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Need tip to finish level

Posted: 30 Dec 2016, 08:59
by bigseb
I have been playing Warzone on/off for about 5 years. I enjoy the game but cannot get past a certain level in the campaign, the one where you need to stop the enemy transport leaving. I think this is level 10 or so, not sure. I have tried every strategy I can think of but it seems the transport arrives at the exact same moment every time my units get to a certain point and I just miss it every time.

Multiplayer and skirmish... no problem. But after 5 years of ending the campaign at the same point its gettting a bit old. Any tips?

Re: Need tip to finish level

Posted: 30 Dec 2016, 11:30
by bigseb
Nevermind, got it...

Typical... can't get it for 5 years, then I post and nail it an hour later... :oops: :roll:

Re: Need tip to finish level

Posted: 30 Dec 2016, 17:26
by montetank
Lol. You are not the first one. Yes-the first time i played the campaign i needed 3 weeks to solve this mission. I didnt know, that a official site exist :lol2:

Re: Need tip to finish level

Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 22:58
by Guardsman Brendo
Sadly, I just cheated it, afraid of losing my best units after being told what a bloodbath that level was by another player. *Shift+Backspace* *Enter* "let me win." Saddest WZ story ever for me. There was a glitch where my transport dropped off and it gave me only 7 seconds to complete the level, so that is my excuse. Even though I went to a save I had from the last mission so I could have an unbugged timer and have time to write in the cheat code.

Re: Need tip to finish level

Posted: 19 Aug 2019, 02:40
by ZonaDeGuerra
Stuck in the same leve. Any tips?

Re: Need tip to finish level

Posted: 25 Aug 2019, 17:23
by caocau
Follow the walkthrough:


Key: Go to the center area (Red point) as fast as possible to stop enemy tank before they bring artifact to their base.

Re: Need tip to finish level

Posted: 02 Mar 2020, 23:28
by matthewfarmery
This is a tricky mission, as the artifact carrying tank is both fast, and has a heap of health. I dont bother with a commander on this mission, just used cannon and lancer. But even then, the timer is a bit on the strict side, as it still tricky to take out the remaining tanks within the time limit and return to the LZ. Its the one mission I really dread on the alpha campaign.

But yeah, took me a few attempts to do it.

Re: Need tip to finish level

Posted: 04 Jun 2020, 17:13
by Nexusintruderprogram
half tracked cobras with mg's lancers and MRLS might work since they can get there faster be careful not to trigger the cut scene after you first land and get rid of the scavenger defenses in your way until you get into the vally then trigger it. also build a repair station nearby so your units don't have to go all the way back to the lz.