
        "shortRange": 512,
        "waterGfx": "FXSSplsh.PIE",
        "weaponClass": "KINETIC",
        "weaponEffect": "ANTI PERSONNEL",
        "weaponSubClass": "MACHINE GUN",
        "weaponWav": "mgbar2.ogg",
        "weight": 200
By adding so many MG stats I can reproduce this issue on 10.
You can test the MGstats file below to see the memory crash on windows.
This adds 200 Machine gun copies.
Shift + Backspace
Enter "give all" Enter
Then scroll through all the machine guns.
This is just a test not a mod.
I tested this on 10 players with T3.
After i scrolled through all of them when i quit the game it crashes.
No error message it just closes.
GPLv2 licensed Just in case.
It uses regular WZ as base from MP in 3.3.0
Test with 200 Machine gun copies added.
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by Gooberfish »

Thanks for your reply - I'll fire up my linux box and try it there.
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by LezzoMazonn »

4 player map " Boxed " is broken, you can't even build oil derricks because scavs start bombarding you with mortars
AI on easy doesn't rebuild after he has been destroyed by scavs early game, my ally isn't making trucks after i cleaned his base from the scavs, he keeps building tanks and sending them in the enemy bases.

Also i think i did something wrong, is it intended to have basically double buildings and weapons/bodies?

Another thing is: the early sensor research is a bit painful, scavenger WILL attack after basically one minute ingame and you can't see and shoot them because of this weird research. Doesn't make much sense to me that you can't see over 2 tiles of distance, you have big tanks with guns and can't see over a rock?
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by MIH-XTC »

LezzoMazonn wrote: 09 Oct 2019, 15:25 4 player map " Boxed " is broken, you can't even build oil derricks because scavs start bombarding you with mortars
That’s because there are mortar upgrades that increase range but this is probably a problem with the map if mortars are that close to a base. It’d only take a couple of minutes to modify the map to move the mortars.
LezzoMazonn wrote: 09 Oct 2019, 15:25 AI on easy doesn't rebuild after he has been destroyed by scavs early game, my ally isn't making trucks after i cleaned his base from the scavs, he keeps building tanks and sending them in the enemy bases.
Yea, there are a lot of situations in which AI can be improved. I didn’t modify the AI’s except to modify the initial base building sequence in Nullbot but later found it broke some other edge cases and it’s best to just abandon any AI changes that I made.
LezzoMazonn wrote: 09 Oct 2019, 15:25 Also i think i did something wrong, is it intended to have basically double buildings and weapons/bodies?
Yea pretty much double the bodies. It’s the best trade-off I could come up with to introduce new graphical body models while maintaining the originals. Some people favor introducing new models but then others want to preserve the original game so I thought it would be best to have both coincide together and just prefix the new models with NASDA. It’s supposed to be the idea that there is more than one vendor/maker of military equipment. Most importantly it expands the number of strategies allowed in the game which is the ultimate goal.
LezzoMazonn wrote: 09 Oct 2019, 15:25 Another thing is: the early sensor research is a bit painful, scavenger WILL attack after basically one minute ingame and you can't see and shoot them because of this weird research. Doesn't make much sense to me that you can't see over 2 tiles of distance, you have big tanks with guns and can't see over a rock?
Yea I agree now that you mention it. The initial sensor range should be the exact same as scavs but not less. I basically made all games (campaign and mp/skirmish) start off with a sensor upgrade of -55 and then made the sensor turret give an upgrade of +55. The whole purpose is to make the sensor upgrade valuable in the beginning of the tech tree relative to the engine and truck upgrades. As it stands now, the sensor turret is hardly used and is not valuable as a research objective other than to get the research module. I think it would be better to give the sensor turret significantly more range to make it powerful but then also significantly increase the build time and cost so that they’re hard to accumulate. Sensor equipment in real life is costly and time consuming relative to simple weapons so that’s my logic.

I’m not going to make anymore adjustments to this mod though; improving the stats is a never ending story and the mod is just proof of concept for how to improve the base game, not a mod.
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by Emperor »

I like this mod but i think the nasda stuff doesnt really help anything because its just the same a bit better but does not really add any depths and it bloats the menus... or do i miss something they are usefull for? (im very new to mods im sorry.) If not i would remove them.
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by 300Stalker »

Ok before i leave my complaint i would like to say that this mod for campaign is great with its selecetion of weapons structures and bodies just few days i was thinking if someone could pick up the stick and make functioning Contingency mod for campaign and love and behold you did.

That thing aside though i have to ask now AM I HIGH OR SOMETHING OR WHAT?

First few missions i went and said "Eh its a bit difficult it requires diffrent strategy but i can deal with it" But the moment i reach New Paradigm base i can't get in the base cause i can't see because of the jammer someone decided to put up there (Looking at you MIX).

The attachements box says it all how i felt i couldn't bombard the base.

On side note there is no prupolson for helicopter on 1-1 Aplha mission. Again am i high or am i missing somthing??
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by 300Stalker »

On another side note i forgot to add, while simply cheating my way through campaign i also have to say what exactly do you consider "Balance" in upcoming missions?

Because of scav AI you decided to implement into campaign thinking it would bring greater experience it brought INSANE imbalance into it.

First off scavs have no limit to anything they can build meaning scavs can build insane amount of units, structures, defenses etc. Meaning the very first mission that expands in your area to get rid of New Paradigm and scavs gets HUGE numbers of helicopters that just storm your base because of AGAIN no limit to units or factories.

I could probably go whole week dissecting each mission how incredibly unbalanced it is but I don't exactly have the time. So the only thing I have to ask and this is not in insulting way.

What kind of mindset you went into adding this mod into campaign?
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Berserk Cyborg
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by Berserk Cyborg »

As promised, EB mod is now compatible with 3.4.0+. Download latest version here! Windows users beware, if application memory usage exceeds ~1GB your game will crash due to it being a x86 executable. Stay on 4-5 player maps to be safe.
Calculus/MIH-XTC won't respond to PRs or issues anymore on his repo so feel free to submit anything to my fork. I don't recommend a full git clone.

Notable differences and fixes from MIH-XTC's last release:
- MP transporters are available again.
- Ultimate Scavengers no longer cause an instant desync and other errors (synced with main repo).
- Has "proper" research spaced throughout the missions of a campaign (MIH-XTC went full throttle to the max on AI research per campaign start).
- Every single research item is available in the campaign. No more busted tech tree (cannon research almost non-existent in Alpha).
- Fixes a few research dependency issues that mostly would make a few defense items unavailable or come too early. Think a mortar range upgrade came too early so that was fixed.
- Synced scripts and other stat related files with current master branch, if applicable.

What is left to do with this mod for it to be "complete":
- Test campaign and see if it can be beaten on Insane difficulty (likely tone down Ultscav enemy production rates).
- Remove most of the horde of tanks MIH-XTC put on Alpha 8 (might pose a problem) and the line of hardpoints.
- Fix laser2*, laser3*, laser4*, plasma cannon, rail1*, rail2*, rail3*, rotary ground shaker, rotary rail ground shaker, heavy inferno, plasmite flamer so that they don't share mostly identical stats.
- Add updated stats to the non-NullBot family of AIs.

Probably more but that's all I can think of for now.


And for anybody wanting to study the tech tree... here it is.
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by MIH-XTC »

Hi KJeff/Berserk,

I’m just now seeing this post so that’s the reason for the late response. Thank you for working on the mod, that’s great that you forked it and made improvements. I haven’t worked on anything related to WZ since September because I had to find a new job in real life. The reason I don’t use Git (or contribute to wz dev) is because I honestly don’t know how, I use Github for file sharing, not version control. Ironically, I need to get in the habit of using Git in real life, starting this week. I took a job setting up Hadoop/Spark and need to start maintaining repos at work. I’m too busy with real life work for the foreseeable future but maybe in a couple of years or so I’ll return. I don’t remember anything I did with campaign balance so consider anything you want. The one major regret I have is making separate turrets for the structures because of how much memory it consumed and also the difficulty of managing it. If I ever returned to working on the mod I would undo that. Cheers.
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by nick87720z »

I posted idea to contingency topic, which could also go here, since I'm not sure, which topic is better / more active. In case if I missed something, there is some about guns.

All mg and cannons could have twin, quad, assault (rotary quad) and twin assault versions. Rotary vs non-rotary quad should only differ by better mobility. AA guns - same, besides that range and damage multipliers still matter. Of course too big calibers may lack some, e.g. heavy cannon could have only twin and rotary (may be triple, not quad) versions. Mediums (including hpv) may lack twin assault. Btw, twins also could be either dumb twin or using gast system (known to have great rof for probably relatively more predictable stability/precision and again with slightly less weight).

I had idea about hypervelocity versions for all cannons (not just medium, light and assault too). Though I'm not sure exactly, I slightly remember light hpv from contingency.

Another idea I worried: what it basic vehicle parts had subslots? E.g., turret could have slots for actual weapons, only differing by HP and basic turn speed (affected by weapon weight). Weapons themselves with ammo slots (standard, incendiary, plasmite, explosive, some even emp).
Also turret weight should affect accuracy too. Very heavy turret with some small mg would make it very precise.
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by P2K921 »


I installed this mods and i have a little problem. I started the campaign and every building and units have a very short line of sight, a lot shorter than their weapon range. It makes gard tower useless for exemple, since every scavenger unit can fire outside of the line of sigth of the tower. Is that normal ?
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by Counter Back »

Yes it's normal happen, when i started play this mod it's happen too. but after many minutes it's done.
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by BeefyBeefyBeef »

Not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but I downloaded the fork of EB that is compatible with 4.1, but when I start a new game there are no technologies to build or research.
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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by GreyBeard »

Sorry for asking about older versions, but the forum search doesn't like to use numbers. I've got an old craptop with win 8.1. I can run WZ 3.4.1 w/o having to turn much off. I grabbed an older version of Enhanced Balance an now I'm hooked.

Would anyone know the last version of Enhanced Balance that is compatible with WZ 3.4.1?

Also is there any research "cheat sheet"? I've been fiddling with research.json. Converted it online to .csv and I'm play with Libre Calc and Base. More to learn a bit of a newer office since my MS Office is 2003.

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Re: Enhanced Balance Mod for 3.x

Post by alfred007 »

GreyBeard wrote: 20 Dec 2021, 02:45 Sorry for asking about older versions, but the forum search doesn't like to use numbers. I've got an old craptop with win 8.1. I can run WZ 3.4.1 w/o having to turn much off. I grabbed an older version of Enhanced Balance an now I'm hooked.

Would anyone know the last version of Enhanced Balance that is compatible with WZ 3.4.1?

Also is there any research "cheat sheet"? I've been fiddling with research.json. Converted it online to .csv and I'm play with Libre Calc and Base. More to learn a bit of a newer office since my MS Office is 2003.

Its OK, you can laugh...
I'm running an old PC with Win 7 so I think you could try the latest stable version 4.2.3. You can get both the 32 and 64-bit versions here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/warzon ... ses/4.2.3/ !Don't hit the big green button!

For reading research.json (and all other json files of the game) you should use a text editor like Notepad ++, Atom Editor, or something similar.

A lot of help you can get also in the official Discord Server. Come and join us. https://discordapp.com/invite/ZvRVQ8g
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