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Version 4.2 is wild

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 12:16
by budhead57
That 'Ultimate Scavenger' setting is crazy but I like it. The helicopters come and focus on killing your trucks and if you are starting from lowest tech setting, you are going to lose a lot of trucks until you can get repair facilities built and machine gun tech built up. I tried the Mero_ScavCity_X since it has the big area with lots of scavengers and the first time I tried it, the game froze, probably the scavengers built too many things and it overloaded the game. I played it again and it didnt freeze up and I managed to build up tech to beat them. I ended up with 22 hyper velocity tanks that were all veterans, 3 whirlwind tanks that were trained, destroyed 1500+ enemy structures, killed 1200+ enemies and collected 309 artifacts. Those scavengers built a lot of buildings. But when you set restrictions on enemies, it doesnt set restrictions on the scavengers, so they can build as much as they want. On some of the maps the scavengers are what you have to beat first before you go against the enemies.

Re: Version 4.2 is wild

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 01:33
by budhead57
the game keeps freezing up when playing Mero ScavCityX map. Why is it doing that? Is it because the scavengers are building too much? How can I fix it or do you have to fix it? Out of 20 tries, I won twice by myself, twice I won because the scavengers took out the enemies, and 16 times the game froze after playing for about 45 minutes.

Re: Version 4.2 is wild

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 01:47
by budhead57
You should make a new 4.2 tech tree and look at it, and you will say, "we really screwed that up". I can research pepperpot without researching bombard, I can build a vtol factory before researching vtol. I have been playing the game a long time and know the progression on what to research to get what I want to make but now it is all mixed up.

Re: Version 4.2 is wild

Posted: 09 Nov 2021, 03:27
by Berserk Cyborg
budhead57 wrote: 08 Nov 2021, 01:47 You should make a new 4.2 tech tree and look at it, and you will say, "we really screwed that up". I can research pepperpot without researching bombard, I can build a vtol factory before researching vtol. I have been playing the game a long time and know the progression on what to research to get what I want to make but now it is all mixed up.
All intentional. With the ability of frequent releases multiplayer players are able to suggest and try new balance experiments (see past changelogs: ... /ChangeLog). You may study the up-to-date stats research tree for 4.2.1:

Pepperpot was useless until it was moved next to Bombard. Now, it exists as a choice in FFA and non-shared research games. Pepperpot has very nice defensive synergy with Incendiary Mortar, if I may add. Swapping the order of VTOL propulsion and the factory is to prevent a cheese tactic where Advanced Bases that had VTOL factories on-map would allow early access to VTOL units.

As for the Ultimate Scavengers mod, well, I don't see anything on my end. The only slowdown comes from bots sensing defenses on little hills in that base cause their micro-AI wants to hit it and can't. Are you by chance using a x32 bit system?

Re: Version 4.2 is wild

Posted: 09 Nov 2021, 08:07
by budhead57
I am on windows 10 64-bit and I have the 64-bit version of the game, version And I only play skirmishes.

Re: Version 4.2 is wild

Posted: 09 Nov 2021, 08:23
by budhead57
I thought I read that when new versions are installed, it updates 4.2 but it installs a complete new version in another folder. Why don't you have a patch instead of a complete install?

Re: Version 4.2 is wild

Posted: 11 Dec 2021, 20:53
by pfollas2
I love the ultimate scavengers too! really nice feature. Great work guys!