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game nicks and how they make your opponent act

Posted: 07 May 2019, 06:05
by peterbill
I have used woof, meow, n00b, newbie, dog, ralph, cutter and other random names as testing to see what people do since if you use the same nick then people tend to already know your tactics. so far this seems to hold true that I already know what people who don't change nicks always attempt to do. this got me thinking when the lobby fixes the logins again would there be a limit on the number of nicks that we can use? or would we just make multiple forum accounts to avoid that? or can we have a master account with a list of nicks that we can change?

Re: game nicks and how they make your opponent act

Posted: 07 May 2019, 07:39
by Cyp
To avoid people knowing your tactics, one alternative to randomising your nick is randomising your tactics.