The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other oddities.

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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by montetank »

Rman Virgil wrote:.

Just have enough energy to post a screen of the Advanced Weather Modification Uplink in the SAR heartland of SE Gondwana. This is also representive of the asymmetry and level of detail throughout the 250 x 250 expanse. After a goodnight sleep I'll get to the promised writing - both expanded post and clarifying email. :3

=========> EDIT:

My previous post has been ammended to explain my position with specificity...

What a wonderful green. Respect. The cliffs are easy done. But i want to know: Which green tile is it?
Thats not the normal rocky green. And by the way- the walls - and the idea to choose the other tiles as a cliff is great. I am only a beginner (David Bowie)-but i like to see, this creatism. It is a pity, that i cant start a conversation in german language with you. I have to learn english.
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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by montetank »

montetank wrote:
Rman Virgil wrote:.

Just have enough energy to post a screen of the Advanced Weather Modification Uplink in the SAR heartland of SE Gondwana. This is also representive of the asymmetry and level of detail throughout the 250 x 250 expanse. After a goodnight sleep I'll get to the promised writing - both expanded post and clarifying email. :3

=========> EDIT:

My previous post has been ammended to explain my position with specificity...

What a wonderful green. Respect. The cliffs are easy done. But i want to know: Which green tile is it?
Thats not the normal rocky green. And by the way- the walls - and the idea to choose the other tiles as a cliff is great. I am only a beginner (David Bowie)-but i like to see, this creatism. It is a pity, that i cant start a conversation in german language with you. I have to learn english.
The waterfall - is it 2,5 in square? I tried with 3,00 - no chance. Always the same after compiling-----something is going wrong. So i made the first quarter of my 250-map, didnt follow, what flame want to told me.... but... 2,5 is to small. i have to make square 3 min that the waterfall isnt stupid.
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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by Rman Virgil »

What a wonderful green. Respect. The cliffs are easy done. But i want to know: Which green tile is it?
Thats not the normal rocky green. And by the way- the walls - and the idea to choose the other tiles as a cliff is great. I am only a beginner (David Bowie)-but i like to see, this creatism. It is a pity, that i cant start a conversation in german language with you. I have to learn english.
Hello montetank, and thanks for your insightful and generous comments. :)

What's happening is I'm using 4 different green tiles within a relatively confined space (this is key) and the terrain renderer is interpreting the blending between the 4 tiles such that it varies from the solid green tile used alone. The 4 tiles are: solid green, green with snow, green with cliff grey and green with dirt.

The cliff texture is a stock cliff tile which is caused to render this way by stopping the the terrain renderer from the application of the cliff striation decal and by mixing up the vertex line texture orientation of adjoining tiles in opposite directions. I have reassigned one non-cliff tile texture to cliff face but it is used elsewhere and that would be the "debris" texture.

I have seen those screen shots of your recent map work and I must say you have developed a cliff construction style that is artfully appealing (alongside thier tactical provocations made more interesting). :good:

I also read you said you were working on new HMs. One thing worth experimenting with, I think, is trying to create the exaggerated effect of the earth's curvature as a sphere on the vertical axis, 360 °. This form achieved has 2 immediate consequences: the horizon is always different in any direction from most any position making it less easy to memorize a map, and your LOS weaps deployed are more impacted tactically by the terrain, as is your maneuver decision-making made more interesting. :hmm:

I'm sorry that German is not one of the languages I speak. I hope my English here is clear and not "twisty" like I can be at times. :oops:

BTW.... I donot give any attention to my map previews looking like representational paintings. However, the map preview for "New Pangaea SP" brings to mind some of the abstract work of one of my favorite painters, Wassily Kandinsky, who also wrote a wonderful treatise on art making, "Concerning the Spiritual in Art". And I do believe there is such a dimension to making even WZ maps. That would be the warrior spirit, of course. ;)

- Regards, Rman.
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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by Rman Virgil »

montetank wrote: The waterfall - is it 2,5 in square? I tried with 3,00 - no chance. Always the same after compiling-----something is going wrong. So i made the first quarter of my 250-map, didnt follow, what flame want to told me.... but... 2,5 is to small. i have to make square 3 min that the waterfall isnt stupid.
I'll double check when I get home (in about 16 hours from now) but IIRC, I had to start with at least 2 tile wide or the terrain renderer would fuse into cliff instead of water. From 2 tile wide you can fan out to 3+. I work with both "Make Invalid Tiles" and "Reinterpret Terrain" UN-checked....(not sure if this makes a difference in your case).

Let me get back to you after I have a chance to look at it again in FlaMe - its been a couple months since I worked on my waterfalls. I do remember having to go back and forth between FlaMe and in-game before I understood how the Terrain Renderer was interpreting what was done in FlaMe and i could get them to look as "natural" as they are gonna look with the way things are deved to this point.

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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by Rman Virgil »


The widest waterfall I made was 8 tiles at its greatest extent. Took a dozen compiles to get it as I wanted. Started it as a cliff formation then replaced with water tiles and adjusted the fanning and slope accordingly. Here's 3 angles of that waterfall (the 4th angle, the "Escher" side, is in shadow and but a slender drop fall like the first one posted).

From what I understand that you are trying to do, I can't think of anything else that would cause problems. :hmm:

BTW... unlike the first waterfall, this one can serve the military function of a center of gravity.
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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by Rman Virgil »


In revisiting my waterfalls to better answer the last set of questions posed here, I came to new GP insights. These insights have led to form and function enhancements in 4 dimensions. The major change is the timing interlock of 3 potential military centers of gravity (CoGs). The timing component is not the convention of Build Orders but rather is directly associated with a grand strat shift first, which then has to be followed by maneuver tac thinking outside the box, and prosecuting both calls for acting with audacity in a timely fashion... that is, before the option ceases to exist because it has been crushed - by a failure of nerve and imagination as much as the opposition's might.

These set of changes are not the result of issues arising in my current final play testing phase. They are changes I could continue to come up with if I allowed myself another 6 months of deving, which is not my plan. My plan is to complete this in a matter of weeks by staying focused only on changes mandated through GP issues arising in my final playtesting.

Or as Paul Valéry expressed it:
...A work is never completed except by some accident such as weariness, satisfaction, the need to deliver, or death: for, in relation to who or what is making it, it can only be one stage in a series of inner transformations.
While the questions had the unintended benefit of leading me to create some interesting new GP possibilities (& that process inturn serving to re-align my Qi vis-a-vis WZ engagements), I won't be answering any more questions until I'm done and have let it go..... otherwise those last 2 things won't happen anytime soon. :3

You can see some of the 3D changes in the following set of screens compared to the ones from a few days ago. The changes related to the 4th dimension, or timing interlocks, can only best come across by hands-on discovery as they are like a Russian Matryoshka doll. ;) :ninja:
Twin WF CoG 2.jpg
Twin WF CoG 1.jpg
Twin WF CoG 3.jpg
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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by Rman Virgil »


It is a certainty now. But a couple weeks left to being done, at long last. For a goodly time I was in doubt of ever seeing the terminus horizon and, if I did, wondered would it start to fall apart like a house of cards in the end. Well, when I finally did see the end game horizon, it would move away as I got closer, like a goal post pushed back, with potential show-stopping glitches. That's all history now. :3

One of the highlights at this stage is that, for certain, there will be more than one viable way to skin this cat.

In my last post I characterized the mind-set of one way of going about it, a favorite.

Such experiences, on ocassion, yield a war story. What follows is just that, told as a mini-saga, a literary form of 50 words or less. It is also something more. A puzzle ditty of clues, you could say. ;) Be assured, there are no spoilers. Just a pinhole, here and there, of light that you will have to discover much more on your own to create a complete workable strategy and even then there is the whole psychological dynamic challenge that no clues can help with.

A lone eagle,
in flight true,
one past noon.

Octopus tentacles
curling steady,
in canny advance.

Bugs to swarm
like surgeon hands
plucking nettlesome nests,
one smashing din to the next,
a wake of silent graves heaped,
then onward the final sting.

A triumph in the balance,
no more.

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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by Rman Virgil »


* The SAR Timeline - Backstory fully detailed:

"New Pangaea SP" GP flows from story - the opening set-up short story "Triumph in the Balance", the future history snippet in the illustrated frontpiece to that story by Project historian Omar Grimaldi, and the SAR backstory for which, up to this point, I've only provided a couple highlights from the expanded WZ Timeline (these can be found on the 2 preceding pages - pgs 36 thru 37 - along with my design doc).

I will now fill in a host of key details about the SAR backstory because thier clear understanding is essential to engaging the GP of "New Pangaea SP".


Let's do this with bullet points that follow an advancing timeline from earliest events to latest events.

* The SAR faction stands for the "South American Resistence" and had its origins toward the later stages of the original NEXUS campaign and one scav individual who came to be known as Mastan of the Scar, whose battle exploits were the stuff of legend and epic verse.

* All factions throughout history have the seeds of division which will bloom amongst those who survive defeat and harbor deep disaffection with the status quo regime. Some of these survivors will be ripe for defection and recruitment into a new movement. This is a basic assumption in the SAR formation.

* Mastan of the Scar's Pre-Collapse background included elite military training, with a specialty in asymmetric conflict, and a postgraduate education in the Pre-Columbian civilizations of North, Central and South America. He was a charismatic scav leader in the original NEXUS campaign before the Project completed its triumph over all the factions. And, before defeat became a foregone conclusion, Mastan had a vision in the sacred Four Corners that would inspire him to put together the SAR, advocate its southern exodus and relocation, define its geo-engineering and isolationist mission.

* There were several stages to the SAR evolution under the leadership direction of Mastan of the Scar:

- Scavenging the original Collective, New Paradigm, NEXUS and Project campaign battlefields for still salvagable tech out of the abandoned ruins.

- First, recruiting tech savvy dissidents out of the survivors of the defeated Collective and New Paradigm factions. Later, before the exodus from Arizona and Colorado to the Santa Fe, NM rally zone, down the Rio Grande and, ultimately, to the Belize coast, SA, the SAR would include one defector from NEXUS and two from The Project. Yes, The Project had its dissidents throughout its history and, after the NEXUS defeat, there were a few who held deep reservations about the direction and initiatives of the John Hammond led Protectorate Coalition over the direct democracy of the Project Pirate Party Council.

- The SAR exodus to Belize, CA.

- The tactical earthwork constructions, and geo-engineering of the Belize coast, to favor the weaker in tech and force strength SAR, in a potential asymmetric conflict over the natural resources of New Pangaea and, later, control over a decomissioned Advanced Global Weather Modification facility discovered by happenstance. What advanced defensive tech the SAR were able to salvage from the original campaign, bring along on thier trek to Belize to re-assemble in working order, was extremely finite and had to be deployed with canny military distribution and shrewd matrix configs as they had no capability to fabricate from scratch, repair in the heat of battle or resupply what was destroyed.

* First contact by the Scav Seven Nations of the Yucatan, already Project allies since 18 PC (Post Collapse). The SAR reject these treaty and trade initiatives.

* First contact by the Project over the Advanced Global Weather Modification Facility (AGWMF) is rejected by the SAR.

* The ManGodAi, second generation NEXUS led by Jason Reed, establish a beachead in NE Laurasia with the goal to conquer the SAR in Central Gondwana, appropriate all thier natural resources, recommission and control the AGWM facility.

* Second contact by The Project to offer a treaty to assist in resisting the ManGodAi invasion in exchange for studying the AGWM facility. The SAR agree to meet with the small Team Epsilon task force to iron-out the treaty details.

* Project Team Epsilon expedition waylaid from agreed upon meeting coordinates with SAR council through a combination severe gale force weather and unplanned ManGodAi engagement. Team Epsilon sustains critical damage and is forced to run silent (from both the Project and the SAR... to forestall a ManGodAi follow through) and make a crash landing in SW Gondwana. The SAR presume a Project deception when Team Epsilon fails to make the rendezvous and doesnot respond to communiques. They go full alert throughout Central Gondwana's stationary, and very limited defense network, then unleash thier mobile offensive forces on the crash site from multiple vectors, ground and air, as the ManGodAi also zero in on your position.

* The events of the opening set-up short story, "Triumph in the Balance", unfold as does the gameplay of "New Pangaea SP".

* Your "New Pangaea SP" altered GP mission goal becomes: prevent the ManGodAi from getting thier hands on the Advanced Global Weather Modification Facility and crushing the SAR out of existence in the process. There are but 2 ways for you, Team Epsilon interim leader, to achieve this and still sustain possible future agreeable diplomatic relations between the Project and a sovereign SAR - defeat the ManGodAi or destroy the facility... and, in either case, minimize SAR casualties.


And a map preview from a few weeks back. The meta picture still applies. ;)

New Pangaea... comprised of Laurasia (NE), Central Gondwana and SW Gondwana.
New Pangaea... comprised of Laurasia (NE), Central Gondwana and SW Gondwana.
Map Preview.jpg (144.22 KiB) Viewed 9886 times
Last edited by Rman Virgil on 06 Jun 2014, 22:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by montetank »

Rman Virgil wrote:.

The widest waterfall I made was 8 tiles at its greatest extent. Took a dozen compiles to get it as I wanted. Started it as a cliff formation then replaced with water tiles and adjusted the fanning and slope accordingly. Here's 3 angles of that waterfall (the 4th angle, the "Escher" side, is in shadow and but a slender drop fall like the first one posted).

From what I understand that you are trying to do, I can't think of anything else that would cause problems. :hmm:

BTW... unlike the first waterfall, this one can serve the military function of a center of gravity.
Great-i am impressed. Very nice screenshots. I must try it out today.
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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by montetank »

Rman Virgil wrote:.

I'm sorry that German is not one of the languages I speak. I hope my English here is clear and not "twisty" like I can be at times. :oops:
No-it is ok-i understand everything. :) My problem is to answer, because i cant find the words. I read your contributions in this forum regularly. Your screenshots are always an incentive for me not to give up on my efforts and determination.

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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by Rman Virgil »


Look forward to seeing what your creativity, and attention to detail, come up with in your waterfalls, montetank. :) Not just visually, but also in the way of the form serving an interesting gameplay function. :hmm:

Glad my screens can make up for my known shortfalls in descriptive text. :shock: There are times when I'm at a loss for words but still plow ahead, with results that are less than satisfactory and it probably would have been better had I just given it more thought instead of speaking at that time. :3

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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by montetank »

Rman Virgil wrote:.

Look forward to seeing what your creativity, and attention to detail, come up with in your waterfalls, montetank. :) Not just visually, but also in the way of the form serving an interesting gameplay function. :hmm:

Glad my screens can make up for my known shortfalls in descriptive text. :shock: There are times when I'm at a loss for words but still plow ahead, with results that are less than satisfactory and it probably would have been better had I just given it more thought instead of speaking at that time. :3

There is a German saying: "Was lange währt wird endlich gut." In english: If it takes long enough, it will be all right in the end. (Goethe) :)
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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by Rman Virgil »

montetank wrote: There is a German saying: "Was lange währt wird endlich gut." In english: If it takes long enough, it will be all right in the end. (Goethe) :)
And who better than Goethe to know this having created one of the touchstone masterworks of world literature, of the last 2300 years, in "Faust" parts 1 and 2. He started work on it in 1772 and the whole of it (part 2) wasn't finished till 1831 & published after his death in 1832. That'd be almost 60 years dedicated to the fullest realization of a singular work of art. How many in our Twitter age are cut from that cloth, I wonder. :hmm:

- Cheers, Rman. :)
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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by Rman Virgil »


June 9th is when I'll let New Pangaea SP go and send it forth out of my workshop to fare as it will all on its lonesome. Between now and next weekend I'm setting it aside totally as done (if not done totally, in the Paul Valery sense that nothing ever is).

When the following weekend rolls around I'll give it a few more passes from a state of mind, and creative energy reservoir, that's been reinvested in a couple of entirely different projects that have ardent meaning and value for me, outside of gameing. Emotional detachment from "New Pangaea SP" becomes essential as the pure joy of its creation comes to a close. A month or so from now I'll be able to go back and enjoy it strictly as a player, the memories of its making and testing having grown vaguely distant and, in a real sense, of an other world.

Let me share a couple more insights to wrap it up on this side of it.

1.) I would recommend you not go into Debug and initiate God Mode to study "New Pangaea SP" (you'll still have to uncover the critical "timing interlocks" through induction play). Instead, I would recommend taking a screen shot of the map preview and studying that as there are many clues to be gleaned from it (along with my postings) that won't rob you of the grit, grace & delight of discovering as much on your own. But that's up to you, of course.

2.) Besides the Trolleyology dilemma set up between you, the ManGodAi and the SAR, there is another central dilemma you will face. It has to do with self-preservation to battle another day at the price of deep sacrifice - of letting go when the mightest pull is to hold on tight. The tactic of "meat shields" represents an arcade GP of this notion. I like arcade as much as the next gamer but I wanted to move my GP dilemma along a continuum away from carefree, unfeeling sacrifice to really, truely, feeling the deliberated loss. So there will be that additional departure from the GP decision making norm to add to the rest of the atypical constellation of experiences you will come upon, that I hope will captivate in its parts as well as an integrated whole.

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Re: The Doc's Bio Lab for Scav Experiments - & other odditie

Post by Rman Virgil »


The beeline to a 6/9 Release is still on. I'll make a new thread in the "Addon Discussions" forum and post a reference link here to that new release thread.

At one point I mentioned that this project has been one huge technical work-around within the state of the game at present, relative to my goals and my 2-fold understanding of the original Pumpkin GPM design genome . I've detailed some of these technical issue work-arounds, others I haven't.

Early on I started making use of gateways, like I have since '99, and as it is my wont to test everything, every step of the way, I realized my gateways made not a whit of difference so I stopped making them and removed those I had. As an essential part of my functional design, I still needed what they did, so I worked around it. I know why this situation exists, but I didn't want to suspend what I was doing till the matter was resolved, ergo what I've done.

Another matter that I have mentioned, but warrants repeating, is that deep into dev I started getting CTDs with Pixel Buffer Overflow messages. Since the beginning I had been running the AR mod in conjuntion with USM. In coming to understand the code level issues involved, correlated to the complexity of what I was doing, I determined the interim solution for me was to no longer run AR. Sadly, I could figure no other way around not invoking the Pixel Buffer Overflows and still holding to the other essential design complexity factors.

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