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Suggestion Required for Best Programming Language for Game Development

Posted: 24 Mar 2023, 11:12
by gulshan212
Hello this is Gulshan Negi
I am a Software Developer. Well, as someone interested in developing 3D games, I'm curious about which programming language would be the best choice for this type of project. I have some experience with programming, but I'm not sure which language would be the most efficient and effective for creating 3D game worlds with complex physics and graphics. Can anyone recommend a language that's optimized for 3D game development, and explain why it's a good choice.
Hoping for some positive responses.

Re: Suggestion Required for Best Programming Language for Game Development

Posted: 04 Apr 2023, 09:19
by FaroukMiah
C++: C++ is one of the most popular programming languages for game development. It has low-level hardware access and can be used to create high-performance applications. It also has many libraries and frameworks that make it easy to create game projects. C#: C# is an object-oriented programming language that is widely used for creating games and other graphical applications. It has good support in Unity, a popular game engine used to create many 3D games. Java: Java is also a popular programming language for creating games, especially for mobile devices. It has good support for 3D graphics and physics and can also be used in various game engines and frameworks.

Re: Suggestion Required for Best Programming Language for Game Development

Posted: 25 Apr 2023, 10:39
by nick87720z
Since this question is not warzone-specific, than there are more gamedev forums, not dedicated to specific games. To be closest - I don't know dedicated languages besides GLSL, other game resources are engine-specific.

That's probably all you need if writing own engine from ground, otherwise just study engine of your choice.

For example, at - question about language is in top.