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by lav_coyote25
01 Feb 2012, 06:35
Forum: Balance
Topic: Command center
Replies: 85
Views: 51907

Re: Command center

and i just installed the new 3.1 beta release. the aberrant mini map is also there. warzone2100-3.1_beta1.exe

oh well. i guess what the community wants doesn't much matter now. :) have fun guys.
by lav_coyote25
01 Feb 2012, 06:16
Forum: Balance
Topic: Command center
Replies: 85
Views: 51907

Re: Command center ... 95cb1b.exe

still has that aberrant mini map with no command center. :annoyed:
by lav_coyote25
01 Feb 2012, 01:33
Forum: Balance
Topic: Command center
Replies: 85
Views: 51907

Re: Command center

The Mini-Map serves 2 functions: 1.) RT Intel Display and (by way of RL Military verisimilitude) it should be linked to the CC - no CC, no Intel displayed.. 2.) Facilitate Unit / Group movement in the Game World with or without Intel (compass bearings excepted). If there is no CC it can only serve ...
by lav_coyote25
01 Feb 2012, 00:33
Forum: Balance
Topic: Command center
Replies: 85
Views: 51907

Re: Command center

in campaign mode. skirmish and multiplayer you need to build. and yes it is confusing. yet another reason to stand down on changing things.
by lav_coyote25
01 Feb 2012, 00:31
Forum: Balance
Topic: Command center
Replies: 85
Views: 51907

Re: Command center

i can not state my true feelings due to the way some here have taken exception to warnings issued etc. if you want to replace me as a moderator and get rid of me all together. do it. but don't make WarZone 2100 into a piece of excrement just because you can.
by lav_coyote25
31 Jan 2012, 23:47
Forum: Balance
Topic: Command center
Replies: 85
Views: 51907

Re: Command center

so. i guess it doesn't matter the opinions of the community at large. your just going to go ahead with clone changes. is it just me or what? the new master has a radar with blips etc and NO command center. the 2.3.9 has no command center and no radar , which after all stands to reason. if you don't ...
by lav_coyote25
31 Jan 2012, 23:25
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: and whats up with all these bots???
Replies: 15
Views: 8557

Re: and whats up with all these bots???

still hasn't answered the first question. why are they here in the first place? i understand one or two are needed... but that does not explain what the rest are doing. :annoyed:
by lav_coyote25
31 Jan 2012, 09:49
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: Corrupt-A-Wish
Replies: 1596
Views: 508823

Re: Corrupt-A-Wish

driver4 wrote:
bendib wrote:I wish for an end to all suffering.
Granted, everyone died.

I wish for an atomic bomb to explode at everyone's house.
be careful of what you wish for. in this day and age, especially with the heightened tensions, your just likely to get it. :annoyed:
by lav_coyote25
31 Jan 2012, 09:40
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: and whats up with all these bots???
Replies: 15
Views: 8557

Re: and whats up with all these bots???

Berg wrote:I dont normaly vote when there is a poll about these things cause the bots will find out what your thinking and work up a profile on you...all very under cover and all ...just ban them from the forum then we can have a vote
DiiD, diid. so , there it is.
by lav_coyote25
31 Jan 2012, 09:33
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: and whats up with all these bots???
Replies: 15
Views: 8557

Re: and whats up with all these bots???

Everyone wants to spy on every tiny bit of info on the net I think some of the bots are useful but a good many do not serve a useful purpose to wz2100 It is a drain on the system and annoying when they start posting useless links if allowed Your the moderator slain the beasts if i was to do that, t...
by lav_coyote25
31 Jan 2012, 09:19
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: and whats up with all these bots???
Replies: 15
Views: 8557

Re: and whats up with all these bots???

and here again...

Registered users: , Baidubot,, Googlebot, , , Sougoubot
by lav_coyote25
31 Jan 2012, 09:12
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: and whats up with all these bots???
Replies: 15
Views: 8557

and whats up with all these bots???

is there a reason for all these unwarranted bots? :annoyed:
Registered users: Baidubot, Bingbot, Googlebot,, Magpiebot, MJ12bot, ,, Yandexbot
i have removed the what appears as humans from the list: ie: myself and safetyoff.
by lav_coyote25
30 Jan 2012, 23:33
Forum: Addon discussions
Topic: [3.1+] NullBot: an adaptive skirmish AI
Replies: 851
Views: 463964

Re: NullBot: yet another AI for master

why, when i try to use these new ai's, do they just sit in their ( expletive deleted ) bases and do absolutely nothing, like any European army would do in real life. :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 Ouch... Who moderates the Moderator? why? never swore. and an observation from history. whats wrong with that? :hmm:
by lav_coyote25
30 Jan 2012, 23:29
Forum: Development
Topic: versions
Replies: 19
Views: 7646

Re: versions

Then keep playing 2.3.9, dude... that is not the point dude how about a honest answer? seems to me if your going to use a quote from near the beginning... then it is fair that i also use this opportunity to request you answer my question : if your such an expert, why haven't i seen any thing from y...
by lav_coyote25
30 Jan 2012, 05:21
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: HTML5 games ?
Replies: 8
Views: 4149

Re: HTML5 games ?

Well it works for me, but these have a long way to go. They made a gameboy color with over 50 games in HTML5 but it was taken down :/ It worked perfectly fine. ok, yes, it works, but, it is so laggy, that trying to play is like :stressed: :stressed: :stressed: :stressed: :stressed: :stressed: :stre...