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Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 17 Nov 2014, 22:55
by Goth Zagog-Thou
Another status update. I've taken the liberty, since the Dev Team is working out some kinks on 3.2 at the current time, to get more stuff done on Cam 4 that has been sitting on the back burner.

One of those things that needed to simmer for a while was the long-promised "End Of All Things" audio track.

You might be thinking "surely that wasn't a priority", and you'd be right ... but ... me being the type that I am, I like to have several irons in the fire at once, so to speak. If one thing needs time, work on something else. Call it ADHD, I suppose. :lol2:

FL Studio released a beta version of their upcoming audio production software, and while that wasn't in of itself necessary to getting the track finished, using the program and its' new and improved interface certainly made the process much faster and easier. So that's what I did. A process that would have taken another two weeks (since I was already working on it for the past week or so) instead took about 10 hours. Nice improvement in workflow indeed. :)

The now-nearly completed track is, in the tradition of (and in tribute to) the Progressive Rock outfits of the 70's and 80's (such as Rush, Pink Floyd, The Alan Parsons Project, etc), a B-Side "Concept Album" almost 17 minutes long.

The sounds, which you have heard in previous tracks I have released over the past couple of years (both in Campaign 4 and on my Soundcloud) are all nicely refined -- especially the Rock Guitars, which are COMPLETELY synthesized on the fly using only FOSS plugins. No Kontact, no Native Instruments, no Modeling, nothing pre-recorded at all. It's taken a lot of time, trial and eror, experimentation and research to get them sounding like that -- and to do it without crushing the CPU to death. And the method of HOW to do it I will openly share with everyone interested. Remember, folks -- GPL / CC. We share our information. And it's not to say that I'm opposed to anyone making a buck, either -- I'm opposed to paying $1,000+ for something that should not be that price (*cough*Kontact*cough*).

So, here's a teaser.
(1.4 MiB) Downloaded 440 times
I'll leave it to you folks to figure out what is happening here. ;)

Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 22 Nov 2014, 02:56
by Goth Zagog-Thou
... and here we are. :)

Also completed the new and vastly improved version of "Fallout".

Linky: My Soundcloud

Hope you folks enjoy. Plenty more to come!

Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 22 Nov 2014, 11:26
by montetank
Great Goth Zagog-Thou :3
I like "the end of all things" after 5 minutes. Fantastic.
I was very surprised when i listening to " my wife" and thought "Whats that?" Then i saw, that is a country song, nothing to do with Warzone :lol2:

Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 22 Nov 2014, 20:32
by Goth Zagog-Thou
Yeah. That one has an interesting story. I saved it there purely for historical purposes. I play Rhythm and Bass Guitar on that one (and yes, I actually CAN do it :lol2: ). I'm not so much into country music, but a true musician can play any kind of music and pull it off.

The band went in a different direction than I preferred and I bowed out less than a year after that was recorded. "My Wife" was supposed to be the ONLY song like that ... instead, it became (read: mutated into) something I no longer wanted to be a part of.

So yeah, that's why My Wife is there. To remind me what NOT to do.

Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 22 Nov 2014, 20:53
by Goth Zagog-Thou
I should note that the Soundtrack versions and the In-Game versions of the songs will be different ... after all, the whole idea of having in-game music is so that it isn't distracting to the player. Think of it as having ones' television on and falling asleep to it. That secondary stuff going on is shown to allow the brain to process things more efficiently, with better wave stability, etc. Same idea here. ;)

Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 22:47
by Goth Zagog-Thou
New track uploaded, called "Speed Run". Link is here (my Soundcloud). I haven't decided whether to consider it as part of the whole Soundtrack or not. It's done entirely on Linux (Mint 17.1 MATE, to be precise), which is a big deal for me. I completed it very quickly.

And yes, it's another Metal tune. I seem to be favoring that style of music lately. Not sure why. Ever since Fallout, the whole "Pink Floyd - meets- Ministry" remake. Sheesh. Someday I'll grow up. :lol2:

Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 19:10
by GPolice
Ehm your Dropbox seems to not contain the File anymore... at least i cannot seem to Download it.
I get this Message:

Error (403)
It seems you don't belong here! You should probably sign in. Check out our Help Center and forums for help, or head back to home.

And yes im signed in ;) :D

Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 21:09
by montetank
GPolice wrote:Ehm your Dropbox seems to not contain the File anymore... at least i cannot seem to Download it.
I get this Message:

Error (403)
It seems you don't belong here! You should probably sign in. Check out our Help Center and forums for help, or head back to home.

And yes im signed in ;) :D
Goth changed the adress----here it is ... bu6G4ih5w8

Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 21:35
by Goth Zagog-Thou
Yep, sorry. I was unable to change the first post to reflect the new download link. It's hosted on my OneDrive now.

And no, I haven't abandoned the project or anything, so I'll apologize for the lack of forward momentum in development. Not to worry, my health is fine; in fact I'm doing even better now than when I came back last summer. :)

No, right now my life is focused on family (which tends to be somewhat neglected when I'm developing), working in the Independent Music Industry (and I really wish I could share some of what I've been working on in that department ... trust me when I say that it's almost ready for public consumption), and other more mundane aspects of life.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to get back to dev work. My best guesstimate is June or July, after the current Recording Artist commission has been finished on my end.

Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 07 Mar 2015, 07:59
by Frazzz
Hey there,

Right this seems like a really daft question but I can't seem to find the answer.

I done a whole playthrough of the main campaign on my Youtube channel and
people keep asking for the likes of campaign 3 and 4... Is this like totally different
from the actual game or something? I feel a little lost. Cheers!

Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 19 Mar 2016, 07:07
by Morgana
give new update or download. is the mod not more aktive

Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 15:29
by kislovra2010
When the file is ready for download. Greetings from Asia! We are waiting! Thank you very much for your work! :)

Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 25 Jun 2017, 17:39
by Rocksteady
Hey does anyone have a fresh download link for C4, none of the links in the thread are working.


Re: [Campaign 4] Release & Development topic

Posted: 24 Dec 2017, 12:03
by Panrt321
Hello, I would like if someone would not re-upload 4 campaigns on mega .. thanks.