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Speed formula

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 16:43
by Deeks
Someone ever can as an example to show the formula for calculating speed?
Speed = Base Speed × Speed Penalty × Unit Experience Bonus
Speed = Propulsion Max Speed × Unit Experience Bonus

(Whichever is lower.)

Base Speed = Engine Power After Upgrades × Propulsion Multiplier × Propulsion Terrain Multiplier / Total Weight

Speed Penalty is 3/4 if using a medium body on VTOL, 1/4 if using a heavy body on VTOL, and 1 in all other cases.

This speed is in units of world-coordinates per second. There are 128 world-coordinates in a tile, so, for instance, a unit with a speed of 128 would go at a speed of one tile per second.

That "Terrain Multiplier" is pretty important. You'd expect it to be 1× for all propulsions flat terrain, but it's actually 2.5× for VTOLs.
What is "Propulsion Multiplier"?
For example, count viper speed (weight 600, engine power 5750(whith upgrade) on tracks (+650% weight) witn heavy canon 10000 weight). In game speed 0.29 on road, and 0,24 on offroad.

Re: Speed formula

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 09:21
by devastator
Speed is timer.

Re: Speed formula

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 10:27
by Deeks
Не понял, что за таймер? Скорость показана в плитках в секунду, 1 плитка это 1х1 (как бункер). Или одна плитка это 128 единиц, как в факе написано и максимальная скорость там в них указана.

Re: Speed formula

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 19:07
by devastator
Извини,я вопрос сразу не понял. Я в такое вовсе не вдаюсь..после 10 игр подряд на мета-уровне скорость чувствуешь интуитивно..Я просто побеждаю зная всё не на цифрах а асоциативно,я тебе не помощник.

Re: Speed formula

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 06:40
by NoQ
What is "Propulsion Multiplier"?
Yeah that's a good question guide seems to be missing an exact answer for. Obviously, a hover will be faster than tracks with the same weight and same engine output.

Re: Speed formula

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 07:39
by Iluvalar
Propulsiontype.txt :

Re: Speed formula

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 09:49
by Baxter
NoQ wrote:
What is "Propulsion Multiplier"?
Yeah that's a good question guide seems to be missing an exact answer for. Obviously, a hover will be faster than tracks with the same weight and same engine output.
The values Iluvalar listed are present in the guide: They are listed at the propulsions as "speed".

Re: Speed formula

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 11:46
by NoQ
:oops: cool :)

Re: Speed formula

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 12:26
by Deeks
Viper speed=5750x0.8x1/(600+600x6.5+10000)=0.317...
In game 0,29, is why I'm asking (=

Re: Speed formula

Posted: 15 Jun 2011, 00:11
by Zarel
I renamed it "Propulsion Speed" to be clearer. It is indeed the "Speed" column in the Guide's propulsion tables.
Propulsion terrain multipliers aren't listed anywhere. I should probably fix that.