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Change the Dificulty level of an AI during gameplay

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 17:29
by ACEcon101
My problem is, I love playing single player ski, but! if I set difficulty to normal, or hard then i get crushed before I get my feet planted good, but if I make it just a little easier, then after I get started then its not fun anymore because the AI is too easy to destroy after I get started. :stressed:

So, what I want to do is make the AI stronger as I get stronger. what i'm, thinking is: Save game>Close game>Edit save file>Open game again. is the AI difficulty saved in the save file along with progression and such? if so, then how do I do this?

(I made an account here today just to ask that)
Many Thanks.

Re: Change the Dificulty level of an AI during gameplay

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 05:47
by Lord Apocalypse
check the cheat codes on the wiki. There should be something there. I know in retail you can switch between the 3 main difficulty levels plus the near god mode and back. Should be something for 3.1 as well ;)

Re: Change the Dificulty level of an AI during gameplay

Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 03:02
by ACEcon101
But domnt cheats just change the difficulty in campaign mode? I want to change AI functionality.

Re: Change the Dificulty level of an AI during gameplay

Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 04:56
by Lord Apocalypse
It works in skirmish and campaign. Like I said though.. in retail you could change the actual difficulty from easy, normal, hard, double, and near god mode. The last two are more player cheats than changing the general difficulty level. But as far as the code is concerned all 5 change the games difficulty level with the last two tilting thing highly in the players favor.

Like I said though, check the wiki under cheats. The easy/normal/hard was retail. I don't know if there is anything like it in 3.1 though there should be.