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Few usability ideas

Posted: 24 Apr 2023, 19:45
by nick87720z
1. Search text field in keybindings config.
There is already so much of individual actions, that it's hard to explore them without search. Just for example - I did not even know, that there are two variants to select factories and labs - would not know until watched some online play videos from pro players.
Also would be great feature to find action, using certain keybinding, before to try assign to something.

2. Simpler units sub-selection (rewrite)
This could be done by making hotkeys to filter current selection instead of override.
Selection mode could be changed both in settings and in game by action.
Any order should work.
- Ctrl+S, Ctrl+T in any order to select visible trucks
- Ctrl+S, Ctrl+V same for VTOLs
- Group N, Ctrl+S, Ctrl+C - select visible cyborgs from group N (exception - group is first to be selected, of course, until it's also filtering)

3. Truck click in F3 trucks ribbon - upper (job) row
if sel changed: do this only
else cycle camera pos: 1st in queue -> last in queue -> restore
(or cycle anyway with dedicated modifiers combination)
Focused job ghost should be highlighted, e.g. by fading like factories rally points.
Possible use: quick jump for last queued build position to add more nearby jobs.
Possible side effects: when any job is focused, stop key (<S> by default) should cut off following queue, thus allowing to override

Could be more detailed cycling, e.g. by each build swipe (voiced with "construction complete" message) or even separate buildings to let cutoff with <S> after that position besides current/first job.