Cannot build / research Commander after loading a save.

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Joined: 23 Jan 2007, 01:27

Cannot build / research Commander after loading a save.

Post by Cmdr »

I am sorry to say I am not sure what level I am actually on, but I will try and describe.

I am back at base after doing 2 (I think) away missions in a row.  And I have just bumped into the "New Paradigm".  When I left off last night, I could research and build commanders.  When I loaded back up this evening I could not.

Please note I am talking about loading from the save point created at the end of a mission, not mid-mission.  AFAIK I still have commanders in my mid game save.

When I start this next mission, I have a 2 hour timer, and am about to stumble on bases in the lower right corner of the map.  I can research hardpoints and bunkers for the first time.  I hoep this is enough info.

Not sure if it is a bug.  If it is, vould you please move it to the appropriate forum.
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