Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

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Berserk Cyborg
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Berserk Cyborg »

Bethrezen wrote: so overall I think you probably just need to adjust the range on the scav's flame towers, adjust the timer a bit and that should probably be fine.

Just noticed another minor glitch the range on the heavy machine gun has been increased from 7.5 to 9.4 probably a side effect of adding the range upgrade for the machine gun and twin machine gun, so looks like you'll need to adjust the range on the heavy machine gun back down to 7.5, the rate of fire has also been increased from 85 to 107 although the damage is only 25 instead of 36 so think it might be ok to leave the rate of fire as is since even with the third damage upgrade its still probably going to end up weaker then it was previously.
Scavenger flame towers match MG range with the flamer range upgrade (reduced ROF in exchange), set Alpha 3 time to always be 15 minutes (and a slight redesign of tower placements), and fixed HMG range to be 7.5 again.
Bethrezen wrote: I have to say them flame towers are kind of nasty.
Yeah, those towers are pretty powerful given the range. It is why I reduced the amount of them with the modded Alpha 3 map.

The HMG works well in Alpha 4 from my tests. Any of the softer towers don't hold up to a group of flamers/HMGs too well anymore. Those rocket pits on the other hand can take quite a few hits.
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Bethrezen »

ok just going over that latest round of changes currently on alpha 02 and I'm noticing that my twin machine-guns now out range the scav heavy machine gun bunkers, probably a side effect of fixing the range on the heavy machine guns.

ok so just had a go at Alpha 03 and I made it just barely I only had 2 seconds left on the clock, so i think the time on that might just be a little tight at 15 minutes so maybe its worth adding another 60 seconds just to give players a little leeway in case things don't go perfectly.

again I was using just twin machine guns on this run so it might be quicker if I add in a few flamers to help deal with the HMG bunkers a bit faster, so again I'm going to give that another couple of runs 1 using just flamers and another using flamers and twin machine guns and see how things play out.

So just finished doing the run 4 flamers and 4 twin machine-guns and this time was able to finish with 2 minutes left on the clock so that's was a good deal quicker, although i suspect that was probably the point of switching the turrets round a bit.

Just finished the run with just flamers and that came in marginally slower then the run 4 flamers and 4 twin machine-guns but I was able still able to finish with around 1 minute on the clock.

so actually alpha 3 is probably ok at 15 minutes so long as you prepare before you end alpha 2, if you don't however then its possible ya might struggle to complete alpha 03 in the allotted time, so i guess its a bit of a toss up as to whether it needs a little more time or not, although admittedly that is for a full clear not just grabbing the artefact and returning to base.

also i noticed a minor UI glitch for some reason the build button isn't greyed out even though I don't have any builders with me ?


also i continue to have issues with the hold command glitching, i set a group of units to hold but on occasion they seem to ignore the fact that i just set them to hold and behave as though they are set to guard, so I'm not sure if the hold command is just glitchy or if its simply not being applied properly when you select a group of units and then hit H

also for some reason if i have units set to hold fire and then tell them to attack something and then a second later hit the hold key for some reason they stop attacking the thing i just told them to attack and then i have to tell them to attack again so something isn't right there because they should continue to fire at the thing I just told them to attack until its destroyed and then stop firing.

also I can't be sure but I think telling units that are set to hold to attack something is switching hold off which it shouldn't be, I can understand hold switching off if you tell them to move but when you tell them to attack ? err no they should move into range of the target and then stop moving unless I tell them to move and then commence attack.

so yeah looks like hold needs more work to get these bugs out.
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Bethrezen »

Ok so just had a go at alpha 04 and overall the level it's self isn’t to bad although I do have to ask are the scav's rocket pits are supposed to be that tough? Also did you give the scav's an armour upgrade because there turrets seem a little tougher then I remember?

What I would perhaps suggest is moving the MG damage upgrade mk3 to alpha 3 after you research the heavy machinegun, as that seems like a more logical place for it.

I'd also perhaps adjust them rocket pits a bit because they seem a little tougher then they should be, making them a bit tougher later on would probably be ok since we'll have stronger weapons by then but for now while we're still using machineguns and flamers I don’t think they should be that tough.

just thinking ahead a bit and tracks is something else that's going to need looking at because they are way to slow.
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Berserk Cyborg
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Berserk Cyborg »

Bethrezen wrote:ok just going over that latest round of changes currently on alpha 02 and I'm noticing that my twin machine-guns now out range the scav heavy machine gun bunkers, probably a side effect of fixing the range on the heavy machine guns.
Fixed it. I increased ranges of structure MGs to outrange the vehicle variants and gave the scavengers the MG range upgrade on Alpha 2.
Bethrezen wrote: so actually alpha 3 is probably ok at 15 minutes so long as you prepare before you end alpha 2, if you don't however then its possible ya might struggle to complete alpha 03 in the allotted time, so i guess its a bit of a toss up as to whether it needs a little more time or not, although admittedly that is for a full clear not just grabbing the artefact and returning to base.
Doing a full map annihilation, which I assume is what you are trying to do, I finished with ~1 minute on the clock. Did not expect my design to be so tough, lol.
Bethrezen wrote: also i noticed a minor UI glitch for some reason the build button isn't greyed out even though I don't have any builders with me ?
Ah, another rules bug. Should be fixed with this mod.
Yeah, I noticed hold was buggy (I swear it worked better a few months ago?). The units are overriding it with dorder_attack and are obsessed with "investigating" something. They even travel far distances to go scout the object.
Bethrezen wrote: Ok so just had a go at alpha 04 and overall the level it's self isn’t to bad although I do have to ask are the scav's rocket pits are supposed to be that tough? Also did you give the scav's an armour upgrade because there turrets seem a little tougher then I remember?
Er, HP of the rocket pits was at 250 so I brought them down to 180 (the MG towers they have are 150). I did not give them any armor upgrades and their research is the same as it is in Alpha 3.
Bethrezen wrote: What I would perhaps suggest is moving the MG damage upgrade mk3 to alpha 3 after you research the heavy machinegun, as that seems like a more logical place for it.
Yep, It is in the camBalance mod.
Bethrezen wrote: just thinking ahead a bit and tracks is something else that's going to need looking at because they are way to slow.
I'll look into it when we get to that propulsion.
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Bethrezen »

Doing a full map annihilation, which I assume is what you are trying to do, I finished with ~1 minute on the clock. Did not expect my design to be so tough, lol.
yeah, It's not so much that it's tough and more that you units are so lightly armoured that you can kill them by sneezing on them flamer towers are particularly nasty against light units, while they aren't going to kill you out right like MG towers will repairing that burn damage so that you don’t start loosing units does sucks up a massive amount of time particularly when your whole squad gets set on fire and you only have 2 mobile repair units because you can only bring 10 units, good job them flame towers aren't any stronger or they would be dam near impossible to get past, but then again that's kind of the point of turrets to stop you or your enemy getting past, and if they weren't difficult get get past and dangerous to take on then they would be useless and there would be no point in building them.
Ah, another rules bug. Should be fixed with this mod.
I take it I just merge that into campaignMaster.wz
Yeah, I noticed hold was buggy (I swear it worked better a few months ago?). The units are overriding it with dorder_attack and are obsessed with "investigating" something. They even travel far distances to go scout the object.
You have any idea why because it's kind of irritating when you can't control your units properly particularly so in situations where you need pin point precise control over what your units are doing to avoid loosing units, like when you are taking down enemy turrets and you want to minimise the return fire rather than having them do the retarded thing and charge in, taking fire from all there turrets and units which usually results in them getting killed, that's less of an issue later with more heavily armoured units but its a real pain in the early stages when all you have are light units.
Er, HP of the rocket pits was at 250 so I brought them down to 180 (the MG towers they have are 150). I did not give them any armor upgrades and their research is the same as it is in Alpha 3.
Probably just an effect of the modifiers being tweaked, plus weapons damage being less due to the damage upgrades getting spaced out, although admittedly I was doing alpha 4 with flamers and twin machineguns because I don’t normally have time to upgrade my squads to heavy machineguns on alpha 03 although I'm going to try tweaking my approach to alpha 03 and see if I can get to the artefact quicker and thus let me build a squad of heavy machinegun while finish sweeping the map because maybe I'll have a slightly easy time of it.

Also what armour does the rocket pit have because the flamers don’t seem particularly effective against it which is odd because flamers should be effective against all structures?

I have a suggestion what do you think about not starting the timer for a level till the player actually lands on the map? would give players time in between missions to get them selves sorted out, although now that I think about it how would you stop players from exploiting that to get ridicules amounts of power, having said that given that the max power you can have is caped at 12000 any way would that real matter hummm....?!? something worth thinking about maybe.
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Berserk Cyborg
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Berserk Cyborg »

Bethrezen wrote: Also what armour does the rocket pit have because the flamers don’t seem particularly effective against it which is odd because flamers should be effective against all structures?
Scavenger pits have a thermal armor of 10 (for reference, the scavenger MG/flame tower have 7). I lowered all the scavenger pits down to 8. Not so bad now.
Bethrezen wrote: I have a suggestion what do you think about not starting the timer for a level till the player actually lands on the map? would give players time in between missions to get them selves sorted out, although now that I think about it how would you stop players from exploiting that to get ridicules amounts of power, having said that given that the max power you can have is caped at 12000 any way would that real matter hummm....?!? something worth thinking about maybe.
That would take out the 'real time' aspect. Besides, how would we explain Nexus being such a nice guy... waiting for us to arrive at one of his bases before initiating a missile launch? :wink:

I merged in alfred007's stats for the weapons and slow rocket research into the mod (more details).

Did you notice anything wrong with the addition of the rules script? I'll push that soon if not.
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Bethrezen »

Did you notice anything wrong with the addition of the rules script? I'll push that soon if not.
I don’t think so, although now that you mention it I have notice the game crashing on reload occasionally although I just assumed that was just a glitch with this particular version of master so I didn’t think anything of it, but now that I think about it I could be related to the mod humm....

What I'll do is updated to the latest cam balance mod restart from alpha 1 again just to make sure that it's not caused by some weirdness due to the saves being crated with a different version of the mod and if it happens again I'll post the crash dump

Ok so that's the game just crashed upon reloading alpha 04 again so here's the crash log.

Code: Select all


Error occurred on Friday, May 25, 2018 at 16:36:41.

Program: C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe(warzone2100)
Command line: "C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe" 
Version: Version: master ab17b9b, Built:Feb  4 2018
Distributor: buildbot
Compiled on: Feb  4 2018 05:32:34
Compiled by: GCC 4.9.3
Compiled mode: Release build
Executed on: Fri May 25 16:22:17 2018

Pointers: 32bit

Compiled against PhysicsFS version: 2.0.3
Running with PhysicsFS version: 2.0.3

Misc Data:
[16:22:17]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:17]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:17]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:17]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:17]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:17]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:17]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:17]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:17]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:17]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:18]Video Mode 800 x 600 (fullscreen)
[16:22:18]OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
[16:22:18]OpenGL Renderer: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
[16:22:18]OpenGL Version: 3.3.0
[16:22:18]GLEW Version: 1.12.0
[16:22:18]OpenGL GLSL Version : 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
[16:22:18]OpenAL Device Name: OpenAL Soft
[16:22:18]OpenAL Vendor: OpenAL Community
[16:22:18]OpenAL Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[16:22:18]OpenAL Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[16:22:18]OpenAL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[16:22:18]Using Backend: SDL
[16:22:18]Using language: System locale
[16:22:23]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:23]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:23]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:23]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:22:25]Current Level/map is SUB_1_3S
[16:23:59]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:23:59]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:23:59]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:23:59]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:04]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:04]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:04]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:04]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:06]Current Level/map is SUB_1_2S
[16:24:27]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:27]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:27]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:27]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:27]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:27]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:27]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:27]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:24:29]Current Level/map is SUB_1_2S
[16:24:33]User has used cheat code: time toggle
[16:27:21]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:27:21]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:27:21]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:27:21]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:27:21]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:27:21]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:27:21]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:27:21]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:27:23]Current Level/map is SUB_1_2S
[16:27:29]User has used cheat code: time toggle
[16:30:19]User has used cheat code: time toggle
[16:30:33]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:30:33]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:30:33]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:30:33]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:30:34]Current Level/map is SUB_1_2
[16:31:30]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:31:30]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:31:30]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:31:30]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:31:30]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:31:30]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:31:30]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:31:30]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:31:32]Current Level/map is SUB_1_2S
[16:31:38]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:31:38]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:31:38]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:31:38]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:31:39]Current Level/map is SUB_1_2
[16:36:39]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:36:39]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:36:39]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:36:39]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:36:39]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:36:39]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:36:39]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[16:36:39]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz

C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe caused an Access Violation at location 7c910cce in module C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll Reading from location 00000001.

Log message: info    |04:30:33: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Scripts not initialized yet
Log message: info    |04:30:33: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:1364 (scriptsReady), last script event: '<none>'
Log message: info    |04:30:33: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Scripts not initialized yet
Log message: info    |04:30:33: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:1364 (scriptsReady), last script event: '<none>'
Log message: info    |04:31:38: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Scripts not initialized yet
Log message: info    |04:31:38: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:1364 (scriptsReady), last script event: '<none>'
Log message: info    |04:31:38: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Scripts not initialized yet
Log message: info    |04:31:38: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:1364 (scriptsReady), last script event: '<none>'

eax=00000001 ebx=10d00000 ecx=1d838480 edx=10d00178 esi=1d838478 edi=18520f20
eip=7c910cce esp=0022e448 ebp=0022e668 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz ac po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010216

Call stack:
7C910CCE  C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll:7C910CCE  wcsncpy
77C2C3C9  C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll:77C2C3C9  free
77C2C3E7  C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll:77C2C3E7  free
77C2C42E  C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll:77C2C42E  malloc
0140952A  C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe:0140952A  L‹…Ò…¨
and again only this time i had to hit ctrl atl del to shut it down.
(565.72 KiB) Downloaded 111 times
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Joined: 25 Sep 2009, 02:05

Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Bethrezen »

There is something funny going on with alpha 05 and it wont load every time I try I get the following error


weird thing is there is no crash log and there is no mention of what is going on in the other logs either. The only thing I can think of is that this has something to do with Alfreds changes because alpha 5 loads fine without the mod maybe the problem is that the all rounder effect wasn't implemented until after the master I'm using so could be that I'm missing some changes which is why this is causing the game to wig out.
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Berserk Cyborg
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Berserk Cyborg »

Hmm, well it don't seem to be an issue with my rules update since I tested three different saves on a home map, pre-away mission, and on an offworld mission and did not encounter a crash. Pushed 15721417562cc72c416edc766bd4c0fc1812df61.

For me it crashed because it could not find the ZNULLBRAIN component. Maybe I messed something up with the mod.

And now it don't crash for me. The reason Alpha 5 crashes is simply because the research for the scavengers and the New Paradigm is no longer usable in the form it is in. Got to redo all their research to account for the new research tree and balance. Now, you can go into Alpha 5, but they won't have any research bonuses.
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Bethrezen »

The reason Alpha 5 crashes is simply because the research for the scavengers and the New Paradigm is no longer usable in the form it is in. Got to redo all their research to account for the new research tree and balance. Now, you can go into Alpha 5, but they won't have any research bonuses.
Tried out the updated mod and alpha 5 loads ok now but if they aren't getting the research bonuses because you got to redo all their research to account for the new research tree and balance then it would probably be better for me to hold off till you've finished sorting that out, because otherwise any feedback for alpha 05 would be inaccurate as it's being skewed by the lack of research bonus, although I may well give it a quick once over just to tease out anything glaringly obvious.

Ok so having a go at alpha 5 with the latest version of the mod and it crashed again, here the crash dump.

Code: Select all


Error occurred on Friday, May 25, 2018 at 22:21:58.

Program: C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe(warzone2100)
Command line: "C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe" 
Version: Version: master ab17b9b, Built:Feb  4 2018
Distributor: buildbot
Compiled on: Feb  4 2018 05:32:34
Compiled by: GCC 4.9.3
Compiled mode: Release build
Executed on: Fri May 25 21:53:51 2018

Pointers: 32bit

Compiled against PhysicsFS version: 2.0.3
Running with PhysicsFS version: 2.0.3

Misc Data:
[21:53:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:51]Video Mode 800 x 600 (fullscreen)
[21:53:51]OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
[21:53:51]OpenGL Renderer: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
[21:53:51]OpenGL Version: 3.3.0
[21:53:51]GLEW Version: 1.12.0
[21:53:51]OpenGL GLSL Version : 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
[21:53:51]OpenAL Device Name: OpenAL Soft
[21:53:51]OpenAL Vendor: OpenAL Community
[21:53:51]OpenAL Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[21:53:51]OpenAL Renderer: OpenAL Soft
[21:53:51]OpenAL Extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[21:53:51]Using Backend: SDL
[21:53:51]Using language: System locale
[21:53:58]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:58]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:58]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:53:58]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:54:00]Current Level/map is SUB_1_3S
[21:54:07]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:54:07]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:54:07]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:54:07]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[21:54:07]Current Level/map is SUB_1_3
[22:09:57]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:09:57]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:09:57]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:09:57]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:09:57]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:09:57]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:09:57]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:09:57]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:09:59]Current Level/map is SUB_1_3
[22:11:36]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:11:36]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:11:36]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:11:36]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:11:36]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:11:36]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:11:36]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:11:36]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:11:38]Current Level/map is SUB_1_3S
[22:12:08]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:12:08]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:12:08]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:12:08]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:12:08]Current Level/map is SUB_1_3
[22:16:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:16:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:16:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:16:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:16:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:16:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:16:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:16:51]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:16:53]Current Level/map is SUB_1_3
[22:21:56]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:21:56]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:21:56]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:21:56]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:21:56]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:21:56]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:21:56]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz
[22:21:56]mod: campaignMaster + rules & camBalance.wz

C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe caused an Access Violation at location 7c9101b3 in module C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll Writing to location 004d984b.

Log message: info    |09:54:07: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Scripts not initialized yet
Log message: info    |09:54:07: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:1364 (scriptsReady), last script event: '<none>'
Log message: info    |09:54:07: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Scripts not initialized yet
Log message: info    |09:54:07: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:1364 (scriptsReady), last script event: '<none>'
Log message: info    |10:12:08: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Scripts not initialized yet
Log message: info    |10:12:08: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:1364 (scriptsReady), last script event: '<none>'
Log message: info    |10:12:08: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Scripts not initialized yet
Log message: info    |10:12:08: [triggerEventSeen:1364] Assert in Warzone: qtscript.cpp:1364 (scriptsReady), last script event: '<none>'

eax=004d980c ebx=10d00000 ecx=00000004 edx=03cd0002 esi=004d984d edi=004d9845
eip=7c9101b3 esp=0022e568 ebp=0022e788 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz ac po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010216

Call stack:
7C9101B3  C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll:7C9101B3  RtlAllocateHeap
77C2C3C9  C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll:77C2C3C9  free
77C2C3E7  C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll:77C2C3E7  free
77C2C42E  C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll:77C2C42E  malloc
0140952A  C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe:0140952A  L‹…Ò…¨
014670FC  C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Desktop\Warzone 2100_portable-master\warzone2100_portable.exe:014670FC  _GLOBAL__sub_I_debug.cpp  /home/buildbot/slaves/warzone2100/master-nightly/build/lib/framework/debug.cpp:592
Also alpha 5 is crashing when you try to end it probably for the same reason that it was crashing earlier when you try to load alpha 5.

Ok so I know this just a very quick cursory once over and will probably be invalidated once you get the research tree and stuff sorted out but I did notice a couple of things when facing off against the new paradigm units.

First off flamers are all but useless and do almost nothing to there units or structures, although given that New Paradigm bodies have quiet high fire resistance that's not really surprising but even so they are probably going to need a bit of a buff, because there damage against the new paradigm is way to low even without there research bonuses.

Heavy machineguns seem to be relatively ineffective as well, they are ok against there light units but do almost nothing to there heaver ones, so they may need a little adjustment to.

the light cannon seems ok against there units but a little weak against there structures, so might be worth while to slightly adjust there modifiers to make them a little better against structures.

36 mortars just face rolled everything in sight, but that's probably because they don't have there research bonuses so aren't as tough as they should be so its tough to judge how or if they need any adjustments.

in addition the production of units from the New Paradigm tank factory seemed a little slow.
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by pastdue »

New Windows nightly builds (built on Windows) are now available.

Latest Windows development builds (via AppVeyor CI): (And for developers: Debug Symbols)

The links will automatically download the latest successful build, as new commits are pushed to GitHub.

Help testing these builds is greatly appreciated.

Note: They likely do not fully support Windows XP yet (still waiting on that vcpkg PR), but it's much closer now (they are built with Qt 5.6!).
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by alfred007 »

I started testing the camBalance mod. I like the new sound of the MG-Towers and the higher range of the Flamer towers. I agree that one damage upgrade is enough in Alpha 01. What I don't understand is why you added the new MG-Range artifact. You had to revert it for the Heavy MG and you will have to revert it for the Assault Gun. With that upgrade, the MG and the Twin MG have the same range as the Heavy MG. Makes no sense in my eyes. And it makes the Scavenger Flamer Tower less effective because you can attack them now from a higher distance. I think this upgrade causes more problems than it solves. Like you had to add a Flamer-Range-Upgrade to prevent the Scavenger Flamer Towers gets outranged. I see no need for this new artifact so I'm of the opinion that we should remove it and split the ROF-Artifact and the Damage-Artifact in Alpha 01 between Base 3 and 4 instead of having both in Base 3.
The hold order is broken. It doesn't work even as a stop-moving-order. I gave units that are moving in a direction I didn't send them the order to hold their position and they moved on. Completely useless.
Bethrezen wrote:Heavy machineguns seem to be relatively ineffective as well, they are ok against there light units but do almost nothing to there heaver ones, so they may need a little adjustment to.
Berserk Cyborg decreased the weaponmodifier of Anti Personel Weapons for tracked units from 75 to 30. I was afraid that this is too low, but I just wanted to test it before commenting it. I suppose anything under 50 would make these weapons useless against tracked units. And it would make the Assault Gun also useless and that would be no good solution for the problem of the overpowered Assault Gun. He also decreased the damage upgrades for machine guns. I think that's too much at once. I have the feeling that we are changing too many things at once and are also moving too fast forward before we really tested these changes.
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Berserk Cyborg
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Berserk Cyborg »

alfred007 wrote:I started testing the camBalance mod. I like the new sound of the MG-Towers and the higher range of the Flamer towers. I agree that one damage upgrade is enough in Alpha 01. What I don't understand is why you added the new MG-Range artifact. ... I'm of the opinion that we should remove it and split the ROF-Artifact and the Damage-Artifact in Alpha 01 between Base 3 and 4 instead of having both in Base 3.
Mostly an artifact from Hironaru's work which I wanted to see if it could be of some use somehow. I removed MG range upgrade and split the ROF and damage upgrades into separate bases.

Buffed anti-personnel modifiers up to 60/75 for tracks/half-tracks. Though, cannons and rocket should be the preferred anti-tank projectile as flamer and MG are mostly anti-personnel to begin with. Like-wise, it may not be the best idea to use a slow-rocket or cannon to fight numerous scavengers or cyborgs.

Anyway, I have the first pass of Alpha 5 AI research completed. Crash was caused by a bad research requirement for twin MG so it is possible to venture ahead into further missions now. The New Paradigm factory production is somewhat faster, too.
Bethrezen wrote: First off flamers are all but useless and do almost nothing to there units or structures, although given that New Paradigm bodies have quiet high fire resistance that's not really surprising but even so they are probably going to need a bit of a buff, because there damage against the new paradigm is way to low even without there research bonuses.
I think there is no argument for flamer being useless against hardcrete. As for the units, if we want to keep the flamer in its current form, we would need to increase the impact damage more significantly for the third damage upgrade. Yellow bodies are not the greatest test case to compare against. The other option is a new flamer weapon which is something to think about.
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Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Bethrezen »

I started testing the camBalance mod. I like the new sound of the MG-Towers and the higher range of the Flamer towers. I agree that one damage upgrade is enough in Alpha 01. What I don't understand is why you added the new MG-Range artifact. You had to revert it for the Heavy MG and you will have to revert it for the Assault Gun. With that upgrade, the MG and the Twin MG have the same range as the Heavy MG. Makes no sense in my eyes.

I think this upgrade causes more problems than it solves. Like you had to add a Flamer-Range-Upgrade to prevent the Scavenger Flamer Towers gets outranged. I see no need for this new artifact so I'm of the opinion that we should remove it and split the ROF-Artifact and the Damage-Artifact in Alpha 01 between Base 3 and 4 instead of having both in Base 3.
The reason is quite simple, previously scav's machineguns out ranged the players machineguns and twin machineguns, however that makes no sense because both the players and the scav's are using the same weapons and therefore should have equal range, the fact they don’t is just a balancing quirk because before the players machineguns where more powerful due to getting 3 damage upgrades back to back and due to the higher weapon modifiers but this has been addressed so I seen no conflict in adjusting the range so that both player and scav mobile machineguns have the same range.

if you are going to remove the range upgrade then the scav's should have the range on there machine-guns reduced as well so that the range of the scav's machine-guns is the same as the players machine-guns.

the way i see it there are 2 ways to deal with this issue either give the player a range upgrade or reduce the range of the scav's machine-guns I'm fine with either because ultimately they both achieve the same result, equilibrium.
And it makes the Scavenger Flamer Tower less effective because you can attack them now from a higher distance.
Actually no because fixed emplacements should always have a bigger range than the mobile versions and if they don’t then that’s a bug and the range on the towers need a slight increase so that you can't out range them, with anything other then artillery.

so given that the max range on machine-guns is 7.5 then both flamer towers and machine-guns towers should probably have say 7.8 so that your mobile units can't out range them, because like you I'm of the opinion that turrets are useless if you can out range them, therefore turrets should always have a bigger range then mobile versions so that mobile units can't out range them, which forces the players to either take the incoming fire or use artillery, which is how it should be and how it is on other RTS games
The hold order is broken. It doesn't work even as a stop-moving-order. I gave units that are moving in a direction I didn't send them the order to hold their position and they moved on. Completely useless.
Both me and Berserk Cyborg have noticed this, and it is something that’s going to need looking at because its really irritating not being able to control your units properly
Berserk Cyborg decreased the weaponmodifier of Anti Personel Weapons for tracked units from 75 to 30. I was afraid that this is too low, but I just wanted to test it before commenting it. I suppose anything under 50 would make these weapons useless against tracked units. And it would make the Assault Gun also useless and that would be no good solution for the problem of the overpowered Assault Gun. He also decreased the damage upgrades for machine guns. I think that's too much at once. I have the feeling that we are changing too many things at once and are also moving too fast forward before we really tested these changes.
While I share your concerns this is why taking a systematic step by step approach is better for this, with specific regard to the assault gun this is something that can be addressed later, the best thing to do with the assault gun is to simply reduce the modifiers because you cant really reduce the rate of fire or damage because mini guns are supposed to be heavy weapons that put out a high volumes of heavy 50 cal rounds, and therefore should shred just about anything they come up against.

If you you want to see what a real minigun can do then have a look at this

From a balancing point of view i get that this is problematic, but like i already said that's something that can be attended to later on once we get that far.
I think there is no argument for flamer being useless against hardcrete. As for the units, if we want to keep the flamer in its current form, we would need to increase the impact damage more significantly for the third damage upgrade. Yellow bodies are not the greatest test case to compare against. The other option is a new flamer weapon which is something to think about.
I think a first step in addressing this should be to give the player the 2nd and 3rd flamer damage upgrades on alpha 4 because currently we only get the second 2nd one and then we can take it from there to decide what to do next.

you could also improve burn damage and make the burn damage tick quicker unless both of those are hard coded, because flamers are not really impact weapons the way machine-guns are so the right way to make flamers more powerful is to make them burn hotter for longer and apply that burn damage faster.

I mean realistically there is no reason the burn for a flamer can't get up to like 4000 degrees we can do that to day just look at plasma cutters they use in factories when making ships those things can slice through sheets of steel several inches thick like a hot knife through butter it's not inconceivable that you could weaponise a plasma cutter, if you wanted to know what that might look like graphically them why not have a look at this

those big blue beams the sisters of battle units are firing are plasma flamers there tanks look very smiler firing a super heated beam of plasma which burn holes in what ever they are fire at.

with regards to fire not being effective against concrete have you seen what 4000 degrees can do to steel reinforced concrete ? the concrete literally explodes part of the reason is because concrete is made using water and when super heated that water flashes to steam but being inside an incompressible block of concrete that force has got nowhere to go and therefore will cause the concrete to fail catastrophically at its weakest point and when it fails it basically explodes another part of the reason for this is that the steel reinforcement expends when it heats up again causing structural failure, another part of the reason is because concrete is only strong under compression it's weak under tension and under tension brakes easily, this is basic material science 101.

so given this I see no reason that flamers wouldn't be able to destroy concrete buildings, they would have to burn pretty hot to do so but its definitely possible.

don't believe me here is what it looks like when concrete is exposed to high temperatures.

This effect is why the world trade centre collapsed after being attacked, because the concrete was exposed to high enough temperatures to start this process fatally weakening the buildings strength at which point it was only a matter of time till the whole thing came crashing down.

with regard to new paradigm units not being the best of test cases while in the global sense that is true you have to keep in mind that we are balancing in context with the level and the opposition we face on that level while the balancing might be off when looked at from a global perspective that's largely irrelevant so long as its balance for the level in question, again its why a systematic approach is better yes its more labour intensive but in my opinion its the only way to really get good results when trying to do something like this.
Posts: 661
Joined: 25 Sep 2009, 02:05

Re: Help needed testing 3.2.x Campaign games!

Post by Bethrezen »

pastdue wrote:New Windows nightly builds (built on Windows) are now available.

Latest Windows development builds (via AppVeyor CI): (And for developers: Debug Symbols)

The links will automatically download the latest successful build, as new commits are pushed to GitHub.

Help testing these builds is greatly appreciated.

Note: They likely do not fully support Windows XP yet (still waiting on that vcpkg PR), but it's much closer now (they are built with Qt 5.6!).
this build seems to have some issues when I install I get the following error
untitled.PNG (24.8 KiB) Viewed 5179 times
Then when I try and change the screen resolution to full screen the game crashes, not sure if this is an issue with the game or if its just because the run time files failed to download and install.

also when i start the game I get the following errors here are the logs again I'm not sure if this is an issue with the game or if its just because the run time files failed to download and install.

Code: Select all

--- Starting log [C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\My Documents\warzone2100-master_x86_portable\Warzone 2100 Portable-master\Warzone 2100 master\logs\WZlog-0527_135712.txt]---
error   |01:57:13: [wzMainScreenSetup:1860] Failed to create window at desired resolution: [0] 1024 x 768; instead, received window of resolution: [0] 1024 x 753; Reverting to default resolution of 640 x 480
error   |01:57:46: [khr_callback:141] GL::API(Performance:Medium) : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.

Code: Select all

--- Starting log [C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\My Documents\warzone2100-master_x86_portable\Warzone 2100 Portable-master\Warzone 2100 master\logs\WZlog-0527_135810.txt]---
error   |01:58:11: [wzMainScreenSetup:1860] Failed to create window at desired resolution: [0] 1024 x 768; instead, received window of resolution: [0] 1024 x 753; Reverting to default resolution of 640 x 480
error   |01:58:30: [khr_callback:141] GL::API(Performance:Medium) : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.

Code: Select all

--- Starting log [C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\My Documents\warzone2100-master_x86_portable\Warzone 2100 Portable-master\Warzone 2100 master\logs\WZlog-0527_140350.txt]---
error   |02:03:50: [wzMainScreenSetup:1860] Failed to create window at desired resolution: [0] 1024 x 768; instead, received window of resolution: [0] 1024 x 753; Reverting to default resolution of 640 x 480
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